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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第125章

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unreserved in our mutual confidence as of old。 

‘And when; Agnes;’ said I; ‘will you forgive me the other night?’ 

‘When I recall it;’ said Agnes。 

She would have dismissed the subject so; but I was too full of it 
to allow that; and insisted on telling her how it happened that I 
had disgraced myself; and what chain of accidental circumstances 
had had the theatre for its final link。 It was a great relief to me to 
do this; and to enlarge on the obligation that I owed to Steerforth 
for his care of me when I was unable to take care of myself。 

‘You must not forget;’ said Agnes; calmly changing the 
conversation as soon as I had concluded; ‘that you are always to 
tell me; not only when you fall into trouble; but when you fall in 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

love。 Who has succeeded to Miss Larkins; Trotwood?’ 

‘No one; Agnes。’ 

‘Someone; Trotwood;’ said Agnes; laughing; and holding up her 

‘No; Agnes; upon my word! There is a lady; certainly; at Mrs。 
Steerforth’s house; who is very clever; and whom I like to talk to— 
Miss Dartle—but I don’t adore her。’ 

Agnes laughed again at her own penetration; and told me that if 
I were faithful to her in my confidence she thought she should 
keep a little register of my violent attachments; with the date; 
duration; and termination of each; like the table of the reigns of 
the kings and queens; in the History of England。 Then she asked 
me if I had seen Uriah。 

‘Uriah Heep?’ said I。 ‘No。 Is he in London?’ 

‘He comes to the office downstairs; every day;’ returned Agnes。 
‘He was in London a week before me。 I am afraid on disagreeable 
business; Trotwood。’ 

‘On some business that makes you uneasy; Agnes; I see;’ said I。 
‘What can that be?’ 

Agnes laid aside her work; and replied; folding her hands upon 
one another; and looking pensively at me out of those beautiful 
soft eyes of hers: 

‘I believe he is going to enter into partnership with papa。’ 

‘What? Uriah? That mean; fawning fellow; worm himself into 
such promotion!’ I cried; indignantly。 ‘Have you made no 
remonstrance about it; Agnes? Consider what a connexion it is 
likely to be。 You must speak out。 You must not allow your father to 
take such a mad step。 You must prevent it; Agnes; while there’s 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Still looking at me; Agnes shook her head while I was speaking; 
with a faint smile at my warmth: and then replied: 

‘You remember our last conversation about papa? It was not 
long after that—not more than two or three days—when he gave 
me the first intimation of what I tell you。 It was sad to see him 
struggling between his desire to represent it to me as a matter of 
choice on his part; and his inability to conceal that it was forced 
upon him。 I felt very sorry。’ 

‘Forced upon him; Agnes! Who forces it upon him?’ 

‘Uriah;’ she replied; after a moment’s hesitation; ‘has made 
himself indispensable to papa。 He is subtle and watchful。 He has 
mastered papa’s weaknesses; fostered them; and taken advantage 
of them; until—to say all that I mean in a word; Trotwood;—until 
papa is afraid of him。’ 

There was more that she might have said; more that she knew; 
or that she suspected; I clearly saw。 I could not give her pain by 
asking what it was; for I knew that she withheld it from me; to 
spare her father。 It had long been going on to this; I was sensible: 
yes; I could not but feel; on the least reflection; that it had been 
going on to this for a long time。 I remained silent。 

‘His ascendancy over papa;’ said Agnes; ‘is very great。 He 
professes humility and gratitude—with truth; perhaps: I hope so— 
but his position is really one of power; and I fear he makes a hard 
use of his power。’ 

I said he was a hound; which; at the moment; was a great 
satisfaction to me。 

‘At the time I speak of; as the time when papa spoke to me;’ 
pursued Agnes; ‘he had told papa that he was going away; that he 
was very sorry; and unwilling to leave; but that he had better 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

prospects。 Papa was very much depressed then; and more bowed 
down by care than ever you or I have seen him; but he seemed 
relieved by this expedient of the partnership; though at the same 
time he seemed hurt by it and ashamed of it。’ 

‘And how did you receive it; Agnes?’ 

‘I did; Trotwood;’ she replied; ‘what I hope was right。 Feeling 
sure that it was necessary for papa’s peace that the sacrifice 
should be made; I entreated him to make it。 I said it would lighten 
the load of his life—I hope it will!—and that it would give me 
increased opportunities of being his companion。 Oh; Trotwood!’ 
cried Agnes; putting her hands before her face; as her tears started 
on it; ‘I almost feel as if I had been papa’s enemy; instead of his 
loving child。 For I know how he has altered; in his devotion to me。 
I know how he has narrowed the circle of his sympathies and 
duties; in the concentration of his whole mind upon me。 I know 
what a multitude of things he has shut out for my sake; and how 
his anxious thoughts of me have shadowed his life; and weakened 
his strength and energy; by turning them always upon one idea。 If 
I could ever set this right! If I could ever work out his restoration; 
as I have so innocently been the cause of his decline!’ 

I had never before seen Agnes cry。 I had seen tears in her eyes 
when I had brought new honours home from school; and I had 
seen them there when we last spoke about her father; and I had 
seen her turn her gentle head aside when we took leave of one 
another; but I had never seen her grieve like this。 It made me so 
sorry that I could only say; in a foolish; helpless manner; ‘Pray; 
Agnes; don’t! Don’t; my dear sister!’ 

But Agnes was too superior to me in character and purpose; as 
I know well now; whatever I might know or not know then; to be 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

long in need of my entreaties。 The beautiful; calm manner; which 
makes her so different in my remembrance from everybody else; 
came back again; as if a cloud had passed from a serene sky。 

‘We are not likely to remain alone much longer;’ said Agnes; 
‘and while I have an opportunity; let me earnestly entreat you; 
Trotwood; to be friendly to Uriah。 Don’t repel him。 Don’t resent 
(as I think you have a general disposition to do) what may be 
uncongenial to you in him。 He may not deserve it; for we know no 
certain ill of him。 In any case; think first of papa and me!’ 

Agnes had no time to say more; for the room door opened; and 
Mrs。 Waterbrook; who was a large lady—or who wore a large 
dress: I don’t exactly know which; for I don’t know which was 
dress and which was lady—came sailing in。 I had a dim 
recollection of having seen her at the theatre; as if I had seen her 
in a pale magic lantern; but she appeared to remember me 
perfectly; and still to suspect me of being in a state of intoxication。 

Finding by 
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