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patriarchs and prophets-第64章

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at last he said; 〃Go again; but us a little food。〃

Judah answered; 〃The man did solemnly protest unto us; saying; Ye shall not
see my face; except your brother be with you。 If thou wilt send our brother
with us; we will go down and buy thee food: but if thou wilt not send him;
we will not go down: for the man said unto us; Ye shall not see my face;
except your brother be with you。〃 Seeing that his father's resolution began
to waver; he added; 〃Send the lad with me; and we will arise and go; that we
may live; and not die; both we; and thou; and also our little ones;〃 and he
offered to be surety for his brother and to bear the blame forever if he
failed to restore Benjamin to his father。

Jacob could no longer withhold his consent; and he directed his sons to
prepare for the journey。 He bade them also take to the ruler a present of
such things as the famine…wasted country afforded〃a little balm; and a
little honey; spices and myrrh; nuts and almonds;〃 also a double quantity of
money。 〃Take also your brother;〃 he said; 〃and arise; go again unto the
man。〃 As his sons were about to depart on their doubtful journey the aged
father arose; and raising his hands to heaven; uttered the prayer; 〃God
Almighty give you mercy before the man; that he may send away your other
brother; and Benjamin。 If I be bereaved of my children; I am bereaved。〃

Again they journeyed to Egypt and presented themselves


before Joseph。 As his eye fell upon Benjamin; his own mother's son; he was
deeply moved。 He concealed his emotion; however; but ordered that they be
taken to his house; and that preparation be made for them to dine with him。
Upon being conducted to the governor's palace; the brothers were greatly
alarmed; fearing that they were to be called to account for the money found
in their sacks。 They thought that it might have been intentionally placed
there; to furnish occasion for making them slaves。 In their distress they
consulted with the steward of the house; relating to him the circumstances
of their visit to Egypt; and in proof of their innocence informed him that
they had brought back the money found in their sacks; also other money to
buy food; and they added; 〃We cannot tell who put our money in our sacks。〃
The man replied; 〃Peace be to you; fear not: your God; and the God of your
father; hath given you treasure in your sacks: I had your money。〃 Their
anxiety was relieved; and when Simeon; who had been released from prison;
joined them; they felt that God was indeed gracious unto them。

When the governor again met them they presented their gifts and humbly
〃bowed themselves to him to the earth。〃 Again his dreams came to his mind;
and after saluting his guests he hastened to ask; 〃Is your father well; the
old man of whom ye spake? Is he yet alive?〃 〃Thy servant our father is in
good health; he is yet alive;〃 was the answer; as they again made obeisance。
Then his eye rested upon Benjamin; and he said; 〃Is this your younger
brother; of whom ye spake unto me?〃 〃God be gracious unto thee; my son;〃
but; overpowered by feelings of tenderness; he could say no more。 〃He
entered into his chamber; and wept there。〃

Having recovered his self…possession; he returned; and all proceeded to the
feast。 By the laws of caste the Egyptians were forbidden to eat with people
of any other nation。 The sons of Jacob had therefore a table by themselves;
while the governor; on account of his high rank; ate by himself; and the
Egyptians also had separate tables。 When all were seated the brothers were
surprised to see that they were arranged in exact order; according to their
ages。 Joseph 〃sent messes unto them from before him;〃 but Benjamin's was
five times as much as any of theirs。 By this token of favor to Benjamin he
hoped to ascertain if the youngest brother was regarded with the envy and
hatred that had been manifested toward himself。 Still supposing that Joseph
did not


understand their language; the brothers freely conversed with one another;
thus he had a good opportunity to learn their real feelings。 Still he
desired to test them further; and before their departure he ordered that his
own drinking cup of silver should be concealed in the sack of the youngest。

Joyfully they set out on their return。 Simeon and Benjamin were with them;
their animals were laden with grain; and all felt that they had safely
escaped the perils that had seemed to surround them。 But they had only
reached the outskirts of the city when they were overtaken by the governor's
steward; who uttered the scathing inquiry; 〃Wherefore have ye rewarded evil
for good? Is not this it in which my lord drinketh; and whereby indeed he
divineth? ye have done evil in so doing。〃 This cup was supposed to possess
the power of detecting any poisonous substance placed therein。 At that day
cups of this kind were highly valued as a safeguard against murder by

To the steward's accusation the travelers answered; 〃Wherefore saith my lord
these words? God forbid that thy servants should do according to this thing:
behold; the money; which we found in our sack's mouths; we brought again
unto thee out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steal out of thy
lord's house silver or gold?〃 With whomsoever of thy servants it be found;
both let him die; and we also will be my lord's bondmen。〃

〃Now also let it be according unto your words;〃 said the steward; 〃he with
whom it is found shall be my servant; and ye shall be blameless。〃

The search began immediately。 〃They speedily took down every man his sack to
the ground;〃 and the steward examined each; beginning with Reuben's; and
taking them in order down to that of the youngest。 In Benjamin's sack the
cup was found。

The brothers rent their garments in token of utter wretchedness; and slowly
returned to the city。 By their own promise Benjamin was doomed to a life of
slavery。 They followed the steward to the palace; and finding the governor
yet there; they prostrated themselves before him。 〃What deed is this that ye
have done?〃 he said。 〃Wot ye not that such a man as I can certainly divine?〃
Joseph designed to draw from them an acknowledgment of their sin。 He had
never claimed the power of divination; but was willing to have them believe
that he could read the secrets of their lives。

Judah answered; 〃What shall we say unto my Lord? what


shall we speak? or how shall we clear ourselves? God hath found out the
iniquity of thy servants: behold; we are my lord〃s servants; both we; and he
also with whom the cup is found。〃

〃God forbid that I should do so;〃 was the reply; 〃but the man in whose hand
the cup is found; he shall be my servant; and as for you; get you up in
peace unto your father。〃

In his deep distress Judah now drew near to the ruler and exclaimed; 〃O my
lord; let thy servant; I pray thee; speak a word in my lord's ears; and let
not thine anger burn against thy servant: for thou art even as Pharaoh。〃 In
words of touching eloquence he described his father's grief at the loss of
Joseph and his reluctance to let Benjamin come with them to Egypt; as h
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