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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第114章

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persuasions; said we would make a beginning on an early day; and 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

requested the aid of my hand to descend from her elevated station。 
Thus assisted; she skipped down with much agility; and began to 
tie her double chin into her bonnet。 

‘The fee;’ said Steerforth; ‘is—’ 

‘Five bob;’ replied Miss Mowcher; ‘and dirt cheap; my chicken。 
Ain’t I volatile; Mr。 Copperfield?’ 

I replied politely: ‘Not at all。’ But I thought she was rather so; 
when she tossed up his two half…crowns like a goblin pieman; 
caught them; dropped them in her pocket; and gave it a loud slap。 

‘That’s the Till!’ observed Miss Mowcher; standing at the chair 
again; and replacing in the bag a miscellaneous collection of little 
objects she had emptied out of it。 ‘Have I got all my traps? It seems 
so。 It won’t do to be like long Ned Beadwood; when they took him 
to church “to marry him to somebody”; as he says; and left the 
bride behind。 Ha! ha! ha! A wicked rascal; Ned; but droll! Now; I 
know I’m going to break your hearts; but I am forced to leave you。 
You must call up all your fortitude; and try to bear it。 Good…bye; 
Mr。 Copperfield! Take care of yourself; jockey of Norfolk! How I 
have been rattling on! It’s all the fault of you two wretches。 I 
forgive you! “Bob swore!”—as the Englishman said for “Good 
night”; when he first learnt French; and thought it so like English。 
“Bob swore;” my ducks!’ 

With the bag slung over her arm; and rattling as she waddled 
away; she waddled to the door; where she stopped to inquire if she 
should leave us a lock of her hair。 ‘Ain’t I volatile?’ she added; as a 
commentary on this offer; and; with her finger on her nose; 

Steerforth laughed to that degree; that it was impossible for me 
to help laughing too; though I am not sure I should have done so; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

but for this inducement。 When we had had our laugh quite out; 
which was after some time; he told me that Miss Mowcher had 
quite an extensive connexion; and made herself useful to a variety 
of people in a variety of ways。 Some people trifled with her as a 
mere oddity; he said; but she was as shrewdly and sharply 
observant as anyone he knew; and as long…headed as she was 
short…armed。 He told me that what she had said of being here; and 
there; and everywhere; was true enough; for she made little darts 
into the provinces; and seemed to pick up customers everywhere; 
and to know everybody。 I asked him what her disposition was: 
whether it was at all mischievous; and if her sympathies were 
generally on the right side of things: but; not succeeding in 
attracting his attention to these questions after two or three 
attempts; I forbore or forgot to repeat them。 He told me instead; 
with much rapidity; a good deal about her skill; and her profits; 
and about her being a scientific cupper; if I should ever have 
occasion for her service in that capacity。 

She was the principal theme of our conversation during the 
evening: and when we parted for the night Steerforth called after 
me over the banisters; ‘Bob swore!’ as I went downstairs。 

I was surprised; when I came to Mr。 Barkis’s house; to find 
Ham walking up and down in front of it; and still more surprised 
to learn from him that little Em’ly was inside。 I naturally inquired 
why he was not there too; instead of pacing the streets by himself? 

‘Why; you see; Mas’r Davy;’ he rejoined; in a hesitating manner; 
‘Em’ly; she’s talking to some ’un in here。’ 

‘I should have thought;’ said I; smiling; ‘that that was a reason 
for your being in here too; Ham。’ 

‘Well; Mas’r Davy; in a general way; so ’t would be;’ he returned; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘but look’ee here; Mas’r Davy;’ lowering his voice; and speaking 
very gravely。 ‘It’s a young woman; sir—a young woman; that Em’ly 
knowed once; and doen’t ought to know no more。’ 

When I heard these words; a light began to fall upon the figure I 
had seen following them; some hours ago。 

‘It’s a poor wurem; Mas’r Davy;’ said Ham; ‘as is trod under foot 
by all the town。 Up street and down street。 The mowld o’ the 
churchyard don’t hold any that the folk shrink away from; more。’ 

‘Did I see her tonight; Ham; on the sand; after we met you?’ 

‘Keeping us in sight?’ said Ham。 ‘It’s like you did; Mas’r Davy。 
Not that I know’d then; she was theer; sir; but along of her 
creeping soon arterwards under Em’ly’s little winder; when she 
see the light come; and whispering “Em’ly; Em’ly; for Christ’s 
sake; have a woman’s heart towards me。 I was once like you!” 
Those was solemn words; Mas’r Davy; fur to hear!’ 

‘They were indeed; Ham。 What did Em’ly do?’ 

‘Says Em’ly; “Martha; is it you? Oh; Martha; can it be you?”— 
for they had sat at work together; many a day; at Mr。 Omer’s。’ 

‘I recollect her now!’ cried I; recalling one of the two girls I had 
seen when I first went there。 ‘I recollect her quite well!’ 

‘Martha Endell;’ said Ham。 ‘Two or three year older than Em’ly; 
but was at the school with her。’ 

‘I never heard her name;’ said I。 ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt you。’ 

‘For the matter o’ that; Mas’r Davy;’ replied Ham; ‘all’s told 
a’most in them words; “Em’ly; Em’ly; for Christ’s sake; have a 
woman’s heart towards me。 I was once like you!” She wanted to 
speak to Em’ly。 Em’ly couldn’t speak to her theer; for her loving 
uncle was come home; and he wouldn’t—no; Mas’r Davy;’ said 
Ham; with great earnestness; ‘he couldn’t; kind…natur’d; tender…

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

hearted as he is; see them two together; side by side; for all the 
treasures that’s wrecked in the sea。’ 

I felt how true this was。 I knew it; on the instant; quite as well as 

‘So Em’ly writes in pencil on a bit of paper;’ he pursued; ‘and 
gives it to her out o’ winder to bring here。 “Show that;” she says; 
“to my aunt; Mrs。 Barkis; and she’ll set you down by her fire; for 
the love of me; till uncle is gone out; and I can come。” By and by 
she tells me what I tell you; Mas’r Davy; and asks me to bring her。 
What can I do? She doen’t ought to know any such; but I can’t 
deny her; when the tears is on her face。’ 

He put his hand into the breast of his shaggy jacket; and took 
out with great care a pretty little purse。 

‘And if I could deny her when the tears was on her face; Mas’r 
Davy;’ said Ham; tenderly adjusting it on the rough palm of his 
hand; ‘how could I deny her when she give me this to carry for 
her—knowing what she brought it for? Such a toy as it is!’ said 
Ham; thoughtfully looking on it。 ‘With such a little money in it; 
Em’ly my dear。’ 

I shook him warmly by the hand when he had put it away 
again—for that was more satisfactory to me than saying 
anything—and we walked up and down; for a minute or two; in 
silence。 The door opened then; and Peggotty appeared; 
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