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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第67章

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curiously bowed—not by age; it reminded me of one of Mr。 
Creakle’s boys’ heads after a beating—and his grey eyes 
prominent and large; with a strange kind of watery brightness in 
them that made me; in combination with his vacant manner; his 
submission to my aunt; and his childish delight when she praised 
him; suspect him of being a little mad; though; if he were mad; 
how he came to be there puzzled me extremely。 He was dressed 
like any other ordinary gentleman; in a loose grey morning coat 
and waistcoat; and white trousers; and had his watch in his fob; 
and his money in his pockets: which he rattled as if he were very 
proud of it。 

Janet was a pretty blooming girl; of about nineteen or twenty; 
and a perfect picture of neatness。 Though I made no further 
observation of her at the moment; I may mention here what I did 
not discover until afterwards; namely; that she was one of a series 
of protégées whom my aunt had taken into her service expressly to 
educate in a renouncement of mankind; and who had generally 
completed their abjuration by marrying the baker。 

The room was as neat as Janet or my aunt。 As I laid down my 
pen; a moment since; to think of it; the air from the sea came 
blowing in again; mixed with the perfume of the flowers; and I saw 
the old…fashioned furniture brightly rubbed and polished; my 
aunt’s inviolable chair and table by the round green fan in the 
bow…window; the drugget…covered carpet; the cat; the kettle…
holder; the two canaries; the old china; the punchbowl full of dried 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

rose…leaves; the tall press guarding all sorts of bottles and pots; 
and; wonderfully out of keeping with the rest; my dusty self upon 
the sofa; taking note of everything。 

Janet had gone away to get the bath ready; when my aunt; to 
my great alarm; became in one moment rigid with indignation; 
and had hardly voice to cry out; ‘Janet! Donkeys!’ 

Upon which; Janet came running up the stairs as if the house 
were in flames; darted out on a little piece of green in front; and 
warned off two saddle…donkeys; lady…ridden; that had presumed to 
set hoof upon it; while my aunt; rushing out of the house; seized 
the bridle of a third animal laden with a bestriding child; turned 
him; led him forth from those sacred precincts; and boxed the ears 
of the unlucky urchin in attendance who had dared to profane that 
hallowed ground。 

To this hour I don’t know whether my aunt had any lawful right 
of way over that patch of green; but she had settled it in her own 
mind that she had; and it was all the same to her。 The one great 
outrage of her life; demanding to be constantly avenged; was the 
passage of a donkey over that immaculate spot。 In whatever 
occupation she was engaged; however interesting to her the 
conversation in which she was taking part; a donkey turned the 
current of her ideas in a moment; and she was upon him straight。 
Jugs of water; and watering…pots; were kept in secret places ready 
to be discharged on the offending boys; sticks were laid in ambush 
behind the door; sallies were made at all hours; and incessant war 
prevailed。 Perhaps this was an agreeable excitement to the 
donkey…boys; or perhaps the more sagacious of the donkeys; 
understanding how the case stood; delighted with constitutional 
obstinacy in coming that way。 I only know that there were three 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

alarms before the bath was ready; and that on the occasion of the 
last and most desperate of all; I saw my aunt engage; single…
handed; with a sandy…headed lad of fifteen; and bump his sandy 
head against her own gate; before he seemed to comprehend what 
was the matter。 These interruptions were of the more ridiculous to 
me; because she was giving me broth out of a table…spoon at the 
time (having firmly persuaded herself that I was actually starving; 
and must receive nourishment at first in very small quantities); 
and; while my mouth was yet open to receive the spoon; she would 
put it back into the basin; cry ‘Janet! Donkeys!’ and go out to the 

The bath was a great comfort。 For I began to be sensible of 
acute pains in my limbs from lying out in the fields; and was now 
so tired and low that I could hardly keep myself awake for five 
minutes together。 When I had bathed; they (I mean my aunt and 
Janet) enrobed me in a shirt and a pair of trousers belonging to 
Mr。 Dick; and tied me up in two or three great shawls。 What sort of 
bundle I looked like; I don’t know; but I felt a very hot one。 Feeling 
also very faint and drowsy; I soon lay down on the sofa again and 
fell asleep。 

It might have been a dream; originating in the fancy which had 
occupied my mind so long; but I awoke with the impression that 
my aunt had come and bent over me; and had put my hair away 
from my face; and laid my head more comfortably; and had then 
stood looking at me。 The words; ‘Pretty fellow;’ or ‘Poor fellow;’ 
seemed to be in my ears; too; but certainly there was nothing else; 
when I awoke; to lead me to believe that they had been uttered by 
my aunt; who sat in the bow…window gazing at the sea from 
behind the green fan; which was mounted on a kind of swivel; and 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

turned any way。 

We dined soon after I awoke; off a roast fowl and a pudding; I 
sitting at table; not unlike a trussed bird myself; and moving my 
arms with considerable difficulty。 But as my aunt had swathed me 
up; I made no complaint of being inconvenienced。 All this time I 
was deeply anxious to know what she was going to do with me; but 
she took her dinner in profound silence; except when she 
occasionally fixed her eyes on me sitting opposite; and said; ‘Mercy 
upon us!’ which did not by any means relieve my anxiety。 

The cloth being drawn; and some sherry put upon the table (of 
which I had a glass); my aunt sent up for Mr。 Dick again; who 
joined us; and looked as wise as he could when she requested him 
to attend to my story; which she elicited from me; gradually; by a 
course of questions。 During my recital; she kept her eyes on Mr。 
Dick; who I thought would have gone to sleep but for that; and 
who; whensoever he lapsed into a smile; was checked by a frown 
from my aunt。 

‘Whatever possessed that poor unfortunate Baby; that she must 
go and be married again;’ said my aunt; when I had finished; ‘I 
can’t conceive。’ 

‘Perhaps she fell in love with her second husband;’ Mr。 Dick 

‘Fell in love!’ repeated my aunt。 ‘What do you mean? What 
business had she to do it?’ 

‘Perhaps;’ Mr。 Dick simpered; after thinking a little; ‘she did it 
for pleasure。’ 

‘Pleasure; indeed!’ replied my aunt。 ‘A mighty pleasure for the 
poor Baby to fix her simple faith upon any dog of a fellow; certain 
to ill…use her in some way or other。 What did she propose to 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

herself; I should like to know! She had had one husband。 She had 
seen David Copperfield out of the world;
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