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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第30章

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of intelligence。 He was the first boy who returned。 He introduced 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

himself by informing me that I should find his name on the right…
hand corner of the gate; over the top…bolt; upon that I said; 
‘Traddles?’ to which he replied; ‘The same;’ and then he asked me 
for a full account of myself and family。 

It was a happy circumstance for me that Traddles came back 
first。 He enjoyed my placard so much; that he saved me from the 
embarrassment of either disclosure or concealment; by presenting 
me to every other boy who came back; great or small; immediately 
on his arrival; in this form of introduction; ‘Look here! Here’s a 
game!’ Happily; too; the greater part of the boys came back low…
spirited; and were not so boisterous at my expense as I had 
expected。 Some of them certainly did dance about me like wild 
Indians; and the greater part could not resist the temptation of 
pretending that I was a dog; and patting and soothing me; lest I 
should bite; and saying; ‘Lie down; sir!’ and calling me Towzer。 
This was naturally confusing; among so many strangers; and cost 
me some tears; but on the whole it was much better than I had 

I was not considered as being formally received into the school; 
however; until J。 Steerforth arrived。 Before this boy; who was 
reputed to be a great scholar; and was very good…looking; and at 
least half…a…dozen years my senior; I was carried as before a 
magistrate。 He inquired; under a shed in the playground; into the 
particulars of my punishment; and was pleased to express his 
opinion that it was ‘a jolly shame’; for which I became bound to 
him ever afterwards。 

‘What money have you got; Copperfield?’ he said; walking aside 
with me when he had disposed of my affair in these terms。 I told 
him seven shillings。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘You had better give it to me to take care of;’ he said。 ‘At least; 
you can if you like。 You needn’t if you don’t like。’ 

I hastened to comply with his friendly suggestion; and opening 
Peggotty’s purse; turned it upside down into his hand。 

‘Do you want to spend anything now?’ he asked me。 

‘No thank you;’ I replied。 

‘You can; if you like; you know;’ said Steerforth。 ‘Say the word。’ 

‘No; thank you; sir;’ I repeated。 

‘Perhaps you’d like to spend a couple of shillings or so; in a 
bottle of currant wine by and by; up in the bedroom?’ said 
Steerforth。 ‘You belong to my bedroom; I find。’ 

It certainly had not occurred to me before; but I said; Yes; I 
should like that。 

‘Very good;’ said Steerforth。 ‘You’ll be glad to spend another 
shilling or so; in almond cakes; I dare say?’ 

I said; Yes; I should like that; too。 

‘And another shilling or so in biscuits; and another in fruit; eh?’ 
said Steerforth。 ‘I say; young Copperfield; you’re going it!’ 

I smiled because he smiled; but I was a little troubled in my 
mind; too。 

‘Well!’ said Steerforth。 ‘We must make it stretch as far as we 
can; that’s all。 I’ll do the best in my power for you。 I can go out 
when I like; and I’ll smuggle the prog in。’ With these words he put 
the money in his pocket; and kindly told me not to make myself 
uneasy; he would take care it should be all right。 He was as good 
as his word; if that were all right which I had a secret misgiving 
was nearly all wrong—for I feared it was a waste of my mother’s 
two half…crowns—though I had preserved the piece of paper they 
were wrapped in: which was a precious saving。 When we went 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

upstairs to bed; he produced the whole seven shillings’ worth; and 
laid it out on my bed in the moonlight; saying: 

‘There you are; young Copperfield; and a royal spread you’ve 

I couldn’t think of doing the honours of the feast; at my time of 
life; while he was by; my hand shook at the very thought of it。 I 
begged him to do me the favour of presiding; and my request 
being seconded by the other boys who were in that room; he 
acceded to it; and sat upon my pillow; handing round the viands— 
with perfect fairness; I must say—and dispensing the currant wine 
in a little glass without a foot; which was his own property。 As to 
me; I sat on his left hand; and the rest were grouped about us; on 
the nearest beds and on the floor。 

How well I recollect our sitting there; talking in whispers; or 
their talking; and my respectfully listening; I ought rather to say; 
the moonlight falling a little way into the room; through the 
window; painting a pale window on the floor; and the greater part 
of us in shadow; except when Steerforth dipped a match into a 
phosphorus…box; when he wanted to look for anything on the 
board; and shed a blue glare over us that was gone directly! A 
certain mysterious feeling; consequent on the darkness; the 
secrecy of the revel; and the whisper in which everything was said; 
steals over me again; and I listen to all they tell me with a vague 
feeling of solemnity and awe; which makes me glad that they are 
all so near; and frightens me (though I feign to laugh) when 
Traddles pretends to see a ghost in the corner。 

I heard all kinds of things about the school and all belonging to 
it。 I heard that Mr。 Creakle had not preferred his claim to being a 
Tartar without reason; that he was the sternest and most severe of 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

masters; that he laid about him; right and left; every day of his life; 
charging in among the boys like a trooper; and slashing away; 
unmercifully。 That he knew nothing himself; but the art of 
slashing; being more ignorant (J。 Steerforth said) than the lowest 
boy in the school; that he had been; a good many years ago; a 
small hop…dealer in the Borough; and had taken to the schooling 
business after being bankrupt in hops; and making away with Mrs。 
Creakle’s money。 With a good deal more of that sort; which I 
wondered how they knew。 

I heard that the man with the wooden leg; whose name was 
Tungay; was an obstinate barbarian who had formerly assisted in 
the hop business; but had come into the scholastic line with Mr。 
Creakle; in consequence; as was supposed among the boys; of his 
having broken his leg in Mr。 Creakle’s service; and having done a 
deal of dishonest work for him; and knowing his secrets。 I heard 
that with the single exception of Mr。 Creakle; Tungay considered 
the whole establishment; masters and boys; as his natural 
enemies; and that the only delight of his life was to be sour and 
malicious。 I heard that Mr。 Creakle had a son; who had not been 
Tungay’s friend; and who; assisting in the school; had once held 
some remonstrance with his father on an occasion when its 
discipline was very cruelly exercised; and was supposed; besides; 
to have protested against his father’s usage of his mother。 I heard 
that Mr。 Creakle had turned him out of doors; in consequence; and 
that Mrs。 and Miss Creakle had been in a sad way; ever since。 

But the greate
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