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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第77章

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hopeful of you。’ 

I promised; as well as I could; that I would not abuse her 
kindness or forget her admonition。 

‘The pony’s at the door;’ said my aunt; ‘and I am off! Stay here。’ 
With these words she embraced me hastily; and went out of the 
room; shutting the door after her。 At first I was startled by so 
abrupt a departure; and almost feared I had displeased her; but 
when I looked into the street; and saw how dejectedly she got into 
the chaise; and drove away without looking up; I understood her 
better and did not do her that injustice。 

By five o’clock; which was Mr。 Wickfield’s dinner…hour; I had 
mustered up my spirits again; and was ready for my knife and 
fork。 The cloth was only laid for us two; but Agnes was waiting in 
the drawing…room before dinner; went down with her father; and 
sat opposite to him at table。 I doubted whether he could have 
dined without her。 

We did not stay there; after dinner; but came upstairs into the 
drawing…room again: in one snug corner of which; Agnes set 
glasses for her father; and a decanter of port wine。 I thought he 
would have missed its usual flavour; if it had been put there for 
him by any other hands。 

There he sat; taking his wine; and taking a good deal of it; for 
two hours; while Agnes played on the piano; worked; and talked to 
him and me。 He was; for the most part; gay and cheerful with us; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

but sometimes his eyes rested on her; and he fell into a brooding 
state; and was silent。 She always observed this quickly; I thought; 
and always roused him with a question or caress。 Then he came 
out of his meditation; and drank more wine。 

Agnes made the tea; and presided over it; and the time passed 
away after it; as after dinner; until she went to bed; when her 
father took her in his arms and kissed her; and; she being gone; 
ordered candles in his office。 Then I went to bed too。 

But in the course of the evening I had rambled down to the 
door; and a little way along the street; that I might have another 
peep at the old houses; and the grey Cathedral; and might think of 
my coming through that old city on my journey; and of my passing 
the very house I lived in; without knowing it。 As I came back; I saw 
Uriah Heep shutting up the office; and feeling friendly towards 
everybody; went in and spoke to him; and at parting; gave him my 
hand。 But oh; what a clammy hand his was! as ghostly to the touch 
as to the sight! I rubbed mine afterwards; to warm it; and to rub his 

It was such an uncomfortable hand; that; when I went to my 
room; it was still cold and wet upon my memory。 Leaning out of 
the window; and seeing one of the faces on the beam…ends looking 
at me sideways; I fancied it was Uriah Heep got up there 
somehow; and shut him out in a hurry。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Chapter 16 


Next morning; after breakfast; I entered on school life 
again。 I went; accompanied by Mr。 Wickfield; to the 
scene of my future studies—a grave building in a 
courtyard; with a learned air about it that seemed very well suited 
to the stray rooks and jackdaws who came down from the 
Cathedral towers to walk with a clerkly bearing on the grass…
plot—and was introduced to my new master; Doctor Strong。 

Doctor Strong looked almost as rusty; to my thinking; as the tall 
iron rails and gates outside the house; and almost as stiff and 
heavy as the great stone urns that flanked them; and were set up; 
on the top of the red…brick wall; at regular distances all round the 
court; like sublimated skittles; for Time to play at。 He was in his 
library (I mean Doctor Strong was); with his clothes not 
particularly well brushed; and his hair not particularly well 
combed; his knee…smalls unbraced; his long black gaiters 
unbuttoned; and his shoes yawning like two caverns on the 
hearth…rug。 Turning upon me a lustreless eye; that reminded me 
of a long…forgotten blind old horse who once used to crop the 
grass; and tumble over the graves; in Blunderstone churchyard; he 
said he was glad to see me: and then he gave me his hand; which I 
didn’t know what to do with; as it did nothing for itself。 

But; sitting at work; not far from Doctor Strong; was a very 
pretty young lady—whom he called Annie; and who was his 
daughter; I supposed—who got me out of my difficulty by kneeling 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

down to put Doctor Strong’s shoes on; and button his gaiters; 
which she did with great cheerfulness and quickness。 When she 
had finished; and we were going out to the schoolroom; I was 
much surprised to hear Mr。 Wickfield; in bidding her good 
morning; address her as ‘Mrs。 Strong’; and I was wondering could 
she be Doctor Strong’s son’s wife; or could she be Mrs。 Doctor 
Strong; when Doctor Strong himself unconsciously enlightened 

‘By the by; Wickfield;’ he said; stopping in a passage with his 
hand on my shoulder; ‘you have not found any suitable provision 
for my wife’s cousin yet?’ 

‘No;’ said Mr。 Wickfield。 ‘No。 Not yet。’ 

‘I could wish it done as soon as it can be done; Wickfield;’ said 
Doctor Strong; ‘for Jack Maldon is needy; and idle; and of those 
two bad things; worse things sometimes come。 What does Doctor 
Watts say;’ he added; looking at me; and moving his head to the 
time of his quotation; ‘“Satan finds some mischief still; for idle 
hands to do。”’ 

‘Egad; Doctor;’ returned Mr。 Wickfield; ‘if Doctor Watts knew 
mankind; he might have written; with as much truth; “Satan finds 
some mischief still; for busy hands to do。” The busy people achieve 
their full share of mischief in the world; you may rely upon it。 
What have the people been about; who have been the busiest in 
getting money; and in getting power; this century or two? No 

‘Jack Maldon will never be very busy in getting either; I expect;’ 
said Doctor Strong; rubbing his chin thoughtfully。 

‘Perhaps not;’ said Mr。 Wickfield; ‘and you bring me back to the 
question; with an apology for digressing。 No; I have not been able 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

to dispose of Mr。 Jack Maldon yet。 I believe;’ he said this with 
some hesitation; ‘I penetrate your motive; and it makes the thing 
more difficult。’ 

‘My motive;’ returned Doctor Strong; ‘is to make some suitable 
provision for a cousin; and an old playfellow; of Annie’s。’ 

‘Yes; I know;’ said Mr。 Wickfield; ‘at home or abroad。’ 

‘Aye!’ replied the Doctor; apparently wondering why he 
emphasized those words so much。 ‘At home or abroad。’ 

‘Your own expression; you know;’ said Mr。 Wickfield。 ‘Or 

‘Surely;’ the Doctor answered。 ‘Surely。 One or other。’ 

‘One or other? Have you no choice?’ asked Mr。 Wickfield。 

‘No;’ returned the Doctor。 

‘No?’ with astonishment。 

‘Not the least。’ 

‘No motive;’ said Mr。 Wickfield; ‘for meaning abroad; and not at 

‘No;’ returned the Doctor。 

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