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household furniture; and into the ironwork necessary for building

and extending their settlements and plantations。 In those

branches of business which cannot be transacted without gold and

silver money; it appears that they can always find the necessary

quantity of those metals; and if they frequently do not find it;

their failure is generally the effect; not of their necessary

poverty; but of their unnecessary and excessive enterprise。 It is

not because they are poor that their payments are irregular and

uncertain; but because they are too eager to become excessively

rich。 Though all that part of the produce of the colony taxes

which was over and above what was necessary for defraying the

expense of their own civil and military establishments were to be

remitted to Great Britain in gold and silver; the colonies have

abundantly wherewithal to purchase the requisite quantity of

those metals。 They would in this case be obliged; indeed; to

exchange a part of their surplus produce; with which they now

purchase active and productive stock; for dead stock。 In

transacting their domestic business they would be obliged to

employ a costly instead of a cheap instrument of commerce; and

the expense of purchasing this costly instrument might damp

somewhat the vivacity and ardour of their excessive enterprise in

the improvement of land。 It might not; however; be necessary to

remit any part of the American revenue in gold and silver。 It

might be remitted in bills drawn upon and accepted by particular

merchants or companies in Great Britain to whom a part of the

surplus produce of America had been consigned; who would pay into

the treasury the American revenue in money; after having

themselves received the value of it in goods; and the whole

business might frequently be transacted without exporting a

single ounce of gold or silver from America。

     It is not contrary to justice that both Ireland and America

should contribute towards the discharge of the public debt of

Great Britain。 That debt has been contracted in support of the

government established by the Revolution; a government to which

the Protestants of Ireland owe; not only the whole authority

which they at present enjoy in their own country; but every

security which they possess for their liberty; their property;

and their religion; a government to which several of the colonies

of America owe their present charters; and consequently their

present constitution; and to which all the colonies of America

owe the liberty; security; and property which they have ever

since enjoyed。 That public debt has been contracted in the

defence; not of Great Britain alone; but of all the different

provinces of the empire; the immense debt contracted in the late

war in particular; and a great part of that contracted in the war

before; were both properly contracted in defence of America。

     By a union with Great Britain; Ireland would gain; besides

the freedom of trade; other advantages much more important; and

which would much more than compensate any increase of taxes that

might accompany that union。 By the union with England the

middling and inferior ranks of people in Scotland gained a

complete deliverance from the power of an aristocracy which had

always before oppressed them。 By a union with Great Britain the

greater part of the people of all ranks in Ireland would gain an

equally complete deliverance from a much more oppressive

aristocracy; an aristocracy not founded; like that of Scotland;

in the natural and respectable distinctions of birth and fortune;

but in the most odious of all distinctions; those of religious

and political prejudices; distinctions which; more than any

other; animate both the insolence of the oppressors and the

hatred and indignation of the oppressed; and which commonly

render the inhabitants of the same country more hostile to one

another than those of different countries ever are。 Without a

union with Great Britain the inhabitants of Ireland are not

likely for many ages to consider themselves as one people。

     No oppressive aristocracy has ever prevailed in the

colonies。 Even they; however; would; in point of happiness and

tranquility; gain considerably by a union with Great Britain。 It

would; at least; deliver them from those rancorous and virulent

factions which are inseparable from small democracies; and which

have so frequently divided the affections of their people; and

disturbed the tranquillity of their governments; in their form so

nearly democratical。 In the case of a total separation from Great

Britain; which; unless prevented by a union of this kind; seems

very likely to take place; those factions would be ten times more

virulent than ever。 Before the commencement of the present

disturbances; the coercive power of the mother country had always

been able to restrain those factions from breaking out into

anything worse than gross brutality and insult。 If that coercive

power were entirely taken away; they would probably soon break

out into open violence and bloodshed。 In all great countries

which are united under one uniform government; the spirit of

party commonly prevails less in the remote provinces than in the

centre of the empire。 The distance of those provinces from the

capital; from the principal seat of the great scramble of faction

and ambition; makes them enter less into the views of any of the

contending parties; and renders them more indifferent and

impartial spectators of the conduct of all。 The spirit of party

prevails less in Scotland than in England。 In the case of a union

it would probably prevail less in Ireland than in Scotland; and

the colonies would probably soon enjoy a degree of concord and

unanimity at present unknown in any part of the British empire。

Both Ireland and the colonies; indeed; would be subjected to

heavier taxes than any which they at present pay。 In consequence;

however; of a diligent and faithful application of the public

revenue towards the discharge of the national debt; the greater

part of those taxes might not be of long continuance; and the

public revenue of Great Britain might soon be reduced to what was

necessary for maintaining a moderate peace establishment。

     The territorial acquisitions of the East India Company; the

undoubted right of the crown; that is; of the state and people of

Great Britain; might be rendered another source of revenue more

abundant; perhaps; than all those already mentioned。 Those

countries are represented as more fertile; more extensive; and;

in proportion to their extent; much richer and more populous than

Great Britain。 In order to draw a great revenue from them; it

would not probably be necessary to introduce any new system of

taxation into countries which are already sufficiently and more

than sufficiently taxed。 It might; perhaps; be more proper to

lighten than to aggravate the burden of those unfortunate

countries; and to endeavour to draw a revenue from 
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