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patriarchs and prophets-第89章

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put themselves in the servant's place; leading them to be kind and
compassionate; to deal with others as they would wish to be dealt with。

The rights of widows and orphans were especially guarded; and a tender
regard for their helpless condition was enjoined。


〃If thou afflict them in any wise;〃 the Lord declared; 〃and they cry at all
unto Me; I will surely hear their cry; and My wrath shall wax hot; and I
will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows; and your
children fatherless。〃 Aliens who united themselves with Israel were to be
protected from wrong or oppression。 〃Thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for
ye know the heart of a stranger; seeing ye were strangers in the land of

The taking of usury from the poor was forbidden。 A poor man's raiment or
blanket taken as a pledge; must be restored to him at nightfall。 He who was
guilty of theft was required to restore double。 Respect for magistrates and
rulers was enjoined; and judges were warned against perverting judgment;
aiding a false cause; or receiving bribes。 Calumny and slander were
prohibited; and acts of kindness enjoined; even toward personal enemies。

Again the people were reminded of the sacred obligation of the Sabbath。
Yearly feasts were appointed; at which all the men of the nation were to
assemble before the Lord; bringing to Him their offerings of gratitude and
the first fruits of His bounties。 The object of all these regulations was
stated: they proceeded from no exercise of mere arbitrary sovereignty; all
were given for the good of Israel。 The Lord said; 〃Ye shall be holy men unto
Me〃worthy to be acknowledged by a holy God。

These laws were to be recorded by Moses; and carefully treasured as the
foundation of the national law; and; with the ten precepts which they were
given to illustrate; the condition of the fulfillment of God's promises to

The message was now given them from Jehovah: 〃Behold; I send an Angel before
thee; to keep thee in the way; and to bring thee into the place which I have
prepared。 Beware of Him; and obey His voice; provoke Him not; for He will
not pardon your transgressions: for My name is in Him。 But if thou shalt
indeed obey His voice; and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto
thine enemies; and an adversary unto thine adversaries。〃 During all the
wanderings of Israel; Christ; in the pillar of cloud and of fire; was their
Leader。 While there were types pointing to a Saviour to come; there was also
a present Saviour; who gave commands to Moses for the people; and who was
set forth before them as the only channel of blessing。

Upon descending from the mountain; 〃Moses came and told the people all the
words of the Lord; and all the judgments:


and all the people answered with one voice; and said; All the words which
the Lord hath said will we do。〃 This pledge; together with the words of the
Lord which it bound them to obey; was written by Moses in a book。

Then followed the ratification of the covenant。 An altar was built at the
foot of the mountain; and beside it twelve pillars were set up; 〃according
to the twelve tribes of Israel;〃 as a testimony to their acceptance of the
covenant。 Sacrifices were then presented by young men chosen for the

Having sprinkled the altar with the blood of the offerings; Moses 〃took the
book of the covenant; and read in the audience of the people。〃 Thus the
conditions of the covenant were solemnly repeated; and all were at liberty
to choose whether or not they would comply with them。 They had at the first
promised to obey the voice of God; but they had since heard His law
proclaimed; and its principles had been particularized; that they might know
how much this covenant involved。 Again the people answered with one accord;
〃All that the Lord hath said will we do; and be obedient。〃 〃When Moses had
spoken every precept to all the people according to the law; he took the
blood; 。 。 。 and sprinkled both the book and all the people; saying; This is
the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you。〃 Hebrews 9:19;

Arrangements were now to be made for the full establishment of the chosen
nation under Jehovah as their king。 Moses had received the command; 〃Come up
unto the Lord; thou; and Aaron; Nadab; and Abihu; and seventy of the elders
of Israel; and worship ye afar off。 And Moses alone shall come near the
Lord。〃 While the people worshiped at its foot; these chosen men were called
up into the mount。 The seventy elders were to assist Moses in the government
of Israel; and God put upon them His Spirit; and honored them with a view of
His power and greatness。 〃And they saw the God of Israel: and there was
under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone; and as it were
the body of heaven in his clearness。〃 They did not behold the Deity; but
they saw the glory of His presence。 Before this they could not have endured
such a scene; but the exhibition of God's power had awed them to repentance;
they had been contemplating His glory; purity; and mercy; until they could
approach nearer to Him who was the subject of their meditations。


Moses and 〃his minister Joshua〃 were now summoned to meet with God。 And as
they were to be some time absent; the leader appointed Aaron and Hur;
assisted by the elders; to act in his stead。 〃And Moses went up into the
mount; and a cloud covered the mount。 And the glory of the Lord abode upon
Mount Sinai。〃 For six days the cloud covered the mountain as a token of
God's special presence; yet there was no revelation of Himself or
communication of His will。 During this time Moses remained in waiting for a
summons to the presence chamber of the Most High。 He had been directed;
〃Come up to Me into the mount; and be there;〃 and though his patience and
obedience were tested; he did not grow weary of watching; or forsake his
post。 This period of waiting was to him a time of preparation; of close
self…examination。 Even this favored servant of God could not at once
approach into His presence and endure the exhibitions of His glory。 Six days
must be employed in devoting himself to God by searching of heart;
meditation; and prayer before he could be prepared for direct communication
with his Maker。

Upon the seventh day; which was the Sabbath; Moses was called up into the
cloud。 The thick cloud opened in the sight of all Israel; and the glory of
the Lord broke forth like devouring fire。 〃And Moses went into the midst of
the cloud; and gat him up into the mount; and Moses was in the mount forty
days and forty nights。〃 The forty days' tarry in the mount did not include
the six days of preparation。 During the six days Joshua was with Moses; and
together they ate of the manna and drank of 〃the brook that descended out of
the mount。〃 But Joshua did not enter with Moses into the cloud。 He remained
without; and continued to eat and drink daily while awaiting the return of
Moses; but Moses fasted during the entire forty days。

During his stay in the mount; Moses r
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