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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第65章

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down to sleep; it was with me on my waking in the morning; it 
went before me all day。 I have associated it; ever since; with the 
sunny street of Canterbury; dozing as it were in the hot light; and 
with the sight of its old houses and gateways; and the stately; grey 
Cathedral; with the rooks sailing round the towers。 When I came; 
at last; upon the bare; wide downs near Dover; it relieved the 
solitary aspect of the scene with hope; and not until I reached that 
first great aim of my journey; and actually set foot in the town 
itself; on the sixth day of my flight; did it desert me。 But then; 
strange to say; when I stood with my ragged shoes; and my dusty; 
sunburnt; half…clothed figure; in the place so long desired; it 
seemed to vanish like a dream; and to leave me helpless and 

I inquired about my aunt among the boatmen first; and 
received various answers。 One said she lived in the South 
Foreland Light; and had singed her whiskers by doing so; another; 
that she was made fast to the great buoy outside the harbour; and 
could only be visited at half…tide; a third; that she was locked up in 
Maidstone jail for child…stealing; a fourth; that she was seen to 
mount a broom in the last high wind; and make direct for Calais。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

The fly…drivers; among whom I inquired next; were equally jocose 
and equally disrespectful; and the shopkeepers; not liking my 
appearance; generally replied; without hearing what I had to say; 
that they had got nothing for me。 I felt more miserable and 
destitute than I had done at any period of my running away。 My 
money was all gone; I had nothing left to dispose of; I was hungry; 
thirsty; and worn out; and seemed as distant from my end as if I 
had remained in London。 

The morning had worn away in these inquiries; and I was 
sitting on the step of an empty shop at a street corner; near the 
market…place; deliberating upon wandering towards those other 
places which had been mentioned; when a fly…driver; coming by 
with his carriage; dropped a horsecloth。 Something good…natured 
in the man’s face; as I handed it up; encouraged me to ask him if 
he could tell me where Miss Trotwood lived; though I had asked 
the question so often; that it almost died upon my lips。 

‘Trotwood;’ said he。 ‘Let me see。 I know the name; too。 Old 

‘Yes;’ I said; ‘rather。’ 

‘Pretty stiff in the back?’ said he; making himself upright。 

‘Yes;’ I said。 ‘I should think it very likely。’ 

‘Carries a bag?’ said he—‘bag with a good deal of room in it—is 
gruffish; and comes down upon you; sharp?’ 

My heart sank within me as I acknowledged the undoubted 
accuracy of this description。 

‘Why then; I tell you what;’ said he。 ‘If you go up there;’ pointing 
with his whip towards the heights; ‘and keep right on till you come 
to some houses facing the sea; I think you’ll hear of her。 My 
opinion is she won’t stand anything; so here’s a penny for you。’ 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

I accepted the gift thankfully; and bought a loaf with it。 
Dispatching this refreshment by the way; I went in the direction 
my friend had indicated; and walked on a good distance without 
coming to the houses he had mentioned。 At length I saw some 
before me; and approaching them; went into a little shop (it was 
what we used to call a general shop; at home); and inquired if they 
could have the goodness to tell me where Miss Trotwood lived。 I 
addressed myself to a man behind the counter; who was weighing 
some rice for a young woman; but the latter; taking the inquiry to 
herself; turned round quickly。 

‘My mistress?’ she said。 ‘What do you want with her; boy?’ 

‘I want;’ I replied; ‘to speak to her; if you please。’ 

‘To beg of her; you mean;’ retorted the damsel。 

‘No;’ I said; ‘indeed。’ But suddenly remembering that in truth I 
came for no other purpose; I held my peace in confusion; and felt 
my face burn。 

My aunt’s handmaid; as I supposed she was from what she had 
said; put her rice in a little basket and walked out of the shop; 
telling me that I could follow her; if I wanted to know where Miss 
Trotwood lived。 I needed no second permission; though I was by 
this time in such a state of consternation and agitation; that my 
legs shook under me。 I followed the young woman; and we soon 
came to a very neat little cottage with cheerful bow…windows: in 
front of it; a small square gravelled court or garden full of flowers; 
carefully tended; and smelling deliciously。 

‘This is Miss Trotwood’s;’ said the young woman。 ‘Now you 
know; and that’s all I have got to say。’ With which words she 
hurried into the house; as if to shake off the responsibility of my 
appearance; and left me standing at the garden…gate; looking 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

disconsolately over the top of it towards the parlour window; 
where a muslin curtain partly undrawn in the middle; a large 
round green screen or fan fastened on to the windowsill; a small 
table; and a great chair; suggested to me that my aunt might be at 
that moment seated in awful state。 

My shoes were by this time in a woeful condition。 The soles had 
shed themselves bit by bit; and the upper leathers had broken and 
burst until the very shape and form of shoes had departed from 
them。 My hat (which had served me for a night…cap; too) was so 
crushed and bent; that no old battered handleless saucepan on a 
dunghill need have been ashamed to vie with it。 My shirt and 
trousers; stained with heat; dew; grass; and the Kentish soil on 
which I had slept—and torn besides—might have frightened the 
birds from my aunt’s garden; as I stood at the gate。 My hair had 
known no comb or brush since I left London。 My face; neck; and 
hands; from unaccustomed exposure to the air and sun; were 
burnt to a berry…brown。 From head to foot I was powdered almost 
as white with chalk and dust; as if I had come out of a lime…kiln。 In 
this plight; and with a strong consciousness of it; I waited to 
introduce myself to; and make my first impression on; my 
formidable aunt。 

The unbroken stillness of the parlour window leading me to 
infer; after a while; that she was not there; I lifted up my eyes to 
the window above it; where I saw a florid; pleasant…looking 
gentleman; with a grey head; who shut up one eye in a grotesque 
manner; nodded his head at me several times; shook it at me as 
often; laughed; and went away。 

I had been discomposed enough before; but I was so much the 
more discomposed by this unexpected behaviour; that I was on the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

point of slinking off; to think how I had best proceed; when there 
came out of the house a lady with her handkerchief tied over her 
cap; and a pair of gardening gloves on her hands; wearing a 
gardening pocket like a toll…man’s apron; and carrying a great 
knife。 I knew her immediately to be Miss Betsey; for she came 
stalking out of the house exactly as my poor mother had 
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