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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第111章

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‘From the shadow of this wall; I think;’ said I; as we emerged 
upon a road on which a wall abutted。 

‘It’s gone!’ he returned; looking over his shoulder。 ‘And all ill go 
with it。 Now for our dinner!’ 

But he looked again over his shoulder towards the sea…line 
glimmering afar off; and yet again。 And he wondered about it; in 
some broken expressions; several times; in the short remainder of 
our walk; and only seemed to forget it when the light of fire and 
candle shone upon us; seated warm and merry; at table。 

Littimer was there; and had his usual effect upon me。 When I 
said to him that I hoped Mrs。 Steerforth and Miss Dartle were 
well; he answered respectfully (and of course respectably); that 
they were tolerably well; he thanked me; and had sent their 
compliments。 This was all; and yet he seemed to me to say as 
plainly as a man could say: ‘You are very young; sir; you are 
exceedingly young。’ 

We had almost finished dinner; when taking a step or two 
towards the table; from the corner where he kept watch upon us; 
or rather upon me; as I felt; he said to his master: 

‘I beg your pardon; sir。 Miss Mowcher is down here。’ 

‘Who?’ cried Steerforth; much astonished。 

‘Miss Mowcher; sir。’ 

‘Why; what on earth does she do here?’ said Steerforth。 

‘It appears to be her native part of the country; sir。 She informs 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

me that she makes one of her professional visits here; every year; 
sir。 I met her in the street this afternoon; and she wished to know 
if she might have the honour of waiting on you after dinner; sir。’ 

‘Do you know the Giantess in question; Daisy?’ inquired 

I was obliged to confess—I felt ashamed; even of being at this 
disadvantage before Littimer—that Miss Mowcher and I were 
wholly unacquainted。 

‘Then you shall know her;’ said Steerforth; ‘for she is one of the 
seven wonders of the world。 When Miss Mowcher comes; show her 

I felt some curiosity and excitement about this lady; especially 
as Steerforth burst into a fit of laughing when I referred to her; 
and positively refused to answer any question of which I made her 
the subject。 I remained; therefore; in a state of considerable 
expectation until the cloth had been removed some half an hour; 
and we were sitting over our decanter of wine before the fire; 
when the door opened; and Littimer; with his habitual serenity 
quite undisturbed; announced: 

‘Miss Mowcher!’ 

I looked at the doorway and saw nothing。 I was still looking at 
the doorway; thinking that Miss Mowcher was a long while 
making her appearance; when; to my infinite astonishment; there 
came waddling round a sofa which stood between me and it; a 
pursy dwarf; of about forty or forty…five; with a very large head and 
face; a pair of roguish grey eyes; and such extremely little arms; 
that; to enable herself to lay a finger archly against her snub nose; 
as she ogled Steerforth; she was obliged to meet the finger halfway; and lay her nose against it。 Her chin; which was what is 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

called a double chin; was so fat that it entirely swallowed up the 
strings of her bonnet; bow and all。 Throat she had none; waist she 
had none; legs she had none; worth mentioning; for though she 
was more than full…sized down to where her waist would have 
been; if she had had any; and though she terminated; as human 
beings generally do; in a pair of feet; she was so short that she 
stood at a common…sized chair as at a table; resting a bag she 
carried on the seat。 This lady—dressed in an off…hand; easy style; 
bringing her nose and her forefinger together; with the difficulty I 
have described; standing with her head necessarily on one side; 
and; with one of her sharp eyes shut up; making an uncommonly 
knowing face—after ogling Steerforth for a few moments; broke 
into a torrent of words。 

‘What! My flower!’ she pleasantly began; shaking her large head 
at him。 ‘You’re there; are you! Oh; you naughty boy; fie for shame; 
what do you do so far away from home? Up to mischief; I’ll be 
bound。 Oh; you’re a downy fellow; Steerforth; so you are; and I’m 
another; ain’t I? Ha; ha; ha! You’d have betted a hundred pound to 
five; now; that you wouldn’t have seen me here; wouldn’t you? 
Bless you; man alive; I’m everywhere。 I’m here and there; and 
where not; like the conjurer’s half…crown in the lady’s 
handkercher。 Talking of handkerchers—and talking of ladies— 
what a comfort you are to your blessed mother; ain’t you; my dear 
boy; over one of my shoulders; and I don’t say which!’ 

Miss Mowcher untied her bonnet; at this passage of her 
discourse; threw back the strings; and sat down; panting; on a 
footstool in front of the fire—making a kind of arbour of the dining 
table; which spread its mahogany shelter above her head。 

‘Oh my stars and what’s…their…names!’ she went on; clapping a 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

hand on each of her little knees; and glancing shrewdly at me; ‘I’m 
of too full a habit; that’s the fact; Steerforth。 After a flight of stairs; 
it gives me as much trouble to draw every breath I want; as if it 
was a bucket of water。 If you saw me looking out of an upper 
window; you’d think I was a fine woman; wouldn’t you?’ 

‘I should think that; wherever I saw you;’ replied Steerforth。 

‘Go along; you dog; do!’ cried the little creature; making a whisk 
at him with the handkerchief with which she was wiping her face; 
‘and don’t be impudent! But I give you my word and honour I was 
at Lady Mithers’s last week—there’s a woman! How she wears!— 
and Mithers himself came into the room where I was waiting for 
her—there’s a man! How he wears! and his wig too; for he’s had it 
these ten years—and he went on at that rate in the complimentary 
line; that I began to think I should be obliged to ring the bell。 Ha! 
ha! ha! He’s a pleasant wretch; but he wants principle。’ 

‘What were you doing for Lady Mithers?’ asked Steerforth。 

‘That’s tellings; my blessed infant;’ she retorted; tapping her 
nose again; screwing up her face; and twinkling her eyes like an 
imp of supernatural intelligence。 ‘Never you mind! You’d like to 
know whether I stop her hair from falling off; or dye it; or touch up 
her complexion; or improve her eyebrows; wouldn’t you? And so 
you shall; my darling—when I tell you! Do you know what my 
great grandfather’s name was?’ 

‘No;’ said Steerforth。 

‘It was Walker; my sweet pet;’ replied Miss Mowcher; ‘and he 
came of a long line of Walkers; that I inherit all the Hookey estates 

I never beheld anything approaching to Miss Mowcher’s wink 
except Miss Mowcher’s self…possession。 She had a wonderful way 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

too; when listening to what was said to her; or when waiting for an 
answer to what she had said herself; of pausing with her head 
cunningly on one side; and one eye turned up like a magpi
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