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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第177章

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considering cap on。 His papers were in a little confusion; in 
consequence of Mr。 Jack Maldon having lately proffered his 
occasional services as an amanuensis; and not being accustomed 
to that occupation; but we should soon put right what was amiss; 
and go on swimmingly。 Afterwards; when we were fairly at our 
work; I found Mr。 Jack Maldon’s efforts more troublesome to me 
than I had expected; as he had not confined himself to making 
numerous mistakes; but had sketched so many soldiers; and 
ladies’ heads; over the Doctor’s manuscript; that I often became 
involved in labyrinths of obscurity。 

The Doctor was quite happy in the prospect of our going to 
work together on that wonderful performance; and we settled to 
begin next morning at seven o’clock。 We were to work two hours 
every morning; and two or three hours every night; except on 
Saturdays; when I was to rest。 On Sundays; of course; I was to rest 
also; and I considered these very easy terms。 

Our plans being thus arranged to our mutual satisfaction; the 
Doctor took me into the house to present me to Mrs。 Strong; whom 
we found in the Doctor’s new study; dusting his books;—a freedom 
which he never permitted anybody else to take with those sacred 

They had postponed their breakfast on my account; and we sat 
down to table together。 We had not been seated long; when I saw 
an approaching arrival in Mrs。 Strong’s face; before I heard any 
sound of it。 A gentleman on horseback came to the gate; and 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

leading his horse into the little court; with the bridle over his arm; 
as if he were quite at home; tied him to a ring in the empty coach…
house wall; and came into the breakfast parlour; whip in hand。 It 
was Mr。 Jack Maldon; and Mr。 Jack Maldon was not at all 
improved by India; I thought。 I was in a state of ferocious virtue; 
however; as to young men who were not cutting down trees in the 
forest of difficulty; and my impression must be received with due 

‘Mr。 Jack!’ said the Doctor。 ‘Copperfield!’ 

Mr。 Jack Maldon shook hands with me; but not very warmly; I 
believed; and with an air of languid patronage; at which I secretly 
took great umbrage。 But his languor altogether was quite a 
wonderful sight; except when he addressed himself to his cousin 
Annie。 ‘Have you breakfasted this morning; Mr。 Jack?’ said the 

‘I hardly ever take breakfast; sir;’ he replied; with his head 
thrown back in an easy…chair。 ‘I find it bores me。’ 

‘Is there any news today?’ inquired the Doctor。 

‘Nothing at all; sir;’ replied Mr。 Maldon。 ‘There’s an account 
about the people being hungry and discontented down in the 
North; but they are always being hungry and discontented 

The Doctor looked grave; and said; as though he wished to 
change the subject; ‘Then there’s no news at all; and no news; they 
say; is good news。’ 

‘There’s a long statement in the papers; sir; about a murder;’ 
observed Mr。 Maldon。 ‘But somebody is always being murdered; 
and I didn’t read it。’ 

A display of indifference to all the actions and passions of 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

mankind was not supposed to be such a distinguished quality at 
that time; I think; as I have observed it to be considered since。 I 
have known it very fashionable indeed。 I have seen it displayed 
with such success; that I have encountered some fine ladies and 
gentlemen who might as well have been born caterpillars。 Perhaps 
it impressed me the more then; because it was new to me; but it 
certainly did not tend to exalt my opinion of; or to strengthen my 
confidence in; Mr。 Jack Maldon。 

‘I came out to inquire whether Annie would like to go to the 
opera tonight;’ said Mr。 Maldon; turning to her。 ‘It’s the last good 
night there will be; this season; and there’s a singer there; whom 
she really ought to hear。 She is perfectly exquisite。 Besides which; 
she is so charmingly ugly;’ relapsing into languor。 

The Doctor; ever pleased with what was likely to please his 
young wife; turned to her and said: 

‘You must go; Annie。 You must go。’ 

‘I would rather not;’ she said to the Doctor。 ‘I prefer to remain 
at home。 I would much rather remain at home。’ 

Without looking at her cousin; she then addressed me; and 
asked me about Agnes; and whether she should see her; and 
whether she was not likely to come that day; and was so much 
disturbed; that I wondered how even the Doctor; buttering his 
toast; could be blind to what was so obvious。 

But he saw nothing。 He told her; good…naturedly; that she was 
young and ought to be amused and entertained; and must not 
allow herself to be made dull by a dull old fellow。 Moreover; he 
said; he wanted to hear her sing all the new singer’s songs to him; 
and how could she do that well; unless she went? So the Doctor 
persisted in making the engagement for her; and Mr。 Jack Maldon 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

was to come back to dinner。 This concluded; he went to his Patent 
place; I suppose; but at all events went away on his horse; looking 
very idle。 

I was curious to find out next morning; whether she had been。 
She had not; but had sent into London to put her cousin off; and 
had gone out in the afternoon to see Agnes; and had prevailed 
upon the Doctor to go with her; and they had walked home by the 
fields; the Doctor told me; the evening being delightful。 I 
wondered then; whether she would have gone if Agnes had not 
been in town; and whether Agnes had some good influence over 
her too! 

She did not look very happy; I thought; but it was a good face; 
or a very false one。 I often glanced at it; for she sat in the window 
all the time we were at work; and made our breakfast; which we 
took by snatches as we were employed。 When I left; at nine 
o’clock; she was kneeling on the ground at the Doctor’s feet; 
putting on his shoes and gaiters for him。 There was a softened 
shade upon her face; thrown from some green leaves overhanging 
the open window of the low room; and I thought all the way to 
Doctors’ Commons; of the night when I had seen it looking at him 
as he read。 

I was pretty busy now; up at five in the morning; and home at 
nine or ten at night。 But I had infinite satisfaction in being so 
closely engaged; and never walked slowly on any account; and felt 
enthusiastically that the more I tired myself; the more I was doing 
to deserve Dora。 I had not revealed myself in my altered character 
to Dora yet; because she was coming to see Miss Mills in a few 
days; and I deferred all I had to tell her until then; merely 
informing her in my letters (all our communications were secretly 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

forwarded through Miss Mills); that I had much to tell her。 In the 
meantime; I put myself on a short allowance of bear’s grease; 
wholly abandoned scented soap and lavender water; and sold off 
three waistcoats at a prodigious sacrifice; as being too luxurious 
for my
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