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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第162章

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I must say that I had my doubts about the strict justice of this; 
and was not even frightened out of them by the bushel of wheat 
which reconciles all anomalies。 But Mr。 Spenlow argued the 
matter with me。 He said; Look at the world; there was good and 
evil in that; look at the ecclesiastical law; there was good and evil 
in that。 It was all part of a system。 Very good。 There you were! 

I had not the hardihood to suggest to Dora’s father that possibly 
we might even improve the world a little; if we got up early in the 
morning; and took off our coats to the work; but I confessed that I 
thought we might improve the Commons。 Mr。 Spenlow replied 
that he would particularly advise me to dismiss that idea from my 
mind; as not being worthy of my gentlemanly character; but that 
he would be glad to hear from me of what improvement I thought 
the Commons susceptible? 

Taking that part of the Commons which happened to be nearest 
to us—for our man was unmarried by this time; and we were out 
of Court; and strolling past the Prerogative Office—I submitted 
that I thought the Prerogative Office rather a queerly managed 
institution。 Mr。 Spenlow inquired in what respect? I replied; with 
all due deference to his experience (but with more deference; I am 
afraid; to his being Dora’s father); that perhaps it was a little 
nonsensical that the Registry of that Court; containing the original 
wills of all persons leaving effects within the immense province of 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Canterbury; for three whole centuries; should be an accidental 
building; never designed for the purpose; leased by the registrars 
for their Own private emolument; unsafe; not even ascertained to 
be fire…proof; choked with the important documents it held; and 
positively; from the roof to the basement; a mercenary speculation 
of the registrars; who took great fees from the public; and 
crammed the public’s wills away anyhow and anywhere; having no 
other object than to get rid of them cheaply。 That; perhaps; it was 
a little unreasonable that these registrars in the receipt of profits 
amounting to eight or nine thousand pounds a year (to say nothing 
of the profits of the deputy registrars; and clerks of seats); should 
not be obliged to spend a little of that money; in finding a 
reasonably safe place for the important documents which all 
classes of people were compelled to hand over to them; whether 
they would or no。 That; perhaps; it was a little unjust; that all the 
great offices in this great office should be magnificent sinecures; 
while the unfortunate working…clerks in the cold dark room 
upstairs were the worst rewarded; and the least considered men; 
doing important services; in London。 That perhaps it was a little 
indecent that the principal registrar of all; whose duty it was to 
find the public; constantly resorting to this place; all needful 
accommodation; should be an enormous sinecurist in virtue of 
that post (and might be; besides; a clergyman; a pluralist; the 
holder of a staff in a cathedral; and what not);—while the public 
was put to the inconvenience of which we had a specimen every 
afternoon when the office was busy; and which we knew to be 
quite monstrous。 That; perhaps; in short; this Prerogative Office of 
the diocese of Canterbury was altogether such a pestilent job; and 
such a pernicious absurdity; that but for its being squeezed away 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

in a corner of St。 Paul’s Churchyard; which few people knew; it 
must have been turned completely inside out; and upside down; 
long ago。 

Mr。 Spenlow smiled as I became modestly warm on the subject; 
and then argued this question with me as he had argued the other。 
He said; what was it after all? It was a question of feeling。 If the 
public felt that their wills were in safe keeping; and took it for 
granted that the office was not to be made better; who was the 
worse for it? Nobody。 Who was the better for it? All the 
Sinecurists。 Very well。 Then the good predominated。 It might not 
be a perfect system; nothing was perfect; but what he objected to; 
was; the insertion of the wedge。 Under the Prerogative Office; the 
country had been glorious。 Insert the wedge into the Prerogative 
Office; and the country would cease to be glorious。 He considered 
it the principle of a gentleman to take things as he found them; 
and he had no doubt the Prerogative Office would last our time。 I 
deferred to his opinion; though I had great doubts of it myself。 I 
find he was right; however; for it has not only lasted to the present 
moment; but has done so in the teeth of a great parliamentary 
report made (not too willingly) eighteen years ago; when all these 
objections of mine were set forth in detail; and when the existing 
stowage for wills was described as equal to the accumulation of 
only two years and a half more。 What they have done with them 
since; whether they have lost many; or whether they sell any; now 
and then; to the butter shops; I don’t know。 I am glad mine is not 
there; and I hope it may not go there; yet awhile。 

I have set all this down; in my present blissful chapter; because 
here it comes into its natural place。 Mr。 Spenlow and I falling into 
this conversation; prolonged it and our saunter to and fro; until we 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

diverged into general topics。 And so it came about; in the end; that 
Mr。 Spenlow told me this day week was Dora’s birthday; and he 
would be glad if I would come down and join a little picnic on the 
occasion。 I went out of my senses immediately; became a mere 
driveller next day; on receipt of a little lace…edged sheet of notepaper; ‘Favoured by papa。 To remind’; and passed the intervening 
period in a state of dotage。 

I think I committed every possible absurdity in the way of 
preparation for this blessed event。 I turn hot when I remember the 
cravat I bought。 My boots might be placed in any collection of 
instruments of torture。 I provided; and sent down by the Norwood 
coach the night before; a delicate little hamper; amounting in 
itself; I thought; almost to a declaration。 There were crackers in it 
with the tenderest mottoes that could be got for money。 At six in 
the morning; I was in Covent Garden Market; buying a bouquet 
for Dora。 At ten I was on horseback (I hired a gallant grey; for the 
occasion); with the bouquet in my hat; to keep it fresh; trotting 
down to Norwood。 

I suppose that when I saw Dora in the garden and pretended 
not to see her; and rode past the house pretending to be anxiously 
looking for it; I committed two small fooleries which other young 
gentlemen in my circumstances might have committed—because 
they came so very natural to me。 But oh! when I did find the 
house; and did dismount at the garden…gate; and drag those stonyhearted boots across the lawn to Dora sitting on a garden…seat 
under a lilac tree; what a spectacle she was; upon that beautiful 
morning; among the butterflies; in a white chip bonnet and a dress 
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