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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第155章

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When she had served us all; she withdrew to the window; where 
she sedulously employed herself in repairing some shirts and 
other clothes belonging to Mr。 Peggotty; and neatly folding and 
packing them in an old oilskin bag; such as sailors carry。 
Meanwhile; she continued talking; in the same quiet manner: 

‘All times and seasons; you know; Dan’l;’ said Mrs。 Gummidge; 
‘I shall be allus here; and everythink will look accordin’ to your 
wishes。 I’m a poor scholar; but I shall write to you; odd times; 
when you’re away; and send my letters to Mas’r Davy。 Maybe 
you’ll write to me too; Dan’l; odd times; and tell me how you fare to 
feel upon your lone lorn journies。’ 

‘You’ll be a solitary woman heer; I’m afeerd!’ said Mr。 Peggotty。 

‘No; no; Dan’l;’ she returned; ‘I shan’t be that。 Doen’t you mind 
me。 I shall have enough to do to keep a Beein for you’ (Mrs。 
Gummidge meant a home); ‘again you come back—to keep a 
Beein here for any that may hap to come back; Dan’l。 In the fine 
time; I shall set outside the door as I used to do。 If any should come 
nigh; they shall see the old widder woman true to ’em; a long way 

What a change in Mrs。 Gummidge in a little time! She was 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

another woman。 She was so devoted; she had such a quick 
perception of what it would be well to say; and what it would be 
well to leave unsaid; she was so forgetful of herself; and so 
regardful of the sorrow about her; that I held her in a sort of 
veneration。 The work she did that day! There were many things to 
be brought up from the beach and stored in the outhouse—as oars; 
nets; sails; cordage; spars; lobster…pots; bags of ballast; and the 
like; and though there was abundance of assistance rendered; 
there being not a pair of working hands on all that shore but 
would have laboured hard for Mr。 Peggotty; and been well paid in 
being asked to do it; yet she persisted; all day long; in toiling under 
weights that she was quite unequal to; and fagging to and fro on 
all sorts of unnecessary errands。 As to deploring her misfortunes; 
she appeared to have entirely lost the recollection of ever having 
had any。 She preserved an equable cheerfulness in the midst of 
her sympathy; which was not the least astonishing part of the 
change that had come over her。 Querulousness was out of the 
question。 I did not even observe her voice to falter; or a tear to 
escape from her eyes; the whole day through; until twilight; when 
she and I and Mr。 Peggotty being alone together; and he having 
fallen asleep in perfect exhaustion; she broke into a half…
suppressed fit of sobbing and crying; and taking me to the door; 
said; ‘Ever bless you; Mas’r Davy; be a friend to him; poor dear!’ 
Then; she immediately ran out of the house to wash her face; in 
order that she might sit quietly beside him; and be found at work 
there; when he should awake。 In short I left her; when I went away 
at night; the prop and staff of Mr。 Peggotty’s affliction; and I could 
not meditate enough upon the lesson that I read in Mrs。 
Gummidge; and the new experience she unfolded to me。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

It was between nine and ten o’clock when; strolling in a 
melancholy manner through the town; I stopped at Mr。 Omer’s 
door。 Mr。 Omer had taken it so much to heart; his daughter told 
me; that he had been very low and poorly all day; and had gone to 
bed without his pipe。 

‘A deceitful; bad…hearted girl;’ said Mrs。 Joram。 ‘There was no 
good in her; ever!’ 

‘Don’t say so;’ I returned。 ‘You don’t think so。’ 

‘Yes; I do!’ cried Mrs。 Joram; angrily。 

‘No; no;’ said I。 

Mrs。 Joram tossed her head; endeavouring to be very stern and 
cross; but she could not command her softer self; and began to cry。 
I was young; to be sure; but I thought much the better of her for 
this sympathy; and fancied it became her; as a virtuous wife and 
mother; very well indeed。 

‘What will she ever do!’ sobbed Minnie。 ‘Where will she go! 
What will become of her! Oh; how could she be so cruel; to herself 
and him!’ 

I remembered the time when Minnie was a young and pretty 
girl; and I was glad she remembered it too; so feelingly。 

‘My little Minnie;’ said Mrs。 Joram; ‘has only just now been got 
to sleep。 Even in her sleep she is sobbing for Em’ly。 All day long; 
little Minnie has cried for her; and asked me; over and over again; 
whether Em’ly was wicked? What can I say to her; when Em’ly 
tied a ribbon off her own neck round little Minnie’s the last night 
she was here; and laid her head down on the pillow beside her till 
she was fast asleep! The ribbon’s round my little Minnie’s neck 
now。 It ought not to be; perhaps; but what can I do? Em’ly is very 
bad; but they were fond of one another。 And the child knows 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 


Mrs。 Joram was so unhappy that her husband came out to take 
care of her。 Leaving them together; I went home to Peggotty’s; 
more melancholy myself; if possible; than I had been yet。 

That good creature—I mean Peggotty—all untired by her late 
anxieties and sleepless nights; was at her brother’s; where she 
meant to stay till morning。 An old woman; who had been 
employed about the house for some weeks past; while Peggotty 
had been unable to attend to it; was the house’s only other 
occupant besides myself。 As I had no occasion for her services; I 
sent her to bed; by no means against her will; and sat down before 
the kitchen fire a little while; to think about all this。 

I was blending it with the deathbed of the late Mr。 Barkis; and 
was driving out with the tide towards the distance at which Ham 
had looked so singularly in the morning; when I was recalled from 
my wanderings by a knock at the door。 There was a knocker upon 
the door; but it was not that which made the sound。 The tap was 
from a hand; and low down upon the door; as if it were given by a 

It made me start as much as if it had been the knock of a 
footman to a person of distinction。 I opened the door; and at first 
looked down; to my amazement; on nothing but a great umbrella 
that appeared to be walking about of itself。 But presently I 
discovered underneath it; Miss Mowcher。 

I might not have been prepared to give the little creature a very 
kind reception; if; on her removing the umbrella; which her 
utmost efforts were unable to shut up; she had shown me the 
‘volatile’ expression of face which had made so great an 
impression on me at our first and last meeting。 But her face; as she 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

turned it up to mine; was so earnest; and when I relieved her of 
the umbrella (which would have been an inconvenient one for the 
Irish Giant); she wrung her little hands in such an afflicted 
manner; that I rather inclined towards her。 

‘Miss Mowcher!’ said I; after glancing up and down the empty 
street; without distinctly knowing what I expected to see besides; 
‘how do you co
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