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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第97章

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David Copperfield 

my head; and as I looked at him; he leered at the leaders with the 

eye with which he didn’t squint; in a very knowing manner。 

‘Ain’t you?’ asked William。 

‘Ain’t I what?’ said the gentleman behind。 

‘Bred them Suffolk Punches by wholesale?’ 

‘I should think so;’ said the gentleman。 ‘There ain’t no sort of 
orse that I ain’t bred; and no sort of dorg。 Orses and dorgs is some 
men’s fancy。 They’re wittles and drink to me—lodging; wife; and 
children—reading; writing; and ’rithmetic—snuff; tobacker; and 

‘That ain’t a sort of man to see sitting behind a coach…box; is it 
though?’ said William in my ear; as he handled the reins。 

I construed this remark into an indication of a wish that he 
should have my place; so I blushingly offered to resign it。 

‘Well; if you don’t mind; sir;’ said William; ‘I think it would be 
more correct。’ 

I have always considered this as the first fall I had in life。 When 
I booked my place at the coach office I had had ‘Box Seat’ written 
against the entry; and had given the book…keeper half…a…crown。 I 
was got up in a special great…coat and shawl; expressly to do 
honour to that distinguished eminence; had glorified myself upon 
it a good deal; and had felt that I was a credit to the coach。 And 
here; in the very first stage; I was supplanted by a shabby man 
with a squint; who had no other merit than smelling like a livery…
stables; and being able to walk across me; more like a fly than a 
human being; while the horses were at a canter! 

A distrust of myself; which has often beset me in life on small 
occasions; when it would have been better away; was assuredly 
not stopped in its growth by this little incident outside the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Canterbury coach。 It was in vain to take refuge in gruffness of 
speech。 I spoke from the pit of my stomach for the rest of the 
journey; but I felt completely extinguished; and dreadfully young。 

It was curious and interesting; nevertheless; to be sitting up 
there behind four horses: well educated; well dressed; and with 
plenty of money in my pocket; and to look out for the places where 
I had slept on my weary journey。 I had abundant occupation for 
my thoughts; in every conspicuous landmark on the road。 When I 
looked down at the trampers whom we passed; and saw that well…
remembered style of face turned up; I felt as if the tinker’s 
blackened hand were in the bosom of my shirt again。 When we 
clattered through the narrow street of Chatham; and I caught a 
glimpse; in passing; of the lane where the old monster lived who 
had bought my jacket; I stretched my neck eagerly to look for the 
place where I had sat; in the sun and in the shade; waiting for my 
money。 When we came; at last; within a stage of London; and 
passed the veritable Salem House where Mr。 Creakle had laid 
about him with a heavy hand; I would have given all I had; for 
lawful permission to get down and thrash him; and let all the boys 
out like so many caged sparrows。 

We went to the Golden Cross at Charing Cross; then a mouldy 
sort of establishment in a close neighbourhood。 A waiter showed 
me into the coffee…room; and a chambermaid introduced me to my 
small bedchamber; which smelt like a hackney…coach; and was 
shut up like a family vault。 I was still painfully conscious of my 
youth; for nobody stood in any awe of me at all: the chambermaid 
being utterly indifferent to my opinions on any subject; and the 
waiter being familiar with me; and offering advice to my 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Well now;’ said the waiter; in a tone of confidence; ‘what would 
you like for dinner? Young gentlemen likes poultry in general: 
have a fowl!’ 

I told him; as majestically as I could; that I wasn’t in the 
humour for a fowl。 

‘Ain’t you?’ said the waiter。 ‘Young gentlemen is generally tired 
of beef and mutton: have a weal cutlet!’ 

I assented to this proposal; in default of being able to suggest 
anything else。 

‘Do you care for taters?’ said the waiter; with an insinuating 
smile; and his head on one side。 ‘Young gentlemen generally has 
been overdosed with taters。’ 

I commanded him; in my deepest voice; to order a veal cutlet 
and potatoes; and all things fitting; and to inquire at the bar if 
there were any letters for Trotwood Copperfield; Esquire—which I 
knew there were not; and couldn’t be; but thought it manly to 
appear to expect。 

He soon came back to say that there were none (at which I was 
much surprised) and began to lay the cloth for my dinner in a box 
by the fire。 While he was so engaged; he asked me what I would 
take with it; and on my replying ‘Half a pint of sherry;’ thought it a 
favourable opportunity; I am afraid; to extract that measure of 
wine from the stale leavings at the bottoms of several small 
decanters。 I am of this opinion; because; while I was reading the 
newspaper; I observed him behind a low wooden partition; which 
was his private apartment; very busy pouring out of a number of 
those vessels into one; like a chemist and druggist making up a 
prescription。 When the wine came; too; I thought it flat; and it 
certainly had more English crumbs in it; than were to be expected 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

in a foreign wine in anything like a pure state; but I was bashful 
enough to drink it; and say nothing。 

Being then in a pleasant frame of mind (from which I infer that 
poisoning is not always disagreeable in some stages of the 
process); I resolved to go to the play。 It was Covent Garden 
Theatre that I chose; and there; from the back of a centre box; I 
saw Julius Caesar and the new Pantomime。 To have all those 
noble Romans alive before me; and walking in and out for my 
entertainment; instead of being the stern taskmasters they had 
been at school; was a most novel and delightful effect。 But the 
mingled reality and mystery of the whole show; the influence upon 
me of the poetry; the lights; the music; the company; the smooth 
stupendous changes of glittering and brilliant scenery; were so 
dazzling; and opened up such illimitable regions of delight; that 
when I came out into the rainy street; at twelve o’clock at night; I 
felt as if I had come from the clouds; where I had been leading a 
romantic life for ages; to a bawling; splashing; link…lighted; 
umbrella…struggling; hackney…coach…jostling; patten…clinking; 
muddy; miserable world。 

I had emerged by another door; and stood in the street for a 
little while; as if I really were a stranger upon earth: but the 
unceremonious pushing and hustling that I received; soon recalled 
me to myself; and put me in the road back to the hotel; whither I 
went; revolving the glorious vision all the way; and where; after 
some porter and oysters; I sat revolving it still; at past one o’clock; 
with my eyes on the coffee…room fire。 

I was so filled with the play; and with the past—for it was; in a 
manner; like a shining transparency; through 
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