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patriarchs and prophets-第91章

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denounce the proposed image


making as idolatry; were set upon and roughly treated; and in the confusion
and excitement they finally lost their lives。

Aaron feared for his own safety; and instead of nobly standing up for the
honor of God; he yielded to the demands of the multitude。 His first act was
to direct that the golden earrings be collected from all the people and
brought to him; hoping that pride would lead them to refuse such a
sacrifice。 But they willingly yielded up their ornaments; and from these he
made a molten calf; in imitation of the gods of Egypt。 The people
proclaimed; 〃These be thy gods; O Israel; which brought thee up out of the
land of Egypt。〃 And Aaron basely permitted this insult to Jehovah。 He did
more。 Seeing with what satisfaction the golden god was received; he built an
altar before it; and made proclamation; 〃Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord。〃
The announcement was heralded by trumpeters from company to company
throughout the camp。 〃And they rose up early on the morrow; and offered
burnt offerings; and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat
and to drink and rose up to play。〃 Under the pretense of holding 〃a feast to
the Lord;〃 they gave themselves up to gluttony and licentious reveling。

How often; in our own day; is the love of pleasure disguised by a 〃form of
godliness。〃! A religion that permits men; while observing the rites of
worship; to devote themselves to selfish or sensual gratification; is as
pleasing to the multitudes now as in the days of Israel。 And there are still
pliant Aarons; who; while holding positions of authority in the church; will
yield to the desires of the unconsecrated; and thus encourage them in sin。

Only a few days had passed since the Hebrews had made a solemn covenant with
God to obey His voice。 They had stood trembling with terror before the
mount; listening to the words of the Lord; 〃Thou shalt have no other gods
before Me。〃 The glory of God still hovered above Sinai in the sight of the
congregation; but they turned away; and asked for other gods。 〃They made a
calf in Horeb; and worshiped the molten image。 Thus they changed their glory
into the similitude of an ox。〃 Psalm 106:19; 20。 How could greater
ingratitude have been shown; or more daring insult offered; to Him who had
revealed Himself to them as a tender father and an all…powerful king!

Moses in the mount was warned of the apostasy in the camp


and was directed to return without delay。 〃Go; get thee down;〃 were the
words of God; 〃thy people; which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt;
have corrupted themselves: they have turned aside quickly out of the way
which I commanded them。 They have made them a molten calf; and have
worshiped it。〃 God might have checked the movement at the outset; but He
suffered it to come to this height that He might teach all a lesson in His
punishment of treason and apostasy。

God's covenant with His people had been disannulled; and He declared to
Moses; 〃Let Me alone; that My wrath may wax hot against them; and that I may
consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation。〃 The people of Israel;
especially the mixed multitude; would be constantly disposed to rebel
against God。 They would also murmur against their leader; and would grieve
him by their unbelief and stubbornness; and it would be a laborious and
soul…trying work to lead them through to the Promised Land。 Their sins had
already forfeited the favor of God; and justice called for their
destruction。 The Lord therefore proposed to destroy them; and make of Moses
a mighty nation。

〃Let Me alone; 。 。 。 that I may consume them;〃 were the words of God。 If God
had purposed to destroy Israel; who could plead for them? How few but would
have left the sinners to their fate! How few but would have gladly exchanged
a lot of toil and burden and sacrifice; repaid with ingratitude and
murmuring; for a position of ease and honor; when it was God Himself that
offered the release。

But Moses discerned ground for hope where there appeared only discouragement
and wrath。 The words of God; 〃Let Me alone;〃 he understood not to forbid but
to encourage intercession; implying that nothing but the prayers of Moses
could save Israel; but that if thus entreated; God would spare His people。
He 〃besought the Lord his God; and said; Lord; why doth Thy wrath wax hot
against Thy people; which Thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt
with great power; and with a mighty hand?〃

God had signified that He disowned His people。 He had spoken of them to
Moses as 〃thy people; which thou broughtest out of Egypt。〃 But Moses humbly
disclaimed the leadership of Israel。 They were not his; but God's〃Thy
people; which Thou has brought forth 。 。 。 with great power; and with a


hand。 Wherefore;〃 he urged; 〃should the Egyptians speak; and say; For
mischief did He bring them out; to slay them in the mountains; and to
consume them from the face of the earth?〃

During the few months since Israel left Egypt; the report of their wonderful
deliverance had spread to all the surrounding nations。 Fear and terrible
foreboding rested upon the heathen。 All were watching to see what the God of
Israel would do for His people。 Should they now be destroyed; their enemies
would triumph; and God would be dishonored。 The Egyptians would claim that
their accusations were trueinstead of leading His people into the
wilderness to sacrifice; He had caused them to be sacrificed。 They would not
consider the sins of Israel; the destruction of the people whom He had so
signally honored; would bring reproach upon His name。 How great the
responsibility resting upon those whom God has highly honored; to make His
name a praise in the earth! With what care should they guard against
committing sin; to call down His judgments and cause His name to be
reproached by the ungodly!

As Moses interceded for Israel; his timidity was lost in his deep interest
and love for those for whom he had; in the hands of God; been the means of
doing so much。 The Lord listened to his pleadings; and granted his unselfish
prayer。 God had proved His servant; He had tested his faithfulness and his
love for that erring; ungrateful people; and nobly had Moses endured the
trial。 His interest in Israel sprang from no selfish motive。 The prosperity
of God's chosen people was dearer to him than personal honor; dearer than
the privilege of becoming the father of a mighty nation。 God was pleased
with his faithfulness; his simplicity of heart; and his integrity; and He
committed to him; as a faithful shepherd; the great charge of leading Israel
to the Promised Land。

As Moses and Joshua came down from the mount; the former bearing the 〃tables
of the testimony;〃 they heard the shouts and outcries of the excited
multitude; evidently in a state of wild uproar。 To Joshua the soldier; the
first thought was of an attack from their enemies。 〃There is a noise of war
in the camp;〃 he said。 But Moses judged more truly the nature of the
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