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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第52章

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I lounged about the house and neighbourhood quite disregarded; 
except that they were jealous of my making any friends: thinking; 
perhaps; that if I did; I might complain to someone。 For this 
reason; though Mr。 Chillip often asked me to go and see him (he 
was a widower; having; some years before that; lost a little small 
light…haired wife; whom I can just remember connecting in my 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

own thoughts with a pale tortoise…shell cat); it was but seldom that 
I enjoyed the happiness of passing an afternoon in his closet of a 
surgery; reading some book that was new to me; with the smell of 
the whole Pharmacopoeia coming up my nose; or pounding 
something in a mortar under his mild directions。 

For the same reason; added no doubt to the old dislike of her; I 
was seldom allowed to visit Peggotty。 Faithful to her promise; she 
either came to see me; or met me somewhere near; once every 
week; and never empty…handed; but many and bitter were the 
disappointments I had; in being refused permission to pay a visit 
to her at her house。 Some few times; however; at long intervals; I 
was allowed to go there; and then I found out that Mr。 Barkis was 
something of a miser; or as Peggotty dutifully expressed it; was ‘a 
little near’; and kept a heap of money in a box under his bed; 
which he pretended was only full of coats and trousers。 In this 
coffer; his riches hid themselves with such a tenacious modesty; 
that the smallest instalments could only be tempted out by artifice; 
so that Peggotty had to prepare a long and elaborate scheme; a 
very Gunpowder Plot; for every Saturday’s expenses。 

All this time I was so conscious of the waste of any promise I 
had given; and of my being utterly neglected; that I should have 
been perfectly miserable; I have no doubt; but for the old books。 
They were my only comfort; and I was as true to them as they 
were to me; and read them over and over I don’t know how many 
times more。 

I now approach a period of my life; which I can never lose the 
remembrance of; while I remember anything: and the recollection 
of which has often; without my invocation; come before me like a 
ghost; and haunted happier times。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

I had been out; one day; loitering somewhere; in the listless; 
meditative manner that my way of life engendered; when; turning 
the corner of a lane near our house; I came upon Mr。 Murdstone 
walking with a gentleman。 I was confused; and was going by them; 
when the gentleman cried: 

‘What! Brooks!’ 

‘No; sir; David Copperfield;’ I said。 

‘Don’t tell me。 You are Brooks;’ said the gentleman。 ‘You are 
Brooks of Sheffield。 That’s your name。’ 

At these words; I observed the gentleman more attentively。 His 
laugh coming to my remembrance too; I knew him to be Mr。 
Quinion; whom I had gone over to Lowestoft with Mr。 Murdstone 
to see; before—it is no matter—I need not recall when。 

‘And how do you get on; and where are you being educated; 
Brooks?’ said Mr。 Quinion。 

He had put his hand upon my shoulder; and turned me about; 
to walk with them。 I did not know what to reply; and glanced 
dubiously at Mr。 Murdstone。 

‘He is at home at present;’ said the latter。 ‘He is not being 
educated anywhere。 I don’t know what to do with him。 He is a 
difficult subject。’ 

That old; double look was on me for a moment; and then his 
eyes darkened with a frown; as it turned; in its aversion; 

‘Humph!’ said Mr。 Quinion; looking at us both; I thought。 ‘Fine 

Silence ensued; and I was considering how I could best 
disengage my shoulder from his hand; and go away; when he said: 

‘I suppose you are a pretty sharp fellow still? Eh; Brooks?’ 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Aye! He is sharp enough;’ said Mr。 Murdstone; impatiently。 
‘You had better let him go。 He will not thank you for troubling 

On this hint; Mr。 Quinion released me; and I made the best of 
my way home。 Looking back as I turned into the front garden; I 
saw Mr。 Murdstone leaning against the wicket of the churchyard; 
and Mr。 Quinion talking to him。 They were both looking after me; 
and I felt that they were speaking of me。 

Mr。 Quinion lay at our house that night。 After breakfast; the 
next morning; I had put my chair away; and was going out of the 
room; when Mr。 Murdstone called me back。 He then gravely 
repaired to another table; where his sister sat herself at her desk。 
Mr。 Quinion; with his hands in his pockets; stood looking out of 
window; and I stood looking at them all。 

‘David;’ said Mr。 Murdstone; ‘to the young this is a world for 
action; not for moping and droning in。’ 

—‘As you do;’ added his sister。 

‘Jane Murdstone; leave it to me; if you please。 I say; David; to 
the young this is a world for action; and not for moping and 
droning in。 It is especially so for a young boy of your disposition; 
which requires a great deal of correcting; and to which no greater 
service can be done than to force it to conform to the ways of the 
working world; and to bend it and break it。’ 

‘For stubbornness won’t do here;’ said his sister ‘What it wants 
is; to be crushed。 And crushed it must be。 Shall be; too!’ 

He gave her a look; half in remonstrance; half in approval; and 
went on: 

‘I suppose you know; David; that I am not rich。 At any rate; you 
know it now。 You have received some considerable education 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

already。 Education is costly; and even if it were not; and I could 
afford it; I am of opinion that it would not be at all advantageous to 
you to be kept at school。 What is before you; is a fight with the 
world; and the sooner you begin it; the better。’ 

I think it occurred to me that I had already begun it; in my poor 
way: but it occurs to me now; whether or no。 

‘You have heard the “counting…house” mentioned sometimes;’ 
said Mr。 Murdstone。 

‘The counting…house; sir?’ I repeated。 ‘Of Murdstone and 
Grinby; in the wine trade;’ he replied。 

I suppose I looked uncertain; for he went on hastily: 

‘You have heard the “counting…house” mentioned; or the 
business; or the cellars; or the wharf; or something about it。’ 

‘I think I have heard the business mentioned; sir;’ I said; 
remembering what I vaguely knew of his and his sister’s 
resources。 ‘But I don’t know when。’ 

‘It does not matter when;’ he returned。 ‘Mr。 Quinion manages 
that business。’ 

I glanced at the latter deferentially as he stood looking out of 

‘Mr。 Quinion suggests that it gives employment to some other 
boys; and that he sees no reason why it shouldn’t; on the same 
terms; give employment to you。’ 

‘He having;’ Mr。 Quinion observed in a low voice; and half 
turning round; ‘no other prospect; Murdstone。’ 

Mr。 Murdstone; with an impatient; even an angry gesture; 
resumed; without noticing what he had said: 

‘Those terms are; that you will earn enough for yourself to
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