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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第136章

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want of; into the road: which not only made it rank and sloppy; but 
untidy too; on account of the cabbage…leaves。 The refuse was not 
wholly vegetable either; for I myself saw a shoe; a doubled…up 
saucepan; a black bonnet; and an umbrella; in various stages of 
decomposition; as I was looking out for the number I wanted。 

The general air of the place reminded me forcibly of the days 
when I lived with Mr。 and Mrs。 Micawber。 An indescribable 
character of faded gentility that attached to the house I sought; 
and made it unlike all the other houses in the street—though they 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

were all built on one monotonous pattern; and looked like the 
early copies of a blundering boy who was learning to make houses; 
and had not yet got out of his cramped brick…and…mortar 
pothooks—reminded me still more of Mr。 and Mrs。 Micawber。 
Happening to arrive at the door as it was opened to the afternoon 
milkman; I was reminded of Mr。 and Mrs。 Micawber more forcibly 

‘Now;’ said the milkman to a very youthful servant girl。 ‘Has 
that there little bill of mine been heerd on?’ 

‘Oh; master says he’ll attend to it immediate;’ was the reply。 

‘Because;’ said the milkman; going on as if he had received no 
answer; and speaking; as I judged from his tone; rather for the 
edification of somebody within the house; than of the youthful 
servant—an impression which was strengthened by his manner of 
glaring down the passage—‘because that there little bill has been 
running so long; that I begin to believe it’s run away altogether; 
and never won’t be heerd of。 Now; I’m not a going to stand it; you 
know!’ said the milkman; still throwing his voice into the house; 
and glaring down the passage。 

As to his dealing in the mild article of milk; by the by; there 
never was a greater anomaly。 His deportment would have been 
fierce in a butcher or a brandy…merchant。 

The voice of the youthful servant became faint; but she seemed 
to me; from the action of her lips; again to murmur that it would 
be attended to immediate。 

‘I tell you what;’ said the milkman; looking hard at her for the 
first time; and taking her by the chin; ‘are you fond of milk?’ 

‘Yes; I likes it;’ she replied。 ‘Good;’ said the milkman。 ‘Then you 
won’t have none tomorrow。 D’ye hear? Not a fragment of milk you 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

won’t have tomorrow。’ 

I thought she seemed; upon the whole; relieved by the prospect 
of having any today。 The milkman; after shaking his head at her 
darkly; released her chin; and with anything rather than good…will 
opened his can; and deposited the usual quantity in the family jug。 
This done; he went away; muttering; and uttered the cry of his 
trade next door; in a vindictive shriek。 

‘Does Mr。 Traddles live here?’ I then inquired。 

A mysterious voice from the end of the passage replied ‘Yes。’ 
Upon which the youthful servant replied ‘Yes。’ 

‘Is he at home?’ said I。 

Again the mysterious voice replied in the affirmative; and again 
the servant echoed it。 Upon this; I walked in; and in pursuance of 
the servant’s directions walked upstairs; conscious; as I passed the 
back parlour…door; that I was surveyed by a mysterious eye; 
probably belonging to the mysterious voice。 

When I got to the top of the stairs—the house was only a story 
high above the ground floor—Traddles was on the landing to meet 
me。 He was delighted to see me; and gave me welcome; with great 
heartiness; to his little room。 It was in the front of the house; and 
extremely neat; though sparely furnished。 It was his only room; I 
saw; for there was a sofa…bedstead in it; and his blacking…brushes 
and blacking were among his books—on the top shelf; behind a 
dictionary。 His table was covered with papers; and he was hard at 
work in an old coat。 I looked at nothing; that I know of; but I saw 
everything; even to the prospect of a church upon his china 
inkstand; as I sat down—and this; too; was a faculty confirmed in 
me in the old Micawber times。 Various ingenious arrangements he 
had made; for the disguise of his chest of drawers; and the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

accommodation of his boots; his shaving…glass; and so forth; 
particularly impressed themselves upon me; as evidences of the 
same Traddles who used to make models of elephants’ dens in 
writing…paper to put flies in; and to comfort himself under ill 
usage; with the memorable works of art I have so often mentioned。 

In a corner of the room was something neatly covered up with a 
large white cloth。 I could not make out what that was。 

‘Traddles;’ said I; shaking hands with him again; after I had sat 
down; ‘I am delighted to see you。’ 

‘I am delighted to see you; Copperfield;’ he returned。 ‘I am very 
glad indeed to see you。 It was because I was thoroughly glad to see 
you when we met in Ely Place; and was sure you were thoroughly 
glad to see me; that I gave you this address instead of my address 
at chambers。’ 

‘Oh! You have chambers?’ said I。 

‘Why; I have the fourth of a room and a passage; and the fourth 
of a clerk;’ returned Traddles。 ‘Three others and myself unite to 
have a set of chambers—to look business…like—and we quarter the 
clerk too。 Half…a…crown a week he costs me。’ 

His old simple character and good temper; and something of his 
old unlucky fortune also; I thought; smiled at me in the smile with 
which he made this explanation。 

‘It’s not because I have the least pride; Copperfield; you 
understand;’ said Traddles; ‘that I don’t usually give my address 
here。 It’s only on account of those who come to me; who might not 
like to come here。 For myself; I am fighting my way on in the 
world against difficulties; and it would be ridiculous if I made a 
pretence of doing anything else。’ 

‘You are reading for the bar; Mr。 Waterbrook informed me?’ 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

said I。 

‘Why; yes;’ said Traddles; rubbing his hands slowly over one 
another。 ‘I am reading for the bar。 The fact is; I have just begun to 
keep my terms; after rather a long delay。 It’s some time since I was 
articled; but the payment of that hundred pounds was a great pull。 
A great pull!’ said Traddles; with a wince; as if he had had a tooth 

‘Do you know what I can’t help thinking of; Traddles; as I sit 
here looking at you?’ I asked him。 

‘No;’ said he。 

‘That sky…blue suit you used to wear。’ 

‘Lord; to be sure!’ cried Traddles; laughing。 ‘Tight in the arms 
and legs; you know? Dear me! Well! Those were happy times; 
weren’t they?’ 

‘I think our schoolmaster might have made them happier; 
without doing any harm to any of us; I acknowledge;’ I returned。 

‘Perhaps he might;’ said Traddles。 ‘But dear me; there was a 
good deal of fun going on。 Do you remember the nights in the 
bedroom? When we used to have the suppers? And when you 
used to tell the stories? Ha; ha; ha! And do you remember when I 
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