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the golden asse-第47章

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ers wife made ready a supper with abundance of wine and exquisite fare : so that there lacked nothing; but the comming of the young man; for her husband supped at one of her neighbours houses。 When time came that my harnesse should be taken off and that I should rest my selfe; I was not so joyfull of my liberty; as when the vaile was taken from mine eyes; I should see all the abhomination of this mischievous queane。  When night was come and the Sunne gone downe; behold the old bawd and the young man; who seemed to be but a child; by reason he had no beard; came to the doore。 Then the Bakers wife kissed him a thousand times and received him courteously; placed him downe at the table : but he had scarce eaten the first morsell; when the good man (contrary to his wives expectation) returned home; for she thought he would not have come so soone : but Lord how she cursed him; praying God that he might breake his necke at the first entry in。  In the meane season; she caught her lover and thrust him into the bin where she bolted her flower; and dissembling the matter; finely came to her husband demanding why he came home so soone。 I could not abide (quoth he) to see so great a mischiefe and wicked fact; which my neighbours wife committed; but I must run away : O harlot as she is; how hath she dishonoured her husband; I sweare by the goddesse Ceres; that if I had 'not' seene it with mine eyes; I would never I have beleeved it。  His wife desirous to know the matter; desired him to tell what she had done: then hee accorded to the request of his wife; and ignorant of the estate of his own house; declared the mischance of another。  You shall understand (quoth he) that the wife of the Fuller my companion; who seemed to me a wise and chast woman; regarding her own honesty and profit of her house; was found this night with her knave。  For while we went to wash our hands; hee and she were together : who being troubled with our presence ran into a corner; and she thrust him into a mow made with twigs; appoynted to lay on clothes to make them white with the smoake of fume and brymstone。  Then she sate down with us at the table to colour the matter : in the meant season the young man covered in the mow; could not forbeare sneesing; by reason of the smoake of the brymstone。  The good man thinking it had beene his wife that sneesed; cryed; Christ helpe。 But when he sneesed more; he suspected the matter; and willing to know who it was; rose from the table; and went to the mow; where hee found a young man welnigh dead with smoke。  When hee understood the whole matter; he was so inflamed with anger that he called for a sword to kill him; and undoubtedly he had killed him; had I not restrained his violent hands from his purpose; assuring him; that his enemy would dye with the force of his brimstone; without the harme which he should doe。  Howbeit my words would not appease his fury; but as necessity required he tooke the young man well nigh choked; and carried him out at the doores。  In the meane season; I counsailed his wife to absent her selfe at some of her Neighbours houses; till the choller of her husband was pacified; lest he should be moved against her; as he was against the young man。 And so being weary of their supper; I forthwith returned home。 When the Baker had told his tale; his impudent wife began to curse and abhorre the wife of the Fuller; and generally all other wives; which abandon their bodies with any other then with their owne Husbands; breaking the faith and bond of marriage; whereby she said; they were worthy to be burned alive。  But knowing her owne guilty conscience and proper whoredome; lest her lover should be hurt lying in the bin; she willed her husband to goe to bed; but he having eaten nothing; said that he would sup before he went to rest : whereby shee was compelled to maugre her eies; to set such things on the Table as she had prepared for her lover。

 But I; considering the great mischiefe of this wicked queane; devised with my selfe how I might reveale the matter to my Master; and by kicking away the cover of the binne (where like a Snaile the young…man was couched) to make her whoredome apparent and knowne。  At length I was ayded by the providence of God; for there was an old man to whom the custody of us was committed; that drave me poore Asse; and the other Horses the same time to the water to drinke; then had I good occasion ministred; to revenge the injury of my master; for as I passed by; I perceived the fingers of the young…man upon the side of the binne; and lifting up my heeles; I spurned off the flesh with the force of my hoofes; whereby he was compelled to cry out; and to throw downe the binne on the ground; and so the whoredome of the Bakers wife was knowne and revealed。  The Baker seeing this was not a little moved at the dishonesty of his wife; but hee tooke the young…man trembling for feare by the hand; and with cold and courteous words spake in this sort : Feare not my Sonne; nor thinke that I am so barbarous or cruell a person; that I would stiffle thee up with the smoke of Sulphur as our neighbour accustometh; nor I will not punish thee according to the rigour of the law of Julia; which commandeth the Adulterers should be put to death : No no; I will not execute my cruelty against so faire and comely a young man as you be; but we will devide our pleasure betweene us; by lying all three in one bed; to the end there may be no debate nor dissention betweene us; but that either of us may be contented; for I have alwayes lived with my wife in such tranquillity ; that according to the saying of the wisemen; whatsoever I say; she holdeth for law; and indeed equity will not suffer; but that the husband should beare more authority then the wife : with these and like words he led the young…man to his Chamber; and closed his wife in another Chamber。  On the next morrow; he called two of the most sturdiest Servants of his house; who held up the young… man; while he scourged his buttockes welfavouredly with rods like a child。  When he had well beaten him; he said : Art not thou ashamed; thou that art so tender and delicate a child; to desire the violation of honest marriages; and to defame thy selfe with wicked living; whereby thou hast gotten the name of an Adulterer? After he had spoken these and like words; he whipped him againe; and chased him out of his house。  The young…man who was the comeliest of all the adulterers; ran away; and did nothing else that night save onely bewaile his striped and painted buttockes。  Soone after the Baker sent one to his wife; who divorced her away in his name; but she beside her owne naturall mischiefe; (offended at this great contumely; though she had worthily deserved the same) had recourse to wicked arts and trumpery; never ceasing untill she had found out an Enchantresse; who (as it was thought) could doe what she would with her Sorcery and conjuration。  The Bakers wife began to intreate her; promising that she would largely recompence her; if shee could bring one of these things to passe; eyther to make that her husband may be reconciled to her againe; or else if hee would not agree thereto; to send an ill spirit into him; to dispossesse the spirit of her husband。  Then t
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