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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第19章

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into it by another。 Nor is it your fault。 You were betrayed into it by 
another。 Let us both try to forget it。 And as this;’ he added; after 
these magnanimous words; ‘is not a fit scene for the boy—David; 
go to bed!’ 

I could hardly find the door; through the tears that stood in my 
eyes。 I was so sorry for my mother’s distress; but I groped my way 
out; and groped my way up to my room in the dark; without even 
having the heart to say good night to Peggotty; or to get a candle 
from her。 When her coming up to look for me; an hour or so 
afterwards; awoke me; she said that my mother had gone to bed 
poorly; and that Mr。 and Miss Murdstone were sitting alone。 

Going down next morning rather earlier than usual; I paused 
outside the parlour door; on hearing my mother’s voice。 She was 
very earnestly and humbly entreating Miss Murdstone’s pardon; 
which that lady granted; and a perfect reconciliation took place。 I 
never knew my mother afterwards to give an opinion on any 
matter; without first appealing to Miss Murdstone; or without 
having first ascertained by some sure means; what Miss 
Murdstone’s opinion was; and I never saw Miss Murdstone; when 
out of temper (she was infirm that way); move her hand towards 
her bag as if she were going to take out the keys and offer to resign 
them to my mother; without seeing that my mother was in a 
terrible fright。 

The gloomy taint that was in the Murdstone blood; darkened 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

the Murdstone religion; which was austere and wrathful。 I have 
thought; since; that its assuming that character was a necessary 
consequence of Mr。 Murdstone’s firmness; which wouldn’t allow 
him to let anybody off from the utmost weight of the severest 
penalties he could find any excuse for。 Be this as it may; I well 
remember the tremendous visages with which we used to go to 
church; and the changed air of the place。 Again; the dreaded 
Sunday comes round; and I file into the old pew first; like a 
guarded captive brought to a condemned service。 Again; Miss 
Murdstone; in a black velvet gown; that looks as if it had been 
made out of a pall; follows close upon me; then my mother; then 
her husband。 There is no Peggotty now; as in the old time。 Again; I 
listen to Miss Murdstone mumbling the responses; and 
emphasizing all the dread words with a cruel relish。 Again; I see 
her dark eyes roll round the church when she says ‘miserable 
sinners’; as if she were calling all the congregation names。 Again; I 
catch rare glimpses of my mother; moving her lips timidly between 
the two; with one of them muttering at each ear like low thunder。 
Again; I wonder with a sudden fear whether it is likely that our 
good old clergyman can be wrong; and Mr。 and Miss Murdstone 
right; and that all the angels in Heaven can be destroying angels。 
Again; if I move a finger or relax a muscle of my face; Miss 
Murdstone pokes me with her prayer…book; and makes my side 

Yes; and again; as we walk home; I note some neighbours 
looking at my mother and at me; and whispering。 Again; as the 
three go on arm…in…arm; and I linger behind alone; I follow some of 
those looks; and wonder if my mother’s step be really not so light 
as I have seen it; and if the gaiety of her beauty be really almost 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

worried away。 Again; I wonder whether any of the neighbours call 
to mind; as I do; how we used to walk home together; she and I; 
and I wonder stupidly about that; all the dreary dismal day。 

There had been some talk on occasions of my going to 
boarding…school。 Mr。 and Miss Murdstone had originated it; and 
my mother had of course agreed with them。 Nothing; however; 
was concluded on the subject yet。 In the meantime; I learnt 
lessons at home。 Shall I ever forget those lessons! They were 
presided over nominally by my mother; but really by Mr。 
Murdstone and his sister; who were always present; and found 
them a favourable occasion for giving my mother lessons in that 
miscalled firmness; which was the bane of both our lives。 I believe 
I was kept at home for that purpose。 I had been apt enough to 
learn; and willing enough; when my mother and I had lived alone 
together。 I can faintly remember learning the alphabet at her 
knee。 To this day; when I look upon the fat black letters in the 
primer; the puzzling novelty of their shapes; and the easy good…
nature of O and Q and S; seem to present themselves again before 
me as they used to do。 But they recall no feeling of disgust or 
reluctance。 On the contrary; I seem to have walked along a path of 
flowers as far as the crocodile…book; and to have been cheered by 
the gentleness of my mother’s voice and manner all the way。 But 
these solemn lessons which succeeded those; I remember as the 
death…blow of my peace; and a grievous daily drudgery and 
misery。 They were very long; very numerous; very hard—perfectly 
unintelligible; some of them; to me—and I was generally as much 
bewildered by them as I believe my poor mother was herself。 

Let me remember how it used to be; and bring one morning 
back again。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

I come into the second…best parlour after breakfast; with my 
books; and an exercise…book; and a slate。 My mother is ready for 
me at her writing…desk; but not half so ready as Mr。 Murdstone in 
his easy…chair by the window (though he pretends to be reading a 
book); or as Miss Murdstone; sitting near my mother stringing 
steel beads。 The very sight of these two has such an influence over 
me; that I begin to feel the words I have been at infinite pains to 
get into my head; all sliding away; and going I don’t know where。 I 
wonder where they do go; by the by? 

I hand the first book to my mother。 Perhaps it is a grammar; 
perhaps a history; or geography。 I take a last drowning look at the 
page as I give it into her hand; and start off aloud at a racing pace 
while I have got it fresh。 I trip over a word。 Mr。 Murdstone looks 
up。 I trip over another word。 Miss Murdstone looks up。 I redden; 
tumble over half…a…dozen words; and stop。 I think my mother 
would show me the book if she dared; but she does not dare; and 
she says softly: 

‘Oh; Davy; Davy!’ 

‘Now; Clara;’ says Mr。 Murdstone; ‘be firm with the boy。 Don’t 
say; “Oh; Davy; Davy!” That’s childish。 He knows his lesson; or he 
does not know it。’ 

‘He does not know it;’ Miss Murdstone interposes awfully。 

‘I am really afraid he does not;’ says my mother。 

‘Then; you see; Clara;’ returns Miss Murdstone; ‘you should just 
give him the book back; and make him know it。’ 

‘Yes; certainly;’ says my mother; ‘that is what I intend to do; my 
dear Jane。 Now; Davy; try once more; and don’t be stupid。’ 

I obey the first clause of the injunction by trying once more; but 
am not so successful with the second; for I am very stupid。 I 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

tumble down before I get to the old place; at a point where I was 
all right before; and sto
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