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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第166章

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nothing like it had ever been known。 

Somehow; as I wrote to Agnes on a fine evening by my open 
window; and the remembrance of her clear calm eyes and gentle 
face came stealing over me; it shed such a peaceful influence upon 
the hurry and agitation in which I had been living lately; and of 
which my very happiness partook in some degree; that it soothed 
me into tears。 I remember that I sat resting my head upon my 
hand; when the letter was half done; cherishing a general fancy as 
if Agnes were one of the elements of my natural home。 As if; in the 
retirement of the house made almost sacred to me by her 
presence; Dora and I must be happier than anywhere。 As if; in 
love; joy; sorrow; hope; or disappointment; in all emotions; my 
heart turned naturally there; and found its refuge and best friend。 

Of Steerforth I said nothing。 I only told her there had been sad 
grief at Yarmouth; on account of Emily’s flight; and that on me it 
made a double wound; by reason of the circumstances attending 
it。 I knew how quick she always was to divine the truth; and that 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

she would never be the first to breathe his name。 

To this letter; I received an answer by return of post。 As I read 
it; I seemed to hear Agnes speaking to me。 It was like her cordial 
voice in my ears。 What can I say more! 

While I had been away from home lately; Traddles had called 
twice or thrice。 Finding Peggotty within; and being informed by 
Peggotty (who always volunteered that information to 
whomsoever would receive it); that she was my old nurse; he had 
established a good…humoured acquaintance with her; and had 
stayed to have a little chat with her about me。 So Peggotty said; 
but I am afraid the chat was all on her own side; and of 
immoderate length; as she was very difficult indeed to stop; God 
bless her! when she had me for her theme。 

This reminds me; not only that I expected Traddles on a certain 
afternoon of his own appointing; which was now come; but that 
Mrs。 Crupp had resigned everything appertaining to her office 
(the salary excepted) until Peggotty should cease to present 
herself。 Mrs。 Crupp; after holding divers conversations respecting 
Peggotty; in a very high…pitched voice; on the staircase—with 
some invisible Familiar it would appear; for corporeally speaking 
she was quite alone at those times—addressed a letter to me; 
developing her views。 Beginning it with that statement of 
universal application; which fitted every occurrence of her life; 
namely; that she was a mother herself; she went on to inform me 
that she had once seen very different days; but that at all periods 
of her existence she had had a constitutional objection to spies; 
intruders; and informers。 She named no names; she said; let them 
the cap fitted; wear it; but spies; intruders; and informers; 
especially in widders’ weeds (this clause was underlined); she had 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

ever accustomed herself to look down upon。 If a gentleman was 
the victim of spies; intruders; and informers (but still naming no 
names); that was his own pleasure。 He had a right to please 
himself; so let him do。 All that she; Mrs。 Crupp; stipulated for; 
was; that she should not be ‘brought in contract’ with such 
persons。 Therefore she begged to be excused from any further 
attendance on the top set; until things were as they formerly was; 
and as they could be wished to be; and further mentioned that her 
little book would be found upon the breakfast…table every 
Saturday morning; when she requested an immediate settlement 
of the same; with the benevolent view of saving trouble ‘and an illconwenience’ to all parties。 

After this; Mrs。 Crupp confined herself to making pitfalls on the 
stairs; principally with pitchers; and endeavouring to delude 
Peggotty into breaking her legs。 I found it rather harassing to live 
in this state of siege; but was too much afraid of Mrs。 Crupp to see 
any way out of it。 

‘My dear Copperfield;’ cried Traddles; punctually appearing at 
my door; in spite of all these obstacles; ‘how do you do?’ 

‘My dear Traddles;’ said I; ‘I am delighted to see you at last; and 
very sorry I have not been at home before。 But I have been so 
much engaged—’ 

‘Yes; yes; I know;’ said Traddles; ‘of course。 Yours lives in 
London; I think。’ 

‘What did you say?’ 

‘She—excuse me—Miss D。; you know;’ said Traddles; colouring 
in his great delicacy; ‘lives in London; I believe?’ 

‘Oh yes。 Near London。’ 

‘Mine; perhaps you recollect;’ said Traddles; with a serious look; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘lives down in Devonshire—one of ten。 Consequently; I am not so 

much engaged as you—in that sense。’ 

‘I wonder you can bear;’ I returned; ‘to see her so seldom。’ 

‘Hah!’ said Traddles; thoughtfully。 ‘It does seem a wonder。 
suppose it is; Copperfield; because there is no help for it?’ 

‘I suppose so;’ I replied with a smile; and not without a blush。 
‘And because you have so much constancy and patience; 

‘Dear me!’ said Traddles; considering about it; ‘do I strike you 
in that way; Copperfield? Really I didn’t know that I had。 But she 
is such an extraordinarily dear girl herself; that it’s possible she 
may have imparted something of those virtues to me。 Now you 
mention it; Copperfield; I shouldn’t wonder at all。 I assure you she 
is always forgetting herself; and taking care of the other nine。’ 

‘Is she the eldest?’ I inquired。 

‘Oh dear; no;’ said Traddles。 ‘The eldest is a Beauty。’ 

He saw; I suppose; that I could not help smiling at the simplicity 
of this reply; and added; with a smile upon his own ingenuous 

‘Not; of course; but that my Sophy—pretty name; Copperfield; I 
always think?’ 

‘Very pretty!’ said I。 

‘Not; of course; but that Sophy is beautiful too in my eyes; and 
would be one of the dearest girls that ever was; in anybody’s eyes 
(I should think)。 But when I say the eldest is a Beauty; I mean she 
really is a—’ he seemed to be describing clouds about himself; with 
both hands: ‘Splendid; you know;’ said Traddles; energetically。 
‘Indeed!’ said I。 

‘Oh; I assure you;’ said Traddles; ‘something very uncommon; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

indeed! Then; you know; being formed for society and admiration; 
and not being able to enjoy much of it in consequence of their 
limited means; she naturally gets a little irritable and exacting; 
sometimes。 Sophy puts her in good humour!’ 

‘Is Sophy the youngest?’ I hazarded。 

‘Oh dear; no!’ said Traddles; stroking his chin。 ‘The two 
youngest are only nine and ten。 Sophy educates ’em。’ 

‘The second daughter; perhaps?’ I hazarded。 

‘No;’ said Traddles。 ‘Sarah’s the second。 Sarah has something 
the matter with her spine; poor girl。 The malady will wear out by 
and by; the doctors say; but in the meantime she has to lie down 
for a twelvemonth。 Sophy nurses her。 Sophy’s the 
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