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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第79章

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‘Here’s Mr。 Maldon begs the favour of a word; sir。’ 

‘I am but this moment quit of Mr。 Maldon;’ said his master。 

‘Yes; sir;’ returned Uriah; ‘but Mr。 Maldon has come back; and 
he begs the favour of a word。’ As he held the door open with his 
hand; Uriah looked at me; and looked at Agnes; and looked at the 
dishes; and looked at the plates; and looked at every object in the 
room; I thought;—yet seemed to look at nothing; he made such an 
appearance all the while of keeping his red eyes dutifully on his 
master。 ‘I beg your pardon。 It’s only to say; on reflection;’ observed 
a voice behind Uriah; as Uriah’s head was pushed away; and the 
speaker’s substituted—‘pray excuse me for this intrusion—that as 
it seems I have no choice in the matter; the sooner I go abroad the 
better。 My cousin Annie did say; when we talked of it; that she 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

liked to have her friends within reach rather than to have them 

banished; and the old Doctor—’ 

‘Doctor Strong; was that?’ Mr。 Wickfield interposed; gravely。 

‘Doctor Strong; of course;’ returned the other; ‘I call him the old 
Doctor; it’s all the same; you know。’ 

‘I don’t know;’ returned Mr。 Wickfield。 

‘Well; Doctor Strong;’ said the other—‘Doctor Strong was of the 
same mind; I believed。 But as it appears from the course you take 
with me he has changed his mind; why there’s no more to be said; 
except that the sooner I am off; the better。 Therefore; I thought I’d 
come back and say; that the sooner I am off the better。 When a 
plunge is to be made into the water; it’s of no use lingering on the 

‘There shall be as little lingering as possible; in your case; Mr。 
Maldon; you may depend upon it;’ said Mr。 Wickfield。 

‘Thank’ee;’ said the other。 ‘Much obliged。 I don’t want to look a 
gift…horse in the mouth; which is not a gracious thing to do; 
otherwise; I dare say; my cousin Annie could easily arrange it in 
her own way。 I suppose Annie would only have to say to the old 

‘Meaning that Mrs。 Strong would only have to say to her 
husband—do I follow you?’ said Mr。 Wickfield。 

‘Quite so;’ returned the other; ‘—would only have to say; that 
she wanted such and such a thing to be so and so; and it would be 
so and so; as a matter of course。’ 

‘And why as a matter of course; Mr。 Maldon?’ asked Mr。 
Wickfield; sedately eating his dinner。 

‘Why; because Annie’s a charming young girl; and the old 
Doctor—Doctor Strong; I mean—is not quite a charming young 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

boy;’ said Mr。 Jack Maldon; laughing。 ‘No offence to anybody; Mr。 
Wickfield。 I only mean that I suppose some compensation is fair 
and reasonable in that sort of marriage。’ 

‘Compensation to the lady; sir?’ asked Mr。 Wickfield gravely。 

‘To the lady; sir;’ Mr。 Jack Maldon answered; laughing。 But 
appearing to remark that Mr。 Wickfield went on with his dinner in 
the same sedate; immovable manner; and that there was no hope 
of making him relax a muscle of his face; he added: ‘However; I 
have said what I came to say; and; with another apology for this 
intrusion; I may take myself off。 Of course I shall observe your 
directions; in considering the matter as one to be arranged 
between you and me solely; and not to be referred to; up at the 

‘Have you dined?’ asked Mr。 Wickfield; with a motion of his 
hand towards the table。 

‘Thank’ee。 I am going to dine;’ said Mr。 Maldon; ‘with my 
cousin Annie。 Good…bye!’ 

Mr。 Wickfield; without rising; looked after him thoughtfully as 
he went out。 He was rather a shallow sort of young gentleman; I 
thought; with a handsome face; a rapid utterance; and a confident; 
bold air。 And this was the first I ever saw of Mr。 Jack Maldon; 
whom I had not expected to see so soon; when I heard the Doctor 
speak of him that morning。 

When we had dined; we went upstairs again; where everything 
went on exactly as on the previous day。 Agnes set the glasses and 
decanters in the same corner; and Mr。 Wickfield sat down to drink; 
and drank a good deal。 Agnes played the piano to him; sat by him; 
and worked and talked; and played some games at dominoes with 
me。 In good time she made tea; and afterwards; when I brought 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

down my books; looked into them; and showed me what she knew 
of them (which was no slight matter; though she said it was); and 
what was the best way to learn and understand them。 I see her; 
with her modest; orderly; placid manner; and I hear her beautiful 
calm voice; as I write these words。 The influence for all good; 
which she came to exercise over me at a later time; begins already 
to descend upon my breast。 I love little Em’ly; and I don’t love 
Agnes—no; not at all in that way—but I feel that there are 
goodness; peace; and truth; wherever Agnes is; and that the soft 
light of the coloured window in the church; seen long ago; falls on 
her always; and on me when I am near her; and on everything 

The time having come for her withdrawal for the night; and she 
having left us; I gave Mr。 Wickfield my hand; preparatory to going 
away myself。 But he checked me and said: ‘Should you like to stay 
with us; Trotwood; or to go elsewhere?’ 

‘To stay;’ I answered; quickly。 

‘You are sure?’ 

‘If you please。 If I may!’ 

‘Why; it’s but a dull life that we lead here; boy; I am afraid;’ he 

‘Not more dull for me than Agnes; sir。 Not dull at all!’ 

‘Than Agnes;’ he repeated; walking slowly to the great chimney…
piece; and leaning against it。 ‘Than Agnes!’ 

He had drank wine that evening (or I fancied it); until his eyes 
were bloodshot。 Not that I could see them now; for they were cast 
down; and shaded by his hand; but I had noticed them a little 
while before。 

‘Now I wonder;’ he muttered; ‘whether my Agnes tires of me。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

When should I ever tire of her! But that’s different; that’s quite 


He was musing; not speaking to me; so I remained quiet。 

‘A dull old house;’ he said; ‘and a monotonous life; but I must 
have her near me。 I must keep her near me。 If the thought that I 
may die and leave my darling; or that my darling may die and 
leave me; comes like a spectre; to distress my happiest hours; and 
is only to be drowned in—’ 

He did not supply the word; but pacing slowly to the place 
where he had sat; and mechanically going through the action of 
pouring wine from the empty decanter; set it down and paced 
back again。 

‘If it is miserable to bear; when she is here;’ he said; ‘what 
would it be; and she away? No; no; no。 I cannot try that。’ 

He leaned against the chimney…piece; brooding so long that I 
could not decide whether to run the risk of disturbing him by 
going; or to remain quietly where I was; until he should come out 
of his reverie。 At length he aroused himself; and looked about the 
room until his
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