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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第181章

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Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Micawber will be safe to adorn。 Under the temporary pressure of 
pecuniary liabilities; contracted with a view to their immediate 
liquidation; but remaining unliquidated through a combination of 
circumstances; I have been under the necessity of assuming a garb 
from which my natural instincts recoil—I allude to spectacles— 
and possessing myself of a cognomen; to which I can establish no 
legitimate pretensions。 All I have to say on that score is; that the 
cloud has passed from the dreary scene; and the God of Day is 
once more high upon the mountain tops。 On Monday next; on the 
arrival of the four o’clock afternoon coach at Canterbury; my foot 
will be on my native heath—my name; Micawber!’ 

Mr。 Micawber resumed his seat on the close of these remarks; 
and drank two glasses of punch in grave succession。 He then said 
with much solemnity: 

‘One thing more I have to do; before this separation is complete; 
and that is to perform an act of justice。 My friend Mr。 Thomas 
Traddles has; on two several occasions; “put his name”; if I may 
use a common expression; to bills of exchange for my 
accommodation。 On the first occasion Mr。 Thomas Traddles was 
left—let me say; in short; in the lurch。 The fulfilment of the second 
has not yet arrived。 The amount of the first obligation;’ here Mr。 
Micawber carefully referred to papers; ‘was; I believe; twenty…
three; four; nine and a half; of the second; according to my entry of 
that transaction; eighteen; six; two。 These sums; united; make a 
total; if my calculation is correct; amounting to forty…one; ten; 
eleven and a half。 My friend Copperfield will perhaps do me the 
favour to check that total?’ 

I did so and found it correct。 

‘To leave this metropolis;’ said Mr。 Micawber; ‘and my friend 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Mr。 Thomas Traddles; without acquitting myself of the pecuniary 
part of this obligation; would weigh upon my mind to an 
insupportable extent。 I have; therefore; prepared for my friend Mr。 
Thomas Traddles; and I now hold in my hand; a document; which 
accomplishes the desired object。 I beg to hand to my friend Mr。 
Thomas Traddles my I。O。U。 for forty…one; ten; eleven and a half; 
and I am happy to recover my moral dignity; and to know that I 
can once more walk erect before my fellow man!’ 

With this introduction (which greatly affected him); Mr。 
Micawber placed his I。O。U。 in the hands of Traddles; and said he 
wished him well in every relation of life。 I am persuaded; not only 
that this was quite the same to Mr。 Micawber as paying the money; 
but that Traddles himself hardly knew the difference until he had 
had time to think about it。 Mr。 Micawber walked so erect before 
his fellow man; on the strength of this virtuous action; that his 
chest looked half as broad again when he lighted us downstairs。 
We parted with great heartiness on both sides; and when I had 
seen Traddles to his own door; and was going home alone; I 
thought; among the other odd and contradictory things I mused 
upon; that; slippery as Mr。 Micawber was; I was probably indebted 
to some compassionate recollection he retained of me as his boy…
lodger; for never having been asked by him for money。 I certainly 
should not have had the moral courage to refuse it; and I have no 
doubt he knew that (to his credit be it written); quite as well as I 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Chapter 37 


My new life had lasted for more than a week; and I was 
stronger than ever in those tremendous practical 
resolutions that I felt the crisis required。 I continued to 
walk extremely fast; and to have a general idea that I was getting 
on。 I made it a rule to take as much out of myself as I possibly 
could; in my way of doing everything to which I applied my 
energies。 I made a perfect victim of myself。 I even entertained 
some idea of putting myself on a vegetable diet; vaguely 
conceiving that; in becoming a graminivorous animal; I should 
sacrifice to Dora。 

As yet; little Dora was quite unconscious of my desperate 
firmness; otherwise than as my letters darkly shadowed it forth。 
But another Saturday came; and on that Saturday evening she 
was to be at Miss Mills’s; and when Mr。 Mills had gone to his 
whist…club (telegraphed to me in the street; by a bird…cage in the 
drawing…room middle window); I was to go there to tea。 

By this time; we were quite settled down in Buckingham Street; 
where Mr。 Dick continued his copying in a state of absolute 
felicity。 My aunt had obtained a signal victory over Mrs。 Crupp; by 
paying her off; throwing the first pitcher she planted on the stairs 
out of window; and protecting in person; up and down the 
staircase; a supernumerary whom she engaged from the outer 
world。 These vigorous measures struck such terror to the breast of 
Mrs。 Crupp; that she subsided into her own kitchen; under the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

impression that my aunt was mad。 My aunt being supremely 
indifferent to Mrs。 Crupp’s opinion and everybody else’s; and 
rather favouring than discouraging the idea; Mrs。 Crupp; of late 
the bold; became within a few days so faint…hearted; that rather 
than encounter my aunt upon the staircase; she would endeavour 
to hide her portly form behind doors—leaving visible; however; a 
wide margin of flannel petticoat—or would shrink into dark 
corners。 This gave my aunt such unspeakable satisfaction; that I 
believe she took a delight in prowling up and down; with her 
bonnet insanely perched on the top of her head; at times when 
Mrs。 Crupp was likely to be in the way。 

My aunt; being uncommonly neat and ingenious; made so many 
little improvements in our domestic arrangements; that I seemed 
to be richer instead of poorer。 Among the rest; she converted the 
pantry into a dressing…room for me; and purchased and 
embellished a bedstead for my occupation; which looked as like a 
bookcase in the daytime as a bedstead could。 I was the object of 
her constant solicitude; and my poor mother herself could not 
have loved me better; or studied more how to make me happy。 

Peggotty had considered herself highly privileged in being 
allowed to participate in these labours; and; although she still 
retained something of her old sentiment of awe in reference to my 
aunt; had received so many marks of encouragement and 
confidence; that they were the best friends possible。 But the time 
had now come (I am speaking of the Saturday when I was to take 
tea at Miss Mills’s) when it was necessary for her to return home; 
and enter on the discharge of the duties she had undertaken in 
behalf of Ham。 ‘So good…bye; Barkis;’ said my aunt; ‘and take care 
of yourself! I am sure I never thought I could be sorry to lose you!’ 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

I took Peggotty to the coach office and saw her off。 She cried at 
parting; and confided her brother to my friendship as Ham had 
done。 We had heard noth
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