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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第148章

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‘Daisy; if anything should ever separate us; you must think of 
me at my best; old boy。 Come! Let us make that bargain。 Think of 
me at my best; if circumstances should ever part us!’ 

‘You have no best to me; Steerforth;’ said I; ‘and no worst。 You 
are always equally loved; and cherished in my heart。’ 

So much compunction for having ever wronged him; even by a 
shapeless thought; did I feel within me; that the confession of 
having done so was rising to my lips。 But for the reluctance I had 
to betray the confidence of Agnes; but for my uncertainty how to 
approach the subject with no risk of doing so; it would have 
reached them before he said; ‘God bless you; Daisy; and good 
night!’ In my doubt; it did not reach them; and we shook hands; 
and we parted。 

I was up with the dull dawn; and; having dressed as quietly as I 
could; looked into his room。 He was fast asleep; lying; easily; with 
his head upon his arm; as I had often seen him lie at school。 

The time came in its season; and that was very soon; when I 
almost wondered that nothing troubled his repose; as I looked at 
him。 But he slept—let me think of him so again—as I had often 
seen him sleep at school; and thus; in this silent hour; I left him。 

—Never more; oh God forgive you; Steerforth! to touch that 
passive hand in love and friendship。 Never; never more! 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Chapter 30 


Igot down to Yarmouth in the evening; and went to the inn。 I 
knew that Peggotty’s spare room—my room—was likely to 
have occupation enough in a little while; if that great Visitor; 
before whose presence all the living must give place; were not 
already in the house; so I betook myself to the inn; and dined 
there; and engaged my bed。 

It was ten o’clock when I went out。 Many of the shops were 
shut; and the town was dull。 When I came to Omer and Joram’s; I 
found the shutters up; but the shop door standing open。 As I could 
obtain a perspective view of Mr。 Omer inside; smoking his pipe by 
the parlour door; I entered; and asked him how he was。 

‘Why; bless my life and soul!’ said Mr。 Omer; ‘how do you find 
yourself? Take a seat。—Smoke not disagreeable; I hope?’ 

‘By no means;’ said I。 ‘I like it—in somebody else’s pipe。’ 

‘What; not in your own; eh?’ Mr。 Omer returned; laughing。 ‘All 
the better; sir。 Bad habit for a young man。 Take a seat。 I smoke; 
myself; for the asthma。’ 

Mr。 Omer had made room for me; and placed a chair。 He now 
sat down again very much out of breath; gasping at his pipe as if it 
contained a supply of that necessary; without which he must 

‘I am sorry to have heard bad news of Mr。 Barkis;’ said I。 

Mr。 Omer looked at me; with a steady countenance; and shook 
his head。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Do you know how he is tonight?’ I asked。 

‘The very question I should have put to you; sir;’ returned Mr。 
Omer; ‘but on account of delicacy。 It’s one of the drawbacks of our 
line of business。 When a party’s ill; we can’t ask how the party is。’ 

The difficulty had not occurred to me; though I had had my 
apprehensions too; when I went in; of hearing the old tune。 On its 
being mentioned; I recognized it; however; and said as much。 

‘Yes; yes; you understand;’ said Mr。 Omer; nodding his head。 
‘We dursn’t do it。 Bless you; it would be a shock that the generality 
of parties mightn’t recover; to say “Omer and Joram’s 
compliments; and how do you find yourself this morning?”—or 
this afternoon—as it may be。’ 

Mr。 Omer and I nodded at each other; and Mr。 Omer recruited 
his wind by the aid of his pipe。 

‘It’s one of the things that cut the trade off from attentions they 
could often wish to show;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Take myself。 If I have 
known Barkis a year; to move to as he went by; I have known him 
forty years。 But I can’t go and say; “how is he?”’ 

I felt it was rather hard on Mr。 Omer; and I told him so。 

‘I’m not more self…interested; I hope; than another man;’ said 
Mr。 Omer。 ‘Look at me! My wind may fail me at any moment; and 
it ain’t likely that; to my own knowledge; I’d be self…interested 
under such circumstances。 I say it ain’t likely; in a man who knows 
his wind will go; when it does go; as if a pair of bellows was cut 
open; and that man a grandfather;’ said Mr。 Omer。 

I said; ‘Not at all。’ 

‘It ain’t that I complain of my line of business;’ said Mr。 Omer。 
‘It ain’t that。 Some good and some bad goes; no doubt; to all 
callings。 What I wish is; that parties was brought up stronger…

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 


Mr。 Omer; with a very complacent and amiable face; took 
several puffs in silence; and then said; resuming his first point: 

‘Accordingly we’re obleeged; in ascertaining how Barkis goes 
on; to limit ourselves to Em’ly。 She knows what our real objects 
are; and she don’t have any more alarms or suspicions about us; 
than if we was so many lambs。 Minnie and Joram have just 
stepped down to the house; in fact (she’s there; after hours; 
helping her aunt a bit); to ask her how he is tonight; and if you was 
to please to wait till they come back; they’d give you full 
partic’lers。 Will you take something? A glass of srub and water; 
now? I smoke on srub and water; myself;’ said Mr。 Omer; taking 
up his glass; ‘because it’s considered softening to the passages; by 
which this troublesome breath of mine gets into action。 But; Lord 
bless you;’ said Mr。 Omer; huskily; ‘it ain’t the passages that’s out 
of order! “Give me breath enough;” said I to my daughter Minnie; 
“and I’ll find passages; my dear。”’ 

He really had no breath to spare; and it was very alarming to 
see him laugh。 When he was again in a condition to be talked to; I 
thanked him for the proffered refreshment; which I declined; as I 
had just had dinner; and; observing that I would wait; since he was 
so good as to invite me; until his daughter and his son…in…law came 
back; I inquired how little Emily was? 

‘Well; sir;’ said Mr。 Omer; removing his pipe; that he might rub 
his chin: ‘I tell you truly; I shall be glad when her marriage has 
taken place。’ 

‘Why so?’ I inquired。 

‘Well; she’s unsettled at present;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘It ain’t that 
she’s not as pretty as ever; for she’s prettier—I do assure you; she 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

is prettier。 It ain’t that she don’t work as well as ever; for she does。 
She was worth any six; and she is worth any six。 But somehow she 
wants heart。 If you understand;’ said Mr。 Omer; after rubbing his 
chin again; and smoking a little; ‘what I mean in a general way by 
the expression; “A long pull; and a strong pull; and a pull 
altogether; my hearties; hurrah!” I should say to you; that that 
was—in a general way—what I miss in Em’ly。’ 

Mr。 Omer’s face and manner went for so much; that I could 
conscientiously nod my head; as divining his meaning。 My 
quickness of apprehensi
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