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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第80章

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of his reverie。 At length he aroused himself; and looked about the 
room until his eyes encountered mine。 

‘Stay with us; Trotwood; eh?’ he said in his usual manner; and 
as if he were answering something I had just said。 ‘I am glad of it。 
You are company to us both。 It is wholesome to have you here。 
Wholesome for me; wholesome for Agnes; wholesome perhaps for 
all of us。’ 

‘I am sure it is for me; sir;’ I said。 ‘I am so glad to be here。’ 

‘That’s a fine fellow!’ said Mr。 Wickfield。 ‘As long as you are 
glad to be here; you shall stay here。’ He shook hands with me upon 
it; and clapped me on the back; and told me that when I had 
anything to do at night after Agnes had left us; or when I wished to 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

read for my own pleasure; I was free to come down to his room; if 
he were there and if I desired it for company’s sake; and to sit with 
him。 I thanked him for his consideration; and; as he went down 
soon afterwards; and I was not tired; went down too; with a book 
in my hand; to avail myself; for half…an…hour; of his permission。 

But; seeing a light in the little round office; and immediately 
feeling myself attracted towards Uriah Heep; who had a sort of 
fascination for me; I went in there instead。 I found Uriah reading a 
great fat book; with such demonstrative attention; that his lank 
forefinger followed up every line as he read; and made clammy 
tracks along the page (or so I fully believed) like a snail。 

‘You are working late tonight; Uriah;’ says I。 

‘Yes; Master Copperfield;’ says Uriah。 

As I was getting on the stool opposite; to talk to him more 
conveniently; I observed that he had not such a thing as a smile 
about him; and that he could only widen his mouth and make two 
hard creases down his cheeks; one on each side; to stand for one。 

‘I am not doing office…work; Master Copperfield;’ said Uriah。 

‘What work; then?’ I asked。 

‘I am improving my legal knowledge; Master Copperfield;’ said 
Uriah。 ‘I am going through Tidd’s Practice。 Oh; what a writer Mr。 
Tidd is; Master Copperfield!’ 

My stool was such a tower of observation; that as I watched him 
reading on again; after this rapturous exclamation; and following 
up the lines with his forefinger; I observed that his nostrils; which 
were thin and pointed; with sharp dints in them; had a singular 
and most uncomfortable way of expanding and contracting 
themselves—that they seemed to twinkle instead of his eyes; 
which hardly ever twinkled at all。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘I suppose you are quite a great lawyer?’ I said; after looking at 
him for some time。 

‘Me; Master Copperfield?’ said Uriah。 ‘Oh; no! I’m a very umble 

It was no fancy of mine about his hands; I observed; for he 
frequently ground the palms against each other as if to squeeze 
them dry and warm; besides often wiping them; in a stealthy way; 
on his pocket…handkerchief。 

‘I am well aware that I am the umblest person going;’ said 
Uriah Heep; modestly; ‘let the other be where he may。 My mother 
is likewise a very umble person。 We live in a numble abode; 
Master Copperfield; but have much to be thankful for。 My father’s 
former calling was umble。 He was a sexton。’ 

‘What is he now?’ I asked。 

‘He is a partaker of glory at present; Master Copperfield;’ said 
Uriah Heep。 ‘But we have much to be thankful for。 How much 
have I to be thankful for in living with Mr。 Wickfield!’ 

I asked Uriah if he had been with Mr。 Wickfield long? 

‘I have been with him; going on four year; Master Copperfield;’ 
said Uriah; shutting up his book; after carefully marking the place 
where he had left off。 ‘Since a year after my father’s death。 How 
much have I to be thankful for; in that! How much have I to be 
thankful for; in Mr。 Wickfield’s kind intention to give me my 
articles; which would otherwise not lay within the umble means of 
mother and self!’ 

‘Then; when your articled time is over; you’ll be a regular 
lawyer; I suppose?’ said I。 

‘With the blessing of Providence; Master Copperfield;’ returned 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Perhaps you’ll be a partner in Mr。 Wickfield’s business; one of 
these days;’ I said; to make myself agreeable; ‘and it will be 
Wickfield and Heep; or Heep late Wickfield。’ 

‘Oh no; Master Copperfield;’ returned Uriah; shaking his head; 
‘I am much too umble for that!’ 

He certainly did look uncommonly like the carved face on the 
beam outside my window; as he sat; in his humility; eyeing me 
sideways; with his mouth widened; and the creases in his cheeks。 

‘Mr。 Wickfield is a most excellent man; Master Copperfield;’ 
said Uriah。 ‘If you have known him long; you know it; I am sure; 
much better than I can inform you。’ 

I replied that I was certain he was; but that I had not known 
him long myself; though he was a friend of my aunt’s。 

‘Oh; indeed; Master Copperfield;’ said Uriah。 ‘Your aunt is a 
sweet lady; Master Copperfield!’ 

He had a way of writhing when he wanted to express 
enthusiasm; which was very ugly; and which diverted my attention 
from the compliment he had paid my relation; to the snaky 
twistings of his throat and body。 

‘A sweet lady; Master Copperfield!’ said Uriah Heep。 ‘She has a 
great admiration for Miss Agnes; Master Copperfield; I believe?’ 

I said; ‘Yes;’ boldly; not that I knew anything about it; Heaven 
forgive me! 

‘I hope you have; too; Master Copperfield;’ said Uriah。 ‘But I am 
sure you must have。’ 

‘Everybody must have;’ I returned。 

‘Oh; thank you; Master Copperfield;’ said Uriah Heep; ‘for that 
remark! It is so true! Umble as I am; I know it is so true! Oh; thank 
you; Master Copperfield!’ He writhed himself quite off his stool in 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

the excitement of his feelings; and; being off; began to make 
arrangements for going home。 

‘Mother will be expecting me;’ he said; referring to a pale; 
inexpressive…faced watch in his pocket; ‘and getting uneasy; for 
though we are very umble; Master Copperfield; we are much 
attached to one another。 If you would come and see us; any 
afternoon; and take a cup of tea at our lowly dwelling; mother 
would be as proud of your company as I should be。’ 

I said I should be glad to come。 

‘Thank you; Master Copperfield;’ returned Uriah; putting his 
book away upon the shelf—‘I suppose you stop here; some time; 
Master Copperfield?’ 

I said I was going to be brought up there; I believed; as long as I 
remained at school。 

‘Oh; indeed!’ exclaimed Uriah。 ‘I should think you would come 
into the business at last; Master Copperfield!’ 

I protested that I had no views of that sort; and that no such 
scheme was entertained in my behalf by anybody; but Uriah 
insisted on blandly replying to all my assurances; ‘Oh; yes; Master 
Copperfield; I should think you would; indeed!’ and; ‘Oh; indeed; 
Master Copperfield; I should th
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