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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第10章

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e。 It went with me on my sea…shore walks; andrambles into the country; whenever… which was seldom andreluctantly… I bestirred myself to seek that invigorating charm ofNature; which used to give me such freshness and activity ofthought; the moment that I stepped across the threshold of the OldManse。 The same torpor; as regarded the capacity for intellectualeffort; acpanied me home; and weighed upon me in the chamberwhich I most absurdly termed my study。 Nor did it quit me; when;late at night; I sat in the deserted parlour; lighted only by theglimmering coal…fire and the moon; striving to picture forth imaginaryscenes; which; the next day; might flow out on the brightening page inmany…hued description。  If the imaginative faculty refused to act at such an hour; itmight well be deemed a hopeless case。 Moonlight; in a familiar room;falling so white upon the carpet; and showing all its figures sodistinctly… making every object so minutely visible; yet so unlike amorning or noontide visibility… is a medium the most suitable for aromance…writer to get acquainted with his illusive guests。 There isthe little domestic scenery of the well…known apartment; the chairs;with each its separate individuality; the centre…table; sustaining aworkbasket; a volume or two; and an extinguished lamp; the sofa; thebookcase; the picture on the wall… all these details; so pletelyseen; are so spiritualised by the unusual light; that they seem tolose their actual substance; and bee things of intellect。 Nothingis too small or too trifling to undergo this change; and acquiredignity thereby。 A child's shoe; the doll; seated in her little wickercarriage; the hobby…horse… whatever; in a word; has been used orplayed with; during the day; is now invested with a quality ofstrangeness and remoteness; though still almost as vividly present asby daylight。 Thus; therefore; the floor of our familiar room hasbee a neutral territory; somewhere between the real world andfairyland; where the Actual and the Imaginary may meet; and each imbueitself with the nature of the other。 Ghosts might enter here withoutaffrighting us。 It would be too much in keeping with the scene toexcite surprise; were we to look about us and discover a form;beloved; but gone hence; now sitting quietly in a streak of this magicmoonshine; with an aspect that would make us doubt whether it hadreturned from afar; or had never once stirred from our fireside。  The somewhat dim coal…fire has an essential influence in producingthe effect which I would describe。 It throws its unobtrusive tingethroughout the room; with a faint ruddiness upon the walls andceiling; and a reflected gleam from the polish of the furniture。This warmer light mingles itself with the cold spirituality of themoonbeams; and municates; as it were; a heart and sensibilitiesof human tenderness to the forms which fancy summons up。 It convertsthem from snow…images into men and women。 Glancing at thelooking…glass; we behold… deep within its haunted verge… thesmouldering glow of the half…extinguished anthracite; the whitemoonbeams on the floor; and a repetition of all the gleam and shadowof the picture; with one remove farther from the actual; and nearer tothe imaginative。 Then; at such an hour; and with this scene beforehim; if a man; sitting all alone; cannot dream strange things; andmake them look like truth; he need never try to write romances。  But; for myself; during the whole of my Custom…House experience;moonlight and sunshine; and the glow of firelight; were just alikein my regard; and neither of them was of one whit more avail thanthe twinkle of a tallow…candle。 An entire class of susceptibilities;and a gift connected with them… of no great richness or value; but thebest I had… was gone from me。  It is my belief; however; that; had I attempted a different order ofposition; my faculties would not have been found so pointless andinefficacious。 I might; for instance; have contented myself withwriting out the narratives of a veteran shipmaster; one of theInspectors; whom I should be most ungrateful not to mention; sincescarcely a day passed that he did not stir me to laughter andadmiration by his marvellous gifts as a story…teller。 Could I havepreserved the picturesque force of his style; and the humorouscolouring which nature taught him how to throw over hisdescriptions; the result; I honestly believe; would have beensomething new in literature。 Or I might readily have found a moreserious task。 It was a folly; with the materiality of this dailylife pressing so intrusively upon me; to attempt to fling myselfback into another age; or to insist on creating the semblance of aworld out of airy matter; when; at every moment; the impalpable beautyof my soap…bubble was broken by the rude contact of some actualcircumstance。 The wiser effort would have been; to diffuse thought andimagination through the opaque substance of to…day; and thus to makeit a bright transparency; to spiritualise the burden that began toweigh so heavily; to seek; resolutely; the true and indestructiblevalue that lay hidden in the petty and wearisome incidents; andordinary characters; with which I was now conversant。 The fault wasmine。 The page of life that was spread out before me seemed dull andmonplace; only because I had not fathomed its deeper import。 Abetter book than I shall ever write was there; leaf after leafpresenting itself to me; just as it was written out by the realityof the flitting hour; and vanishing as fast as written; only becausemy brain wanted the insight and my hand the cunning to transcribeit。 At some future day; it may be; I shall remember a few scatteredfragments and broken paragraphs; and write them down; and find theletters turn to gold upon the page。  These perceptions have e too late。 At the instant; I was onlyconscious that what would have been a pleasure once was now a hopelesstoil。 There was no occasion to make much moan about this state ofaffairs。 I had ceased to be a writer of tolerably poor tales andessays; and had bee a tolerably good Surveyor of the Customs。That was all。 But; nevertheless; it is anything but agreeable to behaunted by a suspicion that one's intellect is dwindling away; orexhaling; without your consciousness; like ether out of a phial; sothat; at every glance; you find a smaller and less volatileresiduum。 Of the fact there could be no doubt; and; examining myselfand others; I was led to conclusions; in reference to the effect ofpublic office on the character; not very favourable to the mode oflife in question。 In some other form; perhaps; I may hereafter developthese effects。 Suffice it here to say; that a Custom…House officer; oflong continuance; can hardly be a very praiseworthy or respectablepersonage; for many reasons; one of them; the tenure by which he holdshis situation; and another; the very nature of his business; which…though; I trust; an honest one… is of such a sort that he does notshare in the united effort of mankind。  An effect… which I believe to be observable; more or less; inevery individual who has occupied the position… is; that; while heleans on the mighty arm of the Republic; his own proper strengthdeparts from him。 He loses; in an extent proportioned to theweakness or force of his original nature; the 
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