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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第172章

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in the Commons again。 

Being very anxious to leave no stone unturned; I waited until 
Mr。 Spenlow came in; and then described what had passed; giving 
him to understand that I was not hopeless of his being able to 
soften the adamantine Jorkins; if he would undertake the task。 

‘Copperfield;’ returned Mr。 Spenlow; with a gracious smile; ‘you 
have not known my partner; Mr。 Jorkins; as long as I have。 
Nothing is farther from my thoughts than to attribute any degree 
of artifice to Mr。 Jorkins。 But Mr。 Jorkins has a way of stating his 

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objections which often deceives people。 No; Copperfield!’ shaking 
his head。 ‘Mr。 Jorkins is not to be moved; believe me!’ 

I was completely bewildered between Mr。 Spenlow and Mr。 
Jorkins; as to which of them really was the objecting partner; but I 
saw with sufficient clearness that there was obduracy somewhere 
in the firm; and that the recovery of my aunt’s thousand pounds 
was out of the question。 In a state of despondency; which I 
remember with anything but satisfaction; for I know it still had too 
much reference to myself (though always in connexion with Dora); 
I left the office; and went homeward。 

I was trying to familiarize my mind with the worst; and to 
present to myself the arrangements we should have to make for 
the future in their sternest aspect; when a hackney…chariot coming 
after me; and stopping at my very feet; occasioned me to look up。 
A fair hand was stretched forth to me from the window; and the 
face I had never seen without a feeling of serenity and happiness; 
from the moment when it first turned back on the old oak 
staircase with the great broad balustrade; and when I associated 
its softened beauty with the stained…glass window in the church; 
was smiling on me。 

‘Agnes!’ I joyfully exclaimed。 ‘Oh; my dear Agnes; of all people 
in the world; what a pleasure to see you!’ 

‘Is it; indeed?’ she said; in her cordial voice。 

‘I want to talk to you so much!’ said I。 ‘It’s such a lightening of 
my heart; only to look at you! If I had had a conjuror’s cap; there is 
no one I should have wished for but you!’ 

‘What?’ returned Agnes。 

‘Well! perhaps Dora first;’ I admitted; with a blush。 

‘Certainly; Dora first; I hope;’ said Agnes; laughing。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘But you next!’ said I。 ‘Where are you going?’ 

She was going to my rooms to see my aunt。 The day being very 
fine; she was glad to come out of the chariot; which smelt (I had 
my head in it all this time) like a stable put under a cucumber…
frame。 I dismissed the coachman; and she took my arm; and we 
walked on together。 She was like Hope embodied; to me。 How 
different I felt in one short minute; having Agnes at my side! 

My aunt had written her one of the odd; abrupt notes—very 
little longer than a Bank note—to which her epistolary efforts 
were usually limited。 She had stated therein that she had fallen 
into adversity; and was leaving Dover for good; but had quite 
made up her mind to it; and was so well that nobody need be 
uncomfortable about her。 Agnes had come to London to see my 
aunt; between whom and herself there had been a mutual liking 
these many years: indeed; it dated from the time of my taking up 
my residence in Mr。 Wickfield’s house。 She was not alone; she 
said。 Her papa was with her—and Uriah Heep。 

‘And now they are partners;’ said I。 ‘Confound him!’ 

‘Yes;’ said Agnes。 ‘They have some business here; and I took 
advantage of their coming; to come too。 You must not think my 
visit all friendly and disinterested; Trotwood; for—I am afraid I 
may be cruelly prejudiced—I do not like to let papa go away alone; 
with him。’ 

‘Does he exercise the same influence over Mr。 Wickfield still; 

Agnes shook her head。 ‘There is such a change at home;’ said 
she; ‘that you would scarcely know the dear old house。 They live 
with us now。’ 

‘They?’ said I。 

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David Copperfield 

‘Mr。 Heep and his mother。 He sleeps in your old room;’ said 
Agnes; looking up into my face。 

‘I wish I had the ordering of his dreams;’ said I。 ‘He wouldn’t 
sleep there long。’ 

‘I keep my own little room;’ said Agnes; ‘where I used to learn 
my lessons。 How the time goes! You remember? The little 
panelled room that opens from the drawing…room?’ 

‘Remember; Agnes? When I saw you; for the first time; coming 
out at the door; with your quaint little basket of keys hanging at 
your side?’ 

‘It is just the same;’ said Agnes; smiling。 ‘I am glad you think of 
it so pleasantly。 We were very happy。’ 

‘We were; indeed;’ said I。 

‘I keep that room to myself still; but I cannot always desert Mrs。 
Heep; you know。 And so;’ said Agnes; quietly; ‘I feel obliged to 
bear her company; when I might prefer to be alone。 But I have no 
other reason to complain of her。 If she tires me; sometimes; by her 
praises of her son; it is only natural in a mother。 He is a very good 
son to her。’ 

I looked at Agnes when she said these words; without detecting 
in her any consciousness of Uriah’s design。 Her mild but earnest 
eyes met mine with their own beautiful frankness; and there was 
no change in her gentle face。 

‘The chief evil of their presence in the house;’ said Agnes; ‘is 
that I cannot be as near papa as I could wish—Uriah Heep being 
so much between us—and cannot watch over him; if that is not too 
bold a thing to say; as closely as I would。 But if any fraud or 
treachery is practising against him; I hope that simple love and 
truth will be strong in the end。 I hope that real love and truth are 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world。’ 

A certain bright smile; which I never saw on any other face; 
died away; even while I thought how good it was; and how familiar 
it had once been to me; and she asked me; with a quick change of 
expression (we were drawing very near my street); if I knew how 
the reverse in my aunt’s circumstances had been brought about。 
On my replying no; she had not told me yet; Agnes became 
thoughtful; and I fancied I felt her arm tremble in mine。 

We found my aunt alone; in a state of some excitement。 A 
difference of opinion had arisen between herself and Mrs。 Crupp; 
on an abstract question (the propriety of chambers being 
inhabited by the gentler sex); and my aunt; utterly indifferent to 
spasms on the part of Mrs。 Crupp; had cut the dispute short; by 
informing that lady that she smelt of my brandy; and that she 
would trouble her to walk out。 Both of these expressions Mrs。 
Crupp considered actionable; and had expressed her intention of 
bringing before a ‘British Judy’—meaning; it was supposed; the 
bulwark of our national liberties。 

My aunt; however; having had time to cool; while Peggotty was 
out showing Mr。 Dick the soldiers at the Horse Guards—and 
being; besides; greatly pleased to see Agnes—rather plumed 
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