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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第179章

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Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

really;’ said Traddles; suddenly; taking a letter out of his pocket; 
and giving it to me; ‘put Mr。 Micawber quite out of my head!’ 

The letter (Mr。 Micawber never missed any possible 
opportunity of writing a letter) was addressed to me; ‘By the 
kindness of T。 Traddles; Esquire; of the Inner Temple。’ It ran 


‘You may possibly not be unprepared to receive the intimation 
that something has turned up。 I may have mentioned to you on a 
former occasion that I was in expectation of such an event。 

‘I am about to establish myself in one of the provincial towns of 
our favoured island (where the society may be described as a 
happy admixture of the agricultural and the clerical); in immediate 
connexion with one of the learned professions。 Mrs。 Micawber and 
our offspring will accompany me。 Our ashes; at a future period; 
will probably be found commingled in the cemetery attached to a 
venerable pile; for which the spot to which I refer has acquired a 
reputation; shall I say from China to Peru? 

‘In bidding adieu to the modern Babylon; where we have 
undergone many vicissitudes; I trust not ignobly; Mrs。 Micawber 
and myself cannot disguise from our minds that we part; it may be 
for years and it may be for ever; with an individual linked by 
strong associations to the altar of our domestic life。 If; on the eve of 
such a departure; you will accompany our mutual friend; Mr。 
Thomas Traddles; to our present abode; and there reciprocate the 
wishes natural to the occasion; you will confer a Boon 



Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Ever yours; 

I was glad to find that Mr。 Micawber had got rid of his dust and 
ashes; and that something really had turned up at last。 Learning 
from Traddles that the invitation referred to the evening then 
wearing away; I expressed my readiness to do honour to it; and we 
went off together to the lodging which Mr。 Micawber occupied as 
Mr。 Mortimer; and which was situated near the top of the Gray’s 
Inn Road。 

The resources of this lodging were so limited; that we found the 
twins; now some eight or nine years old; reposing in a turn…up 
bedstead in the family sitting…room; where Mr。 Micawber had 
prepared; in a wash…hand…stand jug; what he called ‘a Brew’ of the 
agreeable beverage for which he was famous。 I had the pleasure; 
on this occasion; of renewing the acquaintance of Master 
Micawber; whom I found a promising boy of about twelve or 
thirteen; very subject to that restlessness of limb which is not an 
unfrequent phenomenon in youths of his age。 I also became once 
more known to his sister; Miss Micawber; in whom; as Mr。 
Micawber told us; ‘her mother renewed her youth; like the 

‘My dear Copperfield;’ said Mr。 Micawber; ‘yourself and Mr。 
Traddles find us on the brink of migration; and will excuse any 
little discomforts incidental to that position。’ 

Glancing round as I made a suitable reply; I observed that the 
family effects were already packed; and that the amount of 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

luggage was by no means overwhelming。 I congratulated Mrs。 
Micawber on the approaching change。 

‘My dear Mr。 Copperfield;’ said Mrs。 Micawber; ‘of your friendly 
interest in all our affairs; I am well assured。 My family may 
consider it banishment; if they please; but I am a wife and mother; 
and I never will desert Mr。 Micawber。’ 

Traddles; appealed to by Mrs。 Micawber’s eye; feelingly 

‘That;’ said Mrs。 Micawber; ‘that; at least; is my view; my dear 
Mr。 Copperfield and Mr。 Traddles; of the obligation which I took 
upon myself when I repeated the irrevocable words; “I; Emma; 
take thee; Wilkins。” I read the service over with a flat…candle on 
the previous night; and the conclusion I derived from it was; that I 
never could desert Mr。 Micawber。 And;’ said Mrs。 Micawber; 
‘though it is possible I may be mistaken in my view of the 
ceremony; I never will!’ 

‘My dear;’ said Mr。 Micawber; a little impatiently; ‘I am not 
conscious that you are expected to do anything of the sort。’ 

‘I am aware; my dear Mr。 Copperfield;’ pursued Mrs。 Micawber; 
‘that I am now about to cast my lot among strangers; and I am also 
aware that the various members of my family; to whom Mr。 
Micawber has written in the most gentlemanly terms; announcing 
that fact; have not taken the least notice of Mr。 Micawber’s 
communication。 Indeed I may be superstitious;’ said Mrs。 
Micawber; ‘but it appears to me that Mr。 Micawber is destined 
never to receive any answers whatever to the great majority of the 
communications he writes。 I may augur; from the silence of my 
family; that they object to the resolution I have taken; but I should 
not allow myself to be swerved from the path of duty; Mr。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Copperfield; even by my papa and mama; were they still living。’ 

I expressed my opinion that this was going in the right 
direction。 ‘It may be a sacrifice;’ said Mrs。 Micawber; ‘to immure 
one’s…self in a Cathedral town; but surely; Mr。 Copperfield; if it is a 
sacrifice in me; it is much more a sacrifice in a man of Mr。 
Micawber’s abilities。’ 

‘Oh! You are going to a Cathedral town?’ said I。 

Mr。 Micawber; who had been helping us all; out of the wash…
hand…stand jug; replied: 

‘To Canterbury。 In fact; my dear Copperfield; I have entered 
into arrangements; by virtue of which I stand pledged and 
contracted to our friend Heep; to assist and serve him in the 
capacity of—and to be—his confidential clerk。’ 

I stared at Mr。 Micawber; who greatly enjoyed my surprise。 

‘I am bound to state to you;’ he said; with an official air; ‘that 
the business habits; and the prudent suggestions; of Mrs。 
Micawber; have in a great measure conduced to this result。 The 
gauntlet; to which Mrs。 Micawber referred upon a former 
occasion; being thrown down in the form of an advertisement; was 
taken up by my friend Heep; and led to a mutual recognition。 Of 
my friend Heep;’ said Mr。 Micawber; ‘who is a man of remarkable 
shrewdness; I desire to speak with all possible respect。 My friend 
Heep has not fixed the positive remuneration at too high a figure; 
but he has made a great deal; in the way of extrication from the 
pressure of pecuniary difficulties; contingent on the value of my 
services; and on the value of those services I pin my faith。 Such 
address and intelligence as I chance to possess;’ said Mr。 
Micawber; boastfully disparaging himself; with the old genteel air; 
‘will be devoted to my friend Heep’s service。 I have already some 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

acquaintance with the law—as a defendant on civil process—and I 
shall immediately apply myself to the Commentaries of one of the 
most eminent and remarkable of our English jurists。 I believe it is 
unnecessary to add that I allude to Mr。 ju
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