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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第127章

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It occurred to me several times that we should have got on 
better; if we had not been quite so genteel。 We were so exceedingly 
genteel; that our scope was very limited。 A Mr。 and Mrs。 Gulpidge 
were of the party; who had something to do at second…hand (at 
least; Mr。 Gulpidge had) with the law business of the Bank; and 
what with the Bank; and what with the Treasury; we were as 
exclusive as the Court Circular。 To mend the matter; Hamlet’s 
aunt had the family failing of indulging in soliloquy; and held forth 
in a desultory manner; by herself; on every topic that was 
introduced。 These were few enough; to be sure; but as we always 
fell back upon Blood; she had as wide a field for abstract 
speculation as her nephew himself。 

We might have been a party of Ogres; the conversation 
assumed such a sanguine complexion。 

‘I confess I am of Mrs。 Waterbrook’s opinion;’ said Mr。 
Waterbrook; with his wine…glass at his eye。 ‘Other things are all 
very well in their way; but give me Blood!’ 

‘Oh! There is nothing;’ observed Hamlet’s aunt; ‘so satisfactory 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

to one! There is nothing that is so much one’s beau…ideal of—of all 
that sort of thing; speaking generally。 There are some low minds 
(not many; I am happy to believe; but there are some) that would 
prefer to do what I should call bow down before idols。 Positively 
Idols! Before service; intellect; and so on。 But these are intangible 
points。 Blood is not so。 We see Blood in a nose; and we know it。 We 
meet with it in a chin; and we say; “There it is! That’s Blood!” It is 
an actual matter of fact。 We point it out。 It admits of no doubt。’ 

The simpering fellow with the weak legs; who had taken Agnes 
down; stated the question more decisively yet; I thought。 

‘Oh; you know; deuce take it;’ said this gentleman; looking 
round the board with an imbecile smile; ‘we can’t forego Blood; 
you know。 We must have Blood; you know。 Some young fellows; 
you know; may be a little behind their station; perhaps; in point of 
education and behaviour; and may go a little wrong; you know; 
and get themselves and other people into a variety of fixes—and 
all that—but deuce take it; it’s delightful to reflect that they’ve got 
Blood in ’em! Myself; I’d rather at any time be knocked down by a 
man who had got Blood in him; than I’d be picked up by a man 
who hadn’t!’ 

This sentiment; as compressing the general question into a 
nutshell; gave the utmost satisfaction; and brought the gentleman 
into great notice until the ladies retired。 After that; I observed that 
Mr。 Gulpidge and Mr。 Henry Spiker; who had hitherto been very 
distant; entered into a defensive alliance against us; the common 
enemy; and exchanged a mysterious dialogue across the table for 
our defeat and overthrow。 

‘That affair of the first bond for four thousand five hundred 
pounds has not taken the course that was expected; Spiker;’ said 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Mr。 Gulpidge。 

‘Do you mean the D。 of A。’s?’ said Mr。 Spiker。 

‘The C。 of B。’s!’ said Mr。 Gulpidge。 

Mr。 Spiker raised his eyebrows; and looked much concerned。 

‘When the question was referred to Lord—I needn’t name him;’ 
said Mr。 Gulpidge; checking himself— 

‘I understand;’ said Mr。 Spiker; ‘N。’ 

Mr。 Gulpidge darkly nodded—‘was referred to him; his answer 
was; “Money; or no release。”’ 

‘Lord bless my soul!’ cried Mr。 Spiker。 

“‘Money; or no release;”’ repeated Mr。 Gulpidge; firmly。 ‘The 
next in reversion—you understand me?’ 

‘K。;’ said Mr。 Spiker; with an ominous look。 

‘—K。 then positively refused to sign。 He was attended at 
Newmarket for that purpose; and he point…blank refused to do it。’ 

Mr。 Spiker was so interested; that he became quite stony。 

‘So the matter rests at this hour;’ said Mr。 Gulpidge; throwing 
himself back in his chair。 ‘Our friend Waterbrook will excuse me if 
I forbear to explain myself generally; on account of the magnitude 
of the interests involved。’ 

Mr。 Waterbrook was only too happy; as it appeared to me; to 
have such interests; and such names; even hinted at; across his 
table。 He assumed an expression of gloomy intelligence (though I 
am persuaded he knew no more about the discussion than I did); 
and highly approved of the discretion that had been observed。 Mr。 
Spiker; after the receipt of such a confidence; naturally desired to 
favour his friend with a confidence of his own; therefore the 
foregoing dialogue was succeeded by another; in which it was Mr。 
Gulpidge’s turn to be surprised; and that by another in which the 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

surprise came round to Mr。 Spiker’s turn again; and so on; turn 
and turn about。 All this time we; the outsiders; remained 
oppressed by the tremendous interests involved in the 
conversation; and our host regarded us with pride; as the victims 
of a salutary awe and astonishment。 I was very glad indeed to get 
upstairs to Agnes; and to talk with her in a corner; and to 
introduce Traddles to her; who was shy; but agreeable; and the 
same good…natured creature still。 As he was obliged to leave early; 
on account of going away next morning for a month; I had not 
nearly so much conversation with him as I could have wished; but 
we exchanged addresses; and promised ourselves the pleasure of 
another meeting when he should come back to town。 He was 
greatly interested to hear that I knew Steerforth; and spoke of him 
with such warmth that I made him tell Agnes what he thought of 
him。 But Agnes only looked at me the while; and very slightly 
shook her head when only I observed her。 

As she was not among people with whom I believed she could 
be very much at home; I was almost glad to hear that she was 
going away within a few days; though I was sorry at the prospect 
of parting from her again so soon。 This caused me to remain until 
all the company were gone。 Conversing with her; and hearing her 
sing; was such a delightful reminder to me of my happy life in the 
grave old house she had made so beautiful; that I could have 
remained there half the night; but; having no excuse for staying 
any longer; when the lights of Mr。 Waterbrook’s society were all 
snuffed out; I took my leave very much against my inclination。 I 
felt then; more than ever; that she was my better Angel; and if I 
thought of her sweet face and placid smile; as though they had 
shone on me from some removed being; like an Angel; I hope I 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

thought no harm。 

I have said that the company were all gone; but I ought to have 
excepted Uriah; whom I don’t include in that denomination; and 
who had never ceased to hover near us。 He was close behind me 
when I went downstairs。 He was close beside me; when I walked 
away from the house; slowly fitting his long skeleton fingers into 
the still longer fingers of a great Guy Fawkes pair of gloves。 

It was in no disposition for Uriah’s company; but in
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