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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第194章

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‘To who; sir?’ said Uriah; stretching out his neck; and shading 
his ear with his hand。 

‘To the hangman;’ I returned。 ‘The most unlikely person I could 
think of;’—though his own face had suggested the allusion quite as 
a natural sequence。 ‘I am engaged to another young lady。 I hope 
that contents you。’ 

‘Upon your soul?’ said Uriah。 

I was about indignantly to give my assertion the confirmation 
he required; when he caught hold of my hand; and gave it a 

‘Oh; Master Copperfield!’ he said。 ‘If you had only had the 
condescension to return my confidence when I poured out the 
fulness of my art; the night I put you so much out of the way by 
sleeping before your sitting…room fire; I never should have 
doubted you。 As it is; I’m sure I’ll take off mother directly; and only 
too appy。 I know you’ll excuse the precautions of affection; won’t 
you? What a pity; Master Copperfield; that you didn’t condescend 
to return my confidence! I’m sure I gave you every opportunity。 
But you never have condescended to me; as much as I could have 
wished。 I know you have never liked me; as I have liked you!’ 

All this time he was squeezing my hand with his damp fishy 
fingers; while I made every effort I decently could to get it away。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

But I was quite unsuccessful。 He drew it under the sleeve of his 
mulberry…coloured great…coat; and I walked on; almost upon 
compulsion; arm…in…arm with him。 

‘Shall we turn?’ said Uriah; by and by wheeling me face about 
towards the town; on which the early moon was now shining; 
silvering the distant windows。 

‘Before we leave the subject; you ought to understand;’ said I; 
breaking a pretty long silence; ‘that I believe Agnes Wickfield to be 
as far above you; and as far removed from all your aspirations; as 
that moon herself!’ 

‘Peaceful! Ain’t she!’ said Uriah。 ‘Very! Now confess; Master 
Copperfield; that you haven’t liked me quite as I have liked you。 
All along you’ve thought me too umble now; I shouldn’t wonder?’ 

‘I am not fond of professions of humility;’ I returned; ‘or 
professions of anything else。’ 

‘There now!’ said Uriah; looking flabby and lead…coloured in the 
moonlight。 ‘Didn’t I know it! But how little you think of the 
rightful umbleness of a person in my station; Master Copperfield! 
Father and me was both brought up at a foundation school for 
boys; and mother; she was likewise brought up at a public; sort of 
charitable; establishment。 They taught us all a deal of 
umbleness—not much else that I know of; from morning to night。 
We was to be umble to this person; and umble to that; and to pull 
off our caps here; and to make bows there; and always to know our 
place; and abase ourselves before our betters。 And we had such a 
lot of betters! Father got the monitor…medal by being umble。 So 
did I。 Father got made a sexton by being umble。 He had the 
character; among the gentlefolks; of being such a well…behaved 
man; that they were determined to bring him in。 “Be umble; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Uriah;” says father to me; “and you’ll get on。 It was what was 
always being dinned into you and me at school; it’s what goes 
down best。 Be umble;” says father;” and you’ll do!” And really it 
ain’t done bad!’ 

It was the first time it had ever occurred to me; that this 
detestable cant of false humility might have originated out of the 
Heep family。 I had seen the harvest; but had never thought of the 

‘When I was quite a young boy;’ said Uriah; ‘I got to know what 
umbleness did; and I took to it。 I ate umble pie with an appetite。 I 
stopped at the umble point of my learning; and says I; “Hold 
hard!” When you offered to teach me Latin; I knew better。 “People 
like to be above you;” says father; “keep yourself down。” I am very 
umble to the present moment; Master Copperfield; but I’ve got a 
little power!’ 

And he said all this—I knew; as I saw his face in the 
moonlight—that I might understand he was resolved to 
recompense himself by using his power。 I had never doubted his 
meanness; his craft and malice; but I fully comprehended now; for 
the first time; what a base; unrelenting; and revengeful spirit; must 
have been engendered by this early; and this long; suppression。 

His account of himself was so far attended with an agreeable 
result; that it led to his withdrawing his hand in order that he 
might have another hug of himself under the chin。 Once apart 
from him; I was determined to keep apart; and we walked back; 
side by side; saying very little more by the way。 Whether his spirits 
were elevated by the communication I had made to him; or by his 
having indulged in this retrospect; I don’t know; but they were 
raised by some influence。 He talked more at dinner than was usual 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

with him; asked his mother (off duty; from the moment of our reentering the house) whether he was not growing too old for a 
bachelor; and once looked at Agnes so; that I would have given all 
I had; for leave to knock him down。 

When we three males were left alone after dinner; he got into a 
more adventurous state。 He had taken little or no wine; and I 
presume it was the mere insolence of triumph that was upon him; 
flushed perhaps by the temptation my presence furnished to its 

I had observed yesterday; that he tried to entice Mr。 Wickfield 
to drink; and; interpreting the look which Agnes had given me as 
she went out; had limited myself to one glass; and then proposed 
that we should follow her。 I would have done so again today; but 
Uriah was too quick for me。 

‘We seldom see our present visitor; sir;’ he said; addressing Mr。 
Wickfield; sitting; such a contrast to him; at the end of the table; 
‘and I should propose to give him welcome in another glass or two 
of wine; if you have no objections。 Mr。 Copperfield; your elth and 

I was obliged to make a show of taking the hand he stretched 
across to me; and then; with very different emotions; I took the 
hand of the broken gentleman; his partner。 

‘Come; fellow…partner;’ said Uriah; ‘if I may take the liberty;— 
now; suppose you give us something or another appropriate to 

I pass over Mr。 Wickfield’s proposing my aunt; his proposing 
Mr。 Dick; his proposing Doctors’ Commons; his proposing Uriah; 
his drinking everything twice; his consciousness of his own 
weakness; the ineffectual effort that he made against it; the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

struggle between his shame in Uriah’s deportment; and his desire 
to conciliate him; the manifest exultation with which Uriah twisted 
and turned; and held him up before me。 It made me sick at heart 
to see; and my hand recoils from writing it。 

‘Come; fellow…partner!’ said Uriah; at last; ‘I’ll give you another 
one; and I umbly ask for bumpers; seeing I intend to make it the 
divinest of her sex。’ 

Her father had hi
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