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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第82章

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because she was very fond of Agnes; and was often backwards and 
forwards at our house。 There was a curious constraint between 
her and Mr。 Wickfield; I thought (of whom she seemed to be 
afraid); that never wore off。 When she came there of an evening; 
she always shrunk from accepting his escort home; and ran away 
with me instead。 And sometimes; as we were running gaily across 
the Cathedral yard together; expecting to meet nobody; we would 
meet Mr。 Jack Maldon; who was always surprised to see us。 

Mrs。 Strong’s mama was a lady I took great delight in。 Her 
name was Mrs。 Markleham; but our boys used to call her the Old 
Soldier; on account of her generalship; and the skill with which 
she marshalled great forces of relations against the Doctor。 She 
was a little; sharp…eyed woman; who used to wear; when she was 
dressed; one unchangeable cap; ornamented with some artificial 
flowers; and two artificial butterflies supposed to be hovering 
above the flowers。 There was a superstition among us that this cap 
had come from France; and could only originate in the 
workmanship of that ingenious nation: but all I certainly know 
about it; is; that it always made its appearance of an evening; 
wheresoever Mrs。 Markleham made her appearance; that it was 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

carried about to friendly meetings in a Hindoo basket; that the 
butterflies had the gift of trembling constantly; and that they 
improved the shining hours at Doctor Strong’s expense; like busy 

I observed the Old Soldier—not to adopt the name 
disrespectfully—to pretty good advantage; on a night which is 
made memorable to me by something else I shall relate。 It was the 
night of a little party at the Doctor’s; which was given on the 
occasion of Mr。 Jack Maldon’s departure for India; whither he was 
going as a cadet; or something of that kind: Mr。 Wickfield having 
at length arranged the business。 It happened to be the Doctor’s 
birthday; too。 We had had a holiday; had made presents to him in 
the morning; had made a speech to him through the head…boy; and 
had cheered him until we were hoarse; and until he had shed 
tears。 And now; in the evening; Mr。 Wickfield; Agnes; and I; went 
to have tea with him in his private capacity。 

Mr。 Jack Maldon was there; before us。 Mrs。 Strong; dressed in 
white; with cherry…coloured ribbons; was playing the piano; when 
we went in; and he was leaning over her to turn the leaves。 The 
clear red and white of her complexion was not so blooming and 
flower…like as usual; I thought; when she turned round; but she 
looked very pretty; Wonderfully pretty。 

‘I have forgotten; Doctor;’ said Mrs。 Strong’s mama; when we 
were seated; ‘to pay you the compliments of the day—though they 
are; as you may suppose; very far from being mere compliments in 
my case。 Allow me to wish you many happy returns。’ 

‘I thank you; ma’am;’ replied the Doctor。 

‘Many; many; many; happy returns;’ said the Old Soldier。 ‘Not 
only for your own sake; but for Annie’s; and John Maldon’s; and 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

many other people’s。 It seems but yesterday to me; John; when 
you were a little creature; a head shorter than Master Copperfield; 
making baby love to Annie behind the gooseberry bushes in the 

‘My dear mama;’ said Mrs。 Strong; ‘never mind that now。’ 

‘Annie; don’t be absurd;’ returned her mother。 ‘If you are to 
blush to hear of such things now you are an old married woman; 
when are you not to blush to hear of them?’ 

‘Old?’ exclaimed Mr。 Jack Maldon。 ‘Annie? Come!’ 

‘Yes; John;’ returned the Soldier。 ‘Virtually; an old married 
woman。 Although not old by years—for when did you ever hear 
me say; or who has ever heard me say; that a girl of twenty was old 
by years!—your cousin is the wife of the Doctor; and; as such; what 
I have described her。 It is well for you; John; that your cousin is 
the wife of the Doctor。 You have found in him an influential and 
kind friend; who will be kinder yet; I venture to predict; if you 
deserve it。 I have no false pride。 I never hesitate to admit; frankly; 
that there are some members of our family who want a friend。 You 
were one yourself; before your cousin’s influence raised up one for 

The Doctor; in the goodness of his heart; waved his hand as if to 
make light of it; and save Mr。 Jack Maldon from any further 
reminder。 But Mrs。 Markleham changed her chair for one next the 
Doctor’s; and putting her fan on his coat…sleeve; said: 

‘No; really; my dear Doctor; you must excuse me if I appear to 
dwell on this rather; because I feel so very strongly。 I call it quite 
my monomania; it is such a subject of mine。 You are a blessing to 
us。 You really are a Boon; you know。’ 

‘Nonsense; nonsense;’ said the Doctor。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘No; no; I beg your pardon;’ retorted the Old Soldier。 ‘With 
nobody present; but our dear and confidential friend Mr。 
Wickfield; I cannot consent to be put down。 I shall begin to assert 
the privileges of a mother…in…law; if you go on like that; and scold 
you。 I am perfectly honest and outspoken。 What I am saying; is 
what I said when you first overpowered me with surprise—you 
remember how surprised I was?—by proposing for Annie。 Not 
that there was anything so very much out of the way; in the mere 
fact of the proposal—it would be ridiculous to say that!—but 
because; you having known her poor father; and having known 
her from a baby six months old; I hadn’t thought of you in such a 
light at all; or indeed as a marrying man in any way;—simply that; 
you know。’ 

‘Aye; aye;’ returned the Doctor; good…humouredly。 ‘Never 

‘But I do mind;’ said the Old Soldier; laying her fan upon his 
lips。 ‘I mind very much。 I recall these things that I may be 
contradicted if I am wrong。 Well! Then I spoke to Annie; and I told 
her what had happened。 I said; “My dear; here’s Doctor Strong 
has positively been and made you the subject of a handsome 
declaration and an offer。” Did I press it in the least? No。 I said; 
“Now; Annie; tell me the truth this moment; is your heart free?” 
“Mama;” she said crying; “I am extremely young”—which was 
perfectly true—“and I hardly know if I have a heart at all。” “Then; 
my dear;” I said; “you may rely upon it; it’s free。 At all events; my 
love;” said I; “Doctor Strong is in an agitated state of mind; and 
must be answered。 He cannot be kept in his present state of 
suspense。” “Mama;” said Annie; still crying; “would he be 
unhappy without me? If he would; I honour and respect him so 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

much; that I think I will have him。” So it was settled。 And then; 
and not till then; I said to Annie; “Annie; Doctor Strong will not 
only be your husband; but he will represent your late father: he 
will represent the head of our family; he will represent the wisdom 
and station; and I may say the means; of our family; and wi
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