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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第119章

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I availed myself of the opportunity。 The furniture of the room was 
old…fashioned and dusty; and the green baize on the top of the 
writing…table had lost all its colour; and was as withered and pale 
as an old pauper。 There were a great many bundles of papers on it; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

some endorsed as Allegations; and some (to my surprise) as Libels; 
and some as being in the Consistory Court; and some in the 
Arches Court; and some in the Prerogative Court; and some in the 
Admiralty Court; and some in the Delegates’ Court; giving me 
occasion to wonder much; how many Courts there might be in the 
gross; and how long it would take to understand them all。 Besides 
these; there were sundry immense manuscript Books of Evidence 
taken on affidavit; strongly bound; and tied together in massive 
sets; a set to each cause; as if every cause were a history in ten or 
twenty volumes。 All this looked tolerably expensive; I thought; and 
gave me an agreeable notion of a proctor’s business。 I was casting 
my eyes with increasing complacency over these and many similar 
objects; when hasty footsteps were heard in the room outside; and 
Mr。 Spenlow; in a black gown trimmed with white fur; came 
hurrying in; taking off his hat as he came。 

He was a little light…haired gentleman; with undeniable boots; 
and the stiffest of white cravats and shirt…collars。 He was buttoned 
up; mighty trim and tight; and must have taken a great deal of 
pains with his whiskers; which were accurately curled。 His gold 
watch…chain was so massive; that a fancy came across me; that he 
ought to have a sinewy golden arm; to draw it out with; like those 
which are put up over the goldbeaters’ shops。 He was got up with 
such care; and was so stiff; that he could hardly bend himself; 
being obliged; when he glanced at some papers on his desk; after 
sitting down in his chair; to move his whole body; from the bottom 
of his spine; like Punch。 

I had previously been presented by my aunt; and had been 
courteously received。 He now said: 

‘And so; Mr。 Copperfield; you think of entering into our 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

profession? I casually mentioned to Miss Trotwood; when I had 
the pleasure of an interview with her the other day;’—with 
another inclination of his body—Punch again—‘that there was a 
vacancy here。 Miss Trotwood was good enough to mention that 
she had a nephew who was her peculiar care; and for whom she 
was seeking to provide genteelly in life。 That nephew; I believe; I 
have now the pleasure of’—Punch again。 I bowed my 
acknowledgements; and said; my aunt had mentioned to me that 
there was that opening; and that I believed I should like it very 
much。 That I was strongly inclined to like it; and had taken 
immediately to the proposal。 That I could not absolutely pledge 
myself to like it; until I knew something more about it。 That 
although it was little else than a matter of form; I presumed I 
should have an opportunity of trying how I liked it; before I bound 
myself to it irrevocably。 

‘Oh surely! surely!’ said Mr。 Spenlow。 ‘We always; in this house; 
propose a month—an initiatory month。 I should be happy; myself; 
to propose two months—three—an indefinite period; in fact—but I 
have a partner。 Mr。 Jorkins。’ 

‘And the premium; sir;’ I returned; ‘is a thousand pounds?’ 

‘And the premium; Stamp included; is a thousand pounds;’ said 
Mr。 Spenlow。 ‘As I have mentioned to Miss Trotwood; I am 
actuated by no mercenary considerations; few men are less so; I 
believe; but Mr。 Jorkins has his opinions on these subjects; and I 
am bound to respect Mr。 Jorkins’s opinions。 Mr。 Jorkins thinks a 
thousand pounds too little; in short。’ 

‘I suppose; sir;’ said I; still desiring to spare my aunt; ‘that it is 
not the custom here; if an articled clerk were particularly useful; 
and made himself a perfect master of his profession’—I could not 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

help blushing; this looked so like praising myself—‘I suppose it is 
not the custom; in the later years of his time; to allow him any—’ 

Mr。 Spenlow; by a great effort; just lifted his head far enough 
out of his cravat to shake it; and answered; anticipating the word 

‘No。 I will not say what consideration I might give to that point 
myself; Mr。 Copperfield; if I were unfettered。 Mr。 Jorkins is 

I was quite dismayed by the idea of this terrible Jorkins。 But I 
found out afterwards that he was a mild man of a heavy 
temperament; whose place in the business was to keep himself in 
the background; and be constantly exhibited by name as the most 
obdurate and ruthless of men。 If a clerk wanted his salary raised; 
Mr。 Jorkins wouldn’t listen to such a proposition。 If a client were 
slow to settle his bill of costs; Mr。 Jorkins was resolved to have it 
paid; and however painful these things might be (and always 
were) to the feelings of Mr。 Spenlow; Mr。 Jorkins would have his 
bond。 The heart and hand of the good angel Spenlow would have 
been always open; but for the restraining demon Jorkins。 As I 
have grown older; I think I have had experience of some other 
houses doing business on the principle of Spenlow and Jorkins! 

It was settled that I should begin my month’s probation as soon 
as I pleased; and that my aunt need neither remain in town nor 
return at its expiration; as the articles of agreement; of which I 
was to be the subject; could easily be sent to her at home for her 
signature。 When we had got so far; Mr。 Spenlow offered to take me 
into Court then and there; and show me what sort of place it was。 
As I was willing enough to know; we went out with this object; 
leaving my aunt behind; who would trust herself; she said; in no 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

such place; and who; I think; regarded all Courts of Law as a sort 
of powder…mills that might blow up at any time。 

Mr。 Spenlow conducted me through a paved courtyard formed 
of grave brick houses; which I inferred; from the Doctors’ names 
upon the doors; to be the official abiding…places of the learned 
advocates of whom Steerforth had told me; and into a large dull 
room; not unlike a chapel to my thinking; on the left hand。 The 
upper part of this room was fenced off from the rest; and there; on 
the two sides of a raised platform of the horse…shoe form; sitting on 
easy old…fashioned dining…room chairs; were sundry gentlemen in 
red gowns and grey wigs; whom I found to be the Doctors 
aforesaid。 Blinking over a little desk like a pulpit…desk; in the 
curve of the horse…shoe; was an old gentleman; whom; if I had seen 
him in an aviary; I should certainly have taken for an owl; but who; 
I learned; was the presiding judge。 In the space within the horseshoe; lower than these; that is to say; on about the level of the 
floor; were sundry other gentlemen; of Mr。 Spenlow’s rank; and 
dressed like him in black gowns with white fur upon them; sitting 
at a long green table。 Their cravat
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