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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第197章

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‘I had my thowts o’ coming to make inquiration for you; sir; 
tonight;’ he said; ‘but knowing as your aunt was living along wi’ 
you—fur I’ve been down yonder—Yarmouth way—I was afeerd it 
was too late。 I should have come early in the morning; sir; afore 
going away。’ 

‘Again?’ said I。 

‘Yes; sir;’ he replied; patiently shaking his head; ‘I’m away 

‘Where were you going now?’ I asked。 

‘Well!’ he replied; shaking the snow out of his long hair; ‘I was 
a…going to turn in somewheers。’ 

In those days there was a side…entrance to the stable…yard of the 
Golden Cross; the inn so memorable to me in connexion with his 
misfortune; nearly opposite to where we stood。 I pointed out the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

gateway; put my arm through his; and we went across。 Two or 
three public…rooms opened out of the stable…yard; and looking into 
one of them; and finding it empty; and a good fire burning; I took 
him in there。 

When I saw him in the light; I observed; not only that his hair 
was long and ragged; but that his face was burnt dark by the sun。 
He was greyer; the lines in his face and forehead were deeper; and 
he had every appearance of having toiled and wandered through 
all varieties of weather; but he looked very strong; and like a man 
upheld by steadfastness of purpose; whom nothing could tire out。 
He shook the snow from his hat and clothes; and brushed it away 
from his face; while I was inwardly making these remarks。 As he 
sat down opposite to me at a table; with his back to the door by 
which we had entered; he put out his rough hand again; and 
grasped mine warmly。 

‘I’ll tell you; Mas’r Davy;’ he said;—‘wheer all I’ve been; and 
what…all we’ve heerd。 I’ve been fur; and we’ve heerd little; but I’ll 
tell you!’ 

I rang the bell for something hot to drink。 He would have 
nothing stronger than ale; and while it was being brought; and 
being warmed at the fire; he sat thinking。 There was a fine; 
massive gravity in his face; I did not venture to disturb。 

‘When she was a child;’ he said; lifting up his head soon after we 
were left alone; ‘she used to talk to me a deal about the sea; and 
about them coasts where the sea got to be dark blue; and to lay a…
shining and a…shining in the sun。 I thowt; odd times; as her father 
being drownded made her think on it so much。 I doen’t know; you 
see; but maybe she believed—or hoped—he had drifted out to 
them parts; where the flowers is always a…blowing; and the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

country bright。’ 

‘It is likely to have been a childish fancy;’ I replied。 

‘When she was—lost;’ said Mr。 Peggotty; ‘I know’d in my mind; 
as he would take her to them countries。 I know’d in my mind; as 
he’d have told her wonders of ’em; and how she was to be a lady 
theer; and how he got her to listen to him fust; along o’ sech like。 
When we see his mother; I know’d quite well as I was right。 I went 
across…channel to France; and landed theer; as if I’d fell down 
from the sky。’ 

I saw the door move; and the snow drift in。 I saw it move a little 
more; and a hand softly interpose to keep it open。 

‘I found out an English gen’leman as was in authority;’ said Mr。 
Peggotty; ‘and told him I was a…going to seek my niece。 He got me 
them papers as I wanted fur to carry me through—I doen’t rightly 
know how they’re called—and he would have give me money; but 
that I was thankful to have no need on。 I thank him kind; for all he 
done; I’m sure! “I’ve wrote afore you;” he says to me; “and I shall 
speak to many as will come that way; and many will know you; fur 
distant from here; when you’re a…travelling alone。” I told him; best 
as I was able; what my gratitoode was; and went away through 

‘Alone; and on foot?’ said I。 

‘Mostly a…foot;’ he rejoined; ‘sometimes in carts along with 
people going to market; sometimes in empty coaches。 Many mile a 
day a…foot; and often with some poor soldier or another; travelling 
to see his friends。 I couldn’t talk to him;’ said Mr。 Peggotty; ‘nor he 
to me; but we was company for one another; too; along the dusty 

I should have known that by his friendly tone。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘When I come to any town;’ he pursued; ‘I found the inn; and 
waited about the yard till someone turned up (someone mostly 
did) as know’d English。 Then I told how that I was on my way to 
seek my niece; and they told me what manner of gentlefolks was in 
the house; and I waited to see any as seemed like her; going in or 
out。 When it warn’t Em’ly; I went on agen。 By little and little; when 
I come to a new village or that; among the poor people; I found 
they know’d about me。 They would set me down at their cottage 
doors; and give me what…not fur to eat and drink; and show me 
where to sleep; and many a woman; Mas’r Davy; as has had a 
daughter of about Em’ly’s age; I’ve found a…waiting fur me; at Our 
Saviour’s Cross outside the village; fur to do me sim’lar 
kindnesses。 Some has had daughters as was dead。 And God only 
knows how good them mothers was to me!’ 

It was Martha at the door。 I saw her haggard; listening face 
distinctly。 My dread was lest he should turn his head; and see her 

‘They would often put their children—particular their little 
girls;’ said Mr。 Peggotty; ‘upon my knee; and many a time you 
might have seen me sitting at their doors; when night was coming 
in; a’most as if they’d been my Darling’s children。 Oh; my Darling!’ 

Overpowered by sudden grief; he sobbed aloud。 I laid my 
trembling hand upon the hand he put before his face。 ‘Thankee; 
sir;’ he said; ‘doen’t take no notice。’ 

In a very little while he took his hand away and put it on his 
breast; and went on with his story。 ‘They often walked with me;’ 
he said; ‘in the morning; maybe a mile or two upon my road; and 
when we parted; and I said; “I’m very thankful to you! God bless 
you!” they always seemed to understand; and answered pleasant。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

At last I come to the sea。 It warn’t hard; you may suppose; for a 
seafaring man like me to work his way over to Italy。 When I got 
theer; I wandered on as I had done afore。 The people was just as 
good to me; and I should have gone from town to town; maybe the 
country through; but that I got news of her being seen among 
them Swiss mountains yonder。 One as know’d his servant see ’em 
there; all three; and told me how they travelled; and where they 
was。 I made fur them mountains; Mas’r Davy; day and night。 Ever 
so fur as I went; ever so fur the mountains seemed to shift away 
from me。 But I come up with ’em; and I crossed ’em。 When I got 
nigh the place as I had been told of; I began to think within my 
own self; “What shall I do when I see her?”‘ 

The listening face; insensible to the inclement night; still 
drooped at the door; and the hands begged me—prayed me—not 
to cas
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