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d with many a sundry Nation。 There because I would avoyd the multitude of the people; I went to a secret place of the Sea coast; where I laid me down upon the sand; to ease and refresh my selfe; for the day was past and the Sunne gone downe; and lying in this sort on the ground; did fall in a sound sleepe。
How Apuleius by Roses and prayer returned to his humane shape。
When midnight came that I had slept my first sleepe; I awaked with suddaine feare; and saw the Moone shining bright; as when shee is at the full; and seeming as though she leaped out of the Sea。 Then thought I with my selfe; that was the most secret time; when the goddesse Ceres had most puissance and force; considering that all humane things be governed by her providence : and not onely all beasts private and tame; but also all wild and savage beasts be under her protection。 And considering that all bodies in the heavens; the earth and the seas; be by her increasing motions increased; and by her diminishing motions diminished : as weary of all my cruell fortune and calamity; I found good hope and soveraigne remedy; though it were very late; to be delivered from all my misery; by invocation and prayer; to the excellent beauty of the Goddesse; whom I saw shining before mine eyes; wherefore shaking off mine Assie and drowsie sleepe; I arose with a joyfull face; and mooved by a great affection to purifie my selfe; I plunged my selfe seven times into the water of the Sea; which number of seven is conveniable and agreeable to holy and divine things; as the worthy and sage Philosopher Pythagoras hath declared。 Then with a weeping countenance; I made this Orison to the puissant Goddesse; saying : O blessed Queene of heaven; whether thou be the Dame Ceres which art the originall and motherly nource of all fruitfull things in earth; who after the finding of thy daughter Proserpina; through the great joy which thou diddest presently conceive; madest barraine and unfruitfull ground to be plowed and sowne; and now thou inhabitest in the land of Eleusie; or whether thou be the celestiall Venus; who in the beginning of the world diddest couple together all kind of things with an ingendered love; by an eternall propagation of humane kind; art now worshipped within the Temples of the Ile Paphos; thou which art the sister of the God Phoebus; who nourishest so many people by the generation of beasts; and art now adored at the sacred places of Ephesus; thou which art horrible Proserpina; by reason of the deadly howlings which thou yeeldest; that hast power to stoppe and put away the invasion of the hags and Ghoasts which appeare unto men; and to keepe them downe in the closures of the earth : thou which art worshipped in divers manners; and doest illuminate all the borders of the earth by thy feminine shape; thou which nourishest all the fruits of the world by thy vigor and force; with whatsoever name or fashion it is lawfull to call upon thee; I pray thee; to end my great travaile and misery; and deliver mee from the wretched fortune; which had so long time pursued me。 Grant peace and rest if it please thee to my adversities; for I have endured too much labour and perill。 Remoove from me my shape of mine Asse; and render to me my pristine estate; and if I have offended in any point of divine Majesty; let me rather dye then live; for I am full weary of my life。 When I had ended this orison; and discovered my plaints to the Goddesse; I fortuned to fall asleepe; and by and by appeared unto me a divine and venerable face; worshipped even of the Gods themselves。 Then by little and little I seemed to see the whole figure of her body; mounting out of the sea and standing before mee; wherefore I purpose to describe her divine semblance; if the poverty of my humane speech will suffer me; or her divine power give me eloquence thereto。 First shee had a great abundance of haire; dispersed and scattered about her neck; on the crowne of her head she bare many garlands enterlaced with floures; in the middle of her forehead was a compasse in fashion of a glasse; or resembling the light of the Moone; in one of her hands she bare serpents; in the other; blades of corne; her vestiment was of fine silke yeelding divers colours; sometime yellow; sometime rosie; sometime flamy; and sometime (which troubled my spirit sore) darke and obscure; covered with a blacke robe in manner of a shield; and pleated in most subtill fashion at the skirts of her garments; the welts appeared comely; whereas here and there the starres glimpsed; and in the middle of them was placed the Moone; which shone like a flame of fire; round about the robe was a coronet or garland made with flowers and fruits。 In her right hand shee had a timbrell of brasse; which gave a pleasant sound; in her left hand shee bare a cup of gold; out of the mouth whereof the serpent Aspis lifted up his head; with a swelling throat; her odoriferous feete were covered with shoes interlaced and wrought with victorious palme。 Thus the divine shape breathing out the pleasant spice of fertill Arabia; disdained not with her divine voyce to utter these words unto me: Behold Lucius I am come; thy weeping and prayers hath mooved mee to succour thee。 I am she that is the naturall mother of all things; mistresse and governesse of all the Elements; the initiall progeny of worlds; chiefe of powers divine; Queene of heaven! the principall of the Gods celestiall; the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the ayre; the wholesome winds of the Seas; and the silences of hell be diposed; my name; my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners; in variable customes and in many names; for the Phrygians call me the mother of the Gods: the Athenians; Minerva: the Cyprians; Venus: the Candians; Diana: the Sicilians Proserpina: the Eleusians; Ceres: some Juno; other Bellona; other Hecate: and principally the Aethiopians which dwell in the Orient; and the Aegyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine; and by their proper ceremonies accustome to worship mee; doe call mee Queene Isis。 Behold I am come to take pitty of thy fortune and tribulation; behold I am present to favour and ayd thee; leave off thy weeping and lamentation; put away all thy sorrow; for behold the healthfull day which is ordained by my providence; therefore be ready to attend to my commandement。 This day which shall come after this night; is dedicated to my service; by an eternall religion; my Priests and Ministers doe accustome after the tempests of the Sea; be ceased; to offer in my name a new ship as a first fruit of my Navigation。 I command thee not to prophane or despise the sacrifice in any wise; for the great Priest shall carry this day following in procession by my exhortation; a Garland of Roses; next the timbrell of his right hand : follow thou my procession amongst the people; and when thou commest to the Priest make as though thou wouldest kisse his hand; but snatch at the Roses; whereby I will put away the skin and shape of an Asse; which kind of beast I have long time abhorred and despised; but above all things beware thou doubt not nor feare any of those things; as hard an