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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第151章

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the will should be looked for in the box。 After some search; it was 
found in the box; at the bottom of a horse’s nose…bag; wherein 
(besides hay) there was discovered an old gold watch; with chain 
and seals; which Mr。 Barkis had worn on his wedding…day; and 
which had never been seen before or since; a silver tobacco…
stopper; in the form of a leg; an imitation lemon; full of minute 
cups and saucers; which I have some idea Mr。 Barkis must have 
purchased to present to me when I was a child; and afterwards 
found himself unable to part with; eighty…seven guineas and a half; 
in guineas and half…guineas; two hundred and ten pounds; in 
perfectly clean Bank notes; certain receipts for Bank of England 
stock; an old horseshoe; a bad shilling; a piece of camphor; and an 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

oyster…shell。 From the circumstance of the latter article having 
been much polished; and displaying prismatic colours on the 
inside; I conclude that Mr。 Barkis had some general ideas about 
pearls; which never resolved themselves into anything definite。 

For years and years; Mr。 Barkis had carried this box; on all his 
journeys; every day。 That it might the better escape notice; he had 
invented a fiction that it belonged to ‘Mr。 Blackboy’; and was ‘to be 
left with Barkis till called for’; a fable he had elaborately written 
on the lid; in characters now scarcely legible。 

He had hoarded; all these years; I found; to good purpose。 His 
property in money amounted to nearly three thousand pounds。 Of 
this he bequeathed the interest of one thousand to Mr。 Peggotty 
for his life; on his decease; the principal to be equally divided 
between Peggotty; little Emily; and me; or the survivor or 
survivors of us; share and share alike。 All the rest he died 
possessed of; he bequeathed to Peggotty; whom he left residuary 
legatee; and sole executrix of that his last will and testament。 

I felt myself quite a proctor when I read this document aloud 
with all possible ceremony; and set forth its provisions; any 
number of times; to those whom they concerned。 I began to think 
there was more in the Commons than I had supposed。 I examined 
the will with the deepest attention; pronounced it perfectly formal 
in all respects; made a pencil…mark or so in the margin; and 
thought it rather extraordinary that I knew so much。 

In this abstruse pursuit; in making an account for Peggotty; of 
all the property into which she had come; in arranging all the 
affairs in an orderly manner; and in being her referee and adviser 
on every point; to our joint delight; I passed the week before the 
funeral。 I did not see little Emily in that interval; but they told me 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

she was to be quietly married in a fortnight。 

I did not attend the funeral in character; if I may venture to say 
so。 I mean I was not dressed up in a black coat and a streamer; to 
frighten the birds; but I walked over to Blunderstone early in the 
morning; and was in the churchyard when it came; attended only 
by Peggotty and her brother。 The mad gentleman looked on; out of 
my little window; Mr。 Chillip’s baby wagged its heavy head; and 
rolled its goggle eyes; at the clergyman; over its nurse’s shoulder; 
Mr。 Omer breathed short in the background; no one else was 
there; and it was very quiet。 We walked about the churchyard for 
an hour; after all was over; and pulled some young leaves from the 
tree above my mother’s grave。 

A dread falls on me here。 A cloud is lowering on the distant 
town; towards which I retraced my solitary steps。 I fear to 
approach it。 I cannot bear to think of what did come; upon that 
memorable night; of what must come again; if I go on。 

It is no worse; because I write of it。 It would be no better; if I 
stopped my most unwilling hand。 It is done。 Nothing can undo it; 
nothing can make it otherwise than as it was。 

My old nurse was to go to London with me next day; on the 
business of the will。 Little Emily was passing that day at Mr。 
Omer’s。 We were all to meet in the old boathouse that night。 Ham 
would bring Emily at the usual hour。 I would walk back at my 
leisure。 The brother and sister would return as they had come; 
and be expecting us; when the day closed in; at the fireside。 

I parted from them at the wicket…gate; where visionary Strap 
had rested with Roderick Random’s knapsack in the days of yore; 
and; instead of going straight back; walked a little distance on the 
road to Lowestoft。 Then I turned; and walked back towards 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Yarmouth。 I stayed to dine at a decent alehouse; some mile or two 
from the Ferry I have mentioned before; and thus the day wore 
away; and it was evening when I reached it。 Rain was falling 
heavily by that time; and it was a wild night; but there was a moon 
behind the clouds; and it was not dark。 

I was soon within sight of Mr。 Peggotty’s house; and of the light 
within it shining through the window。 A little floundering across 
the sand; which was heavy; brought me to the door; and I went in。 

It looked very comfortable indeed。 Mr。 Peggotty had smoked his 
evening pipe and there were preparations for some supper by and 
by。 The fire was bright; the ashes were thrown up; the locker was 
ready for little Emily in her old place。 In her own old place sat 
Peggotty; once more; looking (but for her dress) as if she had 
never left it。 She had fallen back; already; on the society of the 
work…box with St。 Paul’s upon the lid; the yard…measure in the 
cottage; and the bit of wax…candle; and there they all were; just as 
if they had never been disturbed。 Mrs。 Gummidge appeared to be 
fretting a little; in her old corner; and consequently looked quite 
natural; too。 

‘You’re first of the lot; Mas’r Davy!’ said Mr。 Peggotty with a 
happy face。 ‘Doen’t keep in that coat; sir; if it’s wet。’ 

‘Thank you; Mr。 Peggotty;’ said I; giving him my outer coat to 
hang up。 ‘It’s quite dry。’ 

‘So ’tis!’ said Mr。 Peggotty; feeling my shoulders。 ‘As a chip! Sit 
ye down; sir。 It ain’t o’ no use saying welcome to you; but you’re 
welcome; kind and hearty。’ 

‘Thank you; Mr。 Peggotty; I am sure of that。 Well; Peggotty!’ 
said I; giving her a kiss。 ‘And how are you; old woman?’ 

‘Ha; ha!’ laughed Mr。 Peggotty; sitting down beside us; and 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

rubbing his hands in his sense of relief from recent trouble; and in 
the genuine heartiness of his nature; ‘there’s not a woman in the 
wureld; sir—as I tell her—that need to feel more easy in her mind 
than her! She done her dooty by the departed; and the departed 
know’d it; and the departed done what was right by her; as she 
done what was right by the departed;—and—and—and it’s all 

Mrs。 Gummidge groaned。 

‘Cheer up; my pritty mawther!’ said Mr。 Peggotty。 (But he 
shook his head aside at us; evidently sensible of the tendency of 
the late occurrences to recall the memory of the old one。) ‘Doen’t
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