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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第143章

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expression—go to the Devil。 

Mr。 Micawber then delivered a warm eulogy on Traddles。 He 
said Traddles’s was a character; to the steady virtues of which he 
(Mr。 Micawber) could lay no claim; but which; he thanked Heaven; 
he could admire。 He feelingly alluded to the young lady; unknown; 
whom Traddles had honoured with his affection; and who had 
reciprocated that affection by honouring and blessing Traddles 
with her affection。 Mr。 Micawber pledged her。 So did I。 Traddles 
thanked us both; by saying; with a simplicity and honesty I had 
sense enough to be quite charmed with; ‘I am very much obliged 
to you indeed。 And I do assure you; she’s the dearest girl!—’ 

Mr。 Micawber took an early opportunity; after that; of hinting; 
with the utmost delicacy and ceremony; at the state of my 
affections。 Nothing but the serious assurance of his friend 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Copperfield to the contrary; he observed; could deprive him of the 
impression that his friend Copperfield loved and was beloved。 
After feeling very hot and uncomfortable for some time; and after 
a good deal of blushing; stammering; and denying; I said; having 
my glass in my hand; ‘Well! I would give them D。!’ which so 
excited and gratified Mr。 Micawber; that he ran with a glass of 
punch into my bedroom; in order that Mrs。 Micawber might drink 
D。; who drank it with enthusiasm; crying from within; in a shrill 
voice; ‘Hear; hear! My dear Mr。 Copperfield; I am delighted。 Hear!’ 
and tapping at the wall; by way of applause。 

Our conversation; afterwards; took a more worldly turn; Mr。 
Micawber telling us that he found Camden Town inconvenient; 
and that the first thing he contemplated doing; when the 
advertisement should have been the cause of something 
satisfactory turning up; was to move。 He mentioned a terrace at 
the western end of Oxford Street; fronting Hyde Park; on which he 
had always had his eye; but which he did not expect to attain 
immediately; as it would require a large establishment。 There 
would probably be an interval; he explained; in which he should 
content himself with the upper part of a house; over some 
respectable place of business—say in Piccadilly;—which would be 
a cheerful situation for Mrs。 Micawber; and where; by throwing 
out a bow…window; or carrying up the roof another story; or 
making some little alteration of that sort; they might live; 
comfortably and reputably; for a few years。 Whatever was 
reserved for him; he expressly said; or wherever his abode might 
be; we might rely on this—there would always be a room for 
Traddles; and a knife and fork for me。 We acknowledged his 
kindness; and he begged us to forgive his having launched into 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

these practical and business…like details; and to excuse it as 
natural in one who was making entirely new arrangements in life。 

Mrs。 Micawber; tapping at the wall again to know if tea were 
ready; broke up this particular phase of our friendly conversation。 
She made tea for us in a most agreeable manner; and; whenever I 
went near her; in handing about the tea…cups and bread…andbutter; asked me; in a whisper; whether D。 was fair; or dark; or 
whether she was short; or tall: or something of that kind; which I 
think I liked。 After tea; we discussed a variety of topics before the 
fire; and Mrs。 Micawber was good enough to sing us (in a small; 
thin; flat voice; which I remembered to have considered; when I 
first knew her; the very table…beer of acoustics) the favourite 
ballads of ‘The Dashing White Sergeant’; and ‘Little Tafflin’。 For 
both of these songs Mrs。 Micawber had been famous when she 
lived at home with her papa and mama。 Mr。 Micawber told us; that 
when he heard her sing the first one; on the first occasion of his 
seeing her beneath the parental roof; she had attracted his 
attention in an extraordinary degree; but that when it came to 
Little Tafflin; he had resolved to win that woman or perish in the 

It was between ten and eleven o’clock when Mrs。 Micawber 
rose to replace her cap in the whitey…brown paper parcel; and to 
put on her bonnet。 Mr。 Micawber took the opportunity of Traddles 
putting on his great…coat; to slip a letter into my hand; with a 
whispered request that I would read it at my leisure。 I also took 
the opportunity of my holding a candle over the banisters to light 
them down; when Mr。 Micawber was going first; leading Mrs。 
Micawber; and Traddles was following with the cap; to detain 
Traddles for a moment on the top of the stairs。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Traddles;’ said I; ‘Mr。 Micawber don’t mean any harm; poor 
fellow: but; if I were you; I wouldn’t lend him anything。’ 

‘My dear Copperfield;’ returned Traddles; smiling; ‘I haven’t got 
anything to lend。’ 

‘You have got a name; you know;’ said I。 

‘Oh! You call that something to lend?’ returned Traddles; with a 
thoughtful look。 


‘Oh!’ said Traddles。 ‘Yes; to be sure! I am very much obliged to 
you; Copperfield; but—I am afraid I have lent him that already。’ 

‘For the bill that is to be a certain investment?’ I inquired。 

‘No;’ said Traddles。 ‘Not for that one。 This is the first I have 
heard of that one。 I have been thinking that he will most likely 
propose that one; on the way home。 Mine’s another。’ 

‘I hope there will be nothing wrong about it;’ said I。 ‘I hope not;’ 
said Traddles。 ‘I should think not; though; because he told me; 
only the other day; that it was provided for。 That was Mr。 
Micawber’s expression; “Provided for。”’ 

Mr。 Micawber looking up at this juncture to where we were 
standing; I had only time to repeat my caution。 Traddles thanked 
me; and descended。 But I was much afraid; when I observed the 
good…natured manner in which he went down with the cap in his 
hand; and gave Mrs。 Micawber his arm; that he would be carried 
into the Money Market neck and heels。 

I returned to my fireside; and was musing; half gravely and half 
laughing; on the character of Mr。 Micawber and the old relations 
between us; when I heard a quick step ascending the stairs。 At 
first; I thought it was Traddles coming back for something Mrs。 
Micawber had left behind; but as the step approached; I knew it; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

and felt my heart beat high; and the blood rush to my face; for it 
was Steerforth’s。 

I was never unmindful of Agnes; and she never left that 
sanctuary in my thoughts—if I may call it so—where I had placed 
her from the first。 But when he entered; and stood before me with 
his hand out; the darkness that had fallen on him changed to light; 
and I felt confounded and ashamed of having doubted one I loved 
so heartily。 I loved her none the less; I thought of her as the same 
benignant; gentle angel in my life; I reproached myself; not her; 
with having done him an injury; and I would have made him any 
atonement if I had known what to make; and how to make it。 

‘Why; D
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