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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第204章

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under a chair; and growling incessantly: with now and then a 
doleful howl; as if she really were too much for his feelings。 All 
kinds of treatment were tried with him; coaxing; scolding; 
slapping; bringing him to Buckingham Street (where he instantly 
dashed at the two cats; to the terror of all beholders); but he never 
could prevail upon himself to bear my aunt’s society。 He would 
sometimes think he had got the better of his objection; and be 
amiable for a few minutes; and then would put up his snub nose; 
and howl to that extent; that there was nothing for it but to blind 
him and put him in the plate…warmer。 At length; Dora regularly 
muffled him in a towel and shut him up there; whenever my aunt 
was reported at the door。 

One thing troubled me much; after we had fallen into this quiet 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

train。 It was; that Dora seemed by one consent to be regarded like 
a pretty toy or plaything。 My aunt; with whom she gradually 
became familiar; always called her Little Blossom; and the 
pleasure of Miss Lavinia’s life was to wait upon her; curl her hair; 
make ornaments for her; and treat her like a pet child。 What Miss 
Lavinia did; her sister did as a matter of course。 It was very odd to 
me; but they all seemed to treat Dora; in her degree; much as Dora 
treated Jip in his。 

I made up my mind to speak to Dora about this; and one day 
when we were out walking (for we were licensed by Miss Lavinia; 
after a while; to go out walking by ourselves); I said to her that I 
wished she could get them to behave towards her differently。 

‘Because you know; my darling;’ I remonstrated; ‘you are not a 

‘There!’ said Dora。 ‘Now you’re going to be cross!’ 

‘Cross; my love?’ 

‘I am sure they’re very kind to me;’ said Dora; ‘and I am very 

‘Well! But my dearest life!’ said I; ‘you might be very happy; 
and yet be treated rationally。’ 

Dora gave me a reproachful look—the prettiest look!—and then 
began to sob; saying; if I didn’t like her; why had I ever wanted so 
much to be engaged to her? And why didn’t I go away; now; if I 
couldn’t bear her? 

What could I do; but kiss away her tears; and tell her how I 
doted on her; after that! 

‘I am sure I am very affectionate;’ said Dora; ‘you oughtn’t to be 
cruel to me; Doady!’ 

‘Cruel; my precious love! As if I would—or could—be cruel to 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

you; for the world!’ 

‘Then don’t find fault with me;’ said Dora; making a rosebud of 
her mouth; ‘and I’ll be good。’ 

I was charmed by her presently asking me; of her own accord; 
to give her that cookery…book I had once spoken of; and to show 
her how to keep accounts as I had once promised I would。 I 
brought the volume with me on my next visit (I got it prettily 
bound; first; to make it look less dry and more inviting); and as we 
strolled about the Common; I showed her an old housekeeping…
book of my aunt’s; and gave her a set of tablets; and a pretty little 
pencil…case and box of leads; to practise housekeeping with。 

But the cookery…book made Dora’s head ache; and the figures 
made her cry。 They wouldn’t add up; she said。 So she rubbed them 
out; and drew little nosegays and likenesses of me and Jip; all over 
the tablets。 

Then I playfully tried verbal instruction in domestic matters; as 
we walked about on a Saturday afternoon。 Sometimes; for 
example; when we passed a butcher’s shop; I would say: 

‘Now suppose; my pet; that we were married; and you were 
going to buy a shoulder of mutton for dinner; would you know how 
to buy it?’ 

My pretty little Dora’s face would fall; and she would make her 
mouth into a bud again; as if she would very much prefer to shut 
mine with a kiss。 

‘Would you know how to buy it; my darling?’ I would repeat; 
perhaps; if I were very inflexible。 

Dora would think a little; and then reply; perhaps; with great 

‘Why; the butcher would know how to sell it; and what need I 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

know? Oh; you silly Boy!’ 

So; when I once asked Dora; with an eye to the cookery…book; 
what she would do; if we were married; and I were to say I should 
like a nice Irish stew; she replied that she would tell the servant to 
make it; and then clapped her little hands together across my arm; 
and laughed in such a charming manner that she was more 
delightful than ever。 

Consequently; the principal use to which the cookery…book was 
devoted; was being put down in the corner for Jip to stand upon。 
But Dora was so pleased; when she had trained him to stand upon 
it without offering to come off; and at the same time to hold the 
pencil…case in his mouth; that I was very glad I had bought it。 

And we fell back on the guitar…case; and the flower…painting; 
and the songs about never leaving off dancing; Ta ra la! and were 
as happy as the week was long。 I occasionally wished I could 
venture to hint to Miss Lavinia; that she treated the darling of my 
heart a little too much like a plaything; and I sometimes awoke; as 
it were; wondering to find that I had fallen into the general fault; 
and treated her like a plaything too—but not often。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Chapter 42 


Ifeel as if it were not for me to record; even though this 
manuscript is intended for no eyes but mine; how hard I 
worked at that tremendous short…hand; and all improvement 
appertaining to it; in my sense of responsibility to Dora and her 
aunts。 I will only add; to what I have already written of my 
perseverance at this time of my life; and of a patient and 
continuous energy which then began to be matured within me; 
and which I know to be the strong part of my character; if it have 
any strength at all; that there; on looking back; I find the source of 
my success。 I have been very fortunate in worldly matters; many 
men have worked much harder; and not succeeded half so well; 
but I never could have done what I have done; without the habits 
of punctuality; order; and diligence; without the determination to 
concentrate myself on one object at a time; no matter how quickly 
its successor should come upon its heels; which I then formed。 
Heaven knows I write this; in no spirit of self…laudation。 The man 
who reviews his own life; as I do mine; in going on here; from page 
to page; had need to have been a good man indeed; if he would be 
spared the sharp consciousness of many talents neglected; many 
opportunities wasted; many erratic and perverted feelings 
constantly at war within his breast; and defeating him。 I do not 
hold one natural gift; I dare say; that I have not abused。 My 
meaning simply is; that whatever I have tried to do in life; I have 
tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

myself to; I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims 
and in small; I have always been thoroughly in earnest。 I h
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