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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第40章

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that can’t be very agreeable—and do you mean to insinuate that 
there is not a sort of devotion in that?’ 

‘I don’t insinuate at all;’ said Peggotty。 

‘You do; Peggotty;’ returned my mother。 ‘You never do 
anything else; except your work。 You are always insinuating。 You 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

revel in it。 And when you talk of Mr。 Murdstone’s good 


‘I never talked of ’em;’ said Peggotty。 

‘No; Peggotty;’ returned my mother; ‘but you insinuated。 That’s 
what I told you just now。 That’s the worst of you。 You will 
insinuate。 I said; at the moment; that I understood you; and you 
see I did。 When you talk of Mr。 Murdstone’s good intentions; and 
pretend to slight them (for I don’t believe you really do; in your 
heart; Peggotty); you must be as well convinced as I am how good 
they are; and how they actuate him in everything。 If he seems to 
have been at all stern with a certain person; Peggotty—you 
understand; and so I am sure does Davy; that I am not alluding to 
anybody present—it is solely because he is satisfied that it is for a 
certain person’s benefit。 He naturally loves a certain person; on 
my account; and acts solely for a certain person’s good。 He is 
better able to judge of it than I am; for I very well know that I am a 
weak; light; girlish creature; and that he is a firm; grave; serious 
man。 And he takes;’ said my mother; with the tears which were 
engendered in her affectionate nature; stealing down her face; ‘he 
takes great pains with me; and I ought to be very thankful to him; 
and very submissive to him even in my thoughts; and when I am 
not; Peggotty; I worry and condemn myself; and feel doubtful of 
my own heart; and don’t know what to do。’ 

Peggotty sat with her chin on the foot of the stocking; looking 
silently at the fire。 

‘There; Peggotty;’ said my mother; changing her tone; ‘don’t let 
us fall out with one another; for I couldn’t bear it。 You are my true 
friend; I know; if I have any in the world。 When I call you a 
ridiculous creature; or a vexatious thing; or anything of that sort; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Peggotty; I only mean that you are my true friend; and always 
have been; ever since the night when Mr。 Copperfield first brought 
me home here; and you came out to the gate to meet me。’ 

Peggotty was not slow to respond; and ratify the treaty of 
friendship by giving me one of her best hugs。 I think I had some 
glimpses of the real character of this conversation at the time; but 
I am sure; now; that the good creature originated it; and took her 
part in it; merely that my mother might comfort herself with the 
little contradictory summary in which she had indulged。 The 
design was efficacious; for I remember that my mother seemed 
more at ease during the rest of the evening; and that Peggotty 
observed her less。 

When we had had our tea; and the ashes were thrown up; and 
the candles snuffed; I read Peggotty a chapter out of the Crocodile 
Book; in remembrance of old times—she took it out of her pocket: 
I don’t know whether she had kept it there ever since—and then 
we talked about Salem House; which brought me round again to 
Steerforth; who was my great subject。 We were very happy; and 
that evening; as the last of its race; and destined evermore to close 
that volume of my life; will never pass out of my memory。 

It was almost ten o’clock before we heard the sound of wheels。 
We all got up then; and my mother said hurriedly that; as it was so 
late; and Mr。 and Miss Murdstone approved of early hours for 
young people; perhaps I had better go to bed。 I kissed her; and 
went upstairs with my candle directly; before they came in。 It 
appeared to my childish fancy; as I ascended to the bedroom 
where I had been imprisoned; that they brought a cold blast of air 
into the house which blew away the old familiar feeling like a 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

I felt uncomfortable about going down to breakfast in the 
morning; as I had never set eyes on Mr。 Murdstone since the day 
when I committed my memorable offence。 However; as it must be 
done; I went down; after two or three false starts half…way; and as 
many runs back on tiptoe to my own room; and presented myself 
in the parlour。 

He was standing before the fire with his back to it; while Miss 
Murdstone made the tea。 He looked at me steadily as I entered; 
but made no sign of recognition whatever。 I went up to him; after a 
moment of confusion; and said: ‘I beg your pardon; sir。 I am very 
sorry for what I did; and I hope you will forgive me。’ 

‘I am glad to hear you are sorry; David;’ he replied。 

The hand he gave me was the hand I had bitten。 I could not 
restrain my eye from resting for an instant on a red spot upon it; 
but it was not so red as I turned; when I met that sinister 
expression in his face。 

‘How do you do; ma’am?’ I said to Miss Murdstone。 

‘Ah; dear me!’ sighed Miss Murdstone; giving me the tea…caddy 
scoop instead of her fingers。 ‘How long are the holidays?’ 

‘A month; ma’am。’ 

‘Counting from when?’ 

‘From today; ma’am。’ 

‘Oh!’ said Miss Murdstone。 ‘Then here’s one day off。’ 

She kept a calendar of the holidays in this way; and every 
morning checked a day off in exactly the same manner。 She did it 
gloomily until she came to ten; but when she got into two figures 
she became more hopeful; and; as the time advanced; even jocular。 

It was on this very first day that I had the misfortune to throw 
her; though she was not subject to such weakness in general; into 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

a state of violent consternation。 I came into the room where she 
and my mother were sitting; and the baby (who was only a few 
weeks old) being on my mother’s lap; I took it very carefully in my 
arms。 Suddenly Miss Murdstone gave such a scream that I all but 
dropped it。 

‘My dear Jane!’ cried my mother。 

‘Good heavens; Clara; do you see?’ exclaimed Miss Murdstone。 

‘See what; my dear Jane?’ said my mother; ‘where?’ 

‘He’s got it!’ cried Miss Murdstone。 ‘The boy has got the baby!’ 

She was limp with horror; but stiffened herself to make a dart 
at me; and take it out of my arms。 Then; she turned faint; and was 
so very ill that they were obliged to give her cherry brandy。 I was 
solemnly interdicted by her; on her recovery; from touching my 
brother any more on any pretence whatever; and my poor mother; 
who; I could see; wished otherwise; meekly confirmed the 
interdict; by saying: ‘No doubt you are right; my dear Jane。’ 

On another occasion; when we three were together; this same 
dear baby—it was truly dear to me; for our mother’s sake—was the 
innocent occasion of Miss Murdstone’s going into a passion。 My 
mother; who had been looking at its eyes as it lay upon her lap; 

‘Davy! come here!’ and looked at mine。 

I saw Miss Murdstone lay her beads down。 

‘I declare;’ said my mother; gently; ‘the
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