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patriarchs and prophets-第35章

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beloved John to be exiled to lonely Patmos; but the Son of God met him
there; and his vision was filled with scenes of immortal glory。 God permits
trials to assail His people; that by their constancy and obedience they
themselves may be spiritually enriched; and that their example may be a
source of strength to others。 〃I know the thoughts that I think toward you;
saith the Lord; thoughts of peace; and not of evil。〃 Jeremiah 29:11。 The
very trials that task our faith most severely and make it seem that God has
forsaken us; are to lead us closer to Christ; that we may lay all our
burdens at His feet and experience the peace which He will give us in

God has always tried His people in the furnace of affliction。 It is in the
heat of the furnace that the dross is separated from the true gold of the
Christian character。 Jesus watches the test; He knows what is needed to
purify the precious metal; that it may reflect the radiance of His love。 It
is by close; testing trials that God disciplines His servants。 He sees that
some have powers which may be used in the advancement of His work; and He
puts these persons upon trial; in His providence He brings them into
positions that test their character and reveal defects and weaknesses that
have been hidden from their own knowledge。 He


gives them opportunity to correct these defects and to fit themselves for
His service。 He shows them their own weakness; and teaches them to lean upon
Him; for He is their only help and safeguard。 Thus His object is attained。
They are educated; trained; and disciplined; prepared to fulfill the grand
purpose for which their powers were given them。 When God calls them to
action; they are ready; and heavenly angels can unite with them in the work
to be accomplished on the earth。

During his stay in Egypt; Abraham gave evidence that he was not free from
human weakness and imperfection。 In concealing the fact that Sarah was his
wife; he betrayed a distrust of the divine care; a lack of that lofty faith
and courage so often and nobly exemplified in his life。 Sarah was fair to
look upon; and he doubted not that the dusky Egyptians would covet the
beautiful stranger; and that in order to secure her; they would not scruple
to slay her husband。 He reasoned that he was not guilty of falsehood in
representing Sarah as his sister; for she was the daughter of his father;
though not of his mother。 But this concealment of the real relation between
them was deception。 No deviation from strict integrity can meet God's
approval。 Through Abraham's lack of faith; Sarah was placed in great peril。
The king of Egypt; being informed of her beauty; caused her to be taken to
his palace; intending to make her his wife。 But the Lord; in His great
mercy; protected Sarah by sending judgments upon the royal household。 By
this means the monarch learned the truth in the matter; and; indignant at
the deception practiced upon him; he reproved Abraham and restored to him
his wife; saying; 〃What is this that thou hast done unto me? 。 。 。 Why
saidst thou; She is my sister? So I might have taken her to me to wife。 Now
therefore behold thy wife; take her; and go thy way。〃

Abraham had been greatly favored by the king; even now Pharaoh would permit
no harm to be done him or his company; but ordered a guard to conduct them
in safety out of his dominions。 At this time laws were made prohibiting the
Egyptians from intercourse with foreign shepherds in any such familiarity as
eating or drinking with them。 Pharaoh's dismissal of Abraham was kind and
generous; but he bade him leave Egypt; for he dared not permit him to
remain。 He had ignorantly been about to do him a serious injury; but God had
interposed; and


saved the monarch from committing so great a sin。 Pharaoh saw in this
stranger a man whom the God of heaven honored; and he feared to have in his
kingdom one who was so evidently under divine favor。 Should Abraham remain
in Egypt; his increasing wealth and honor would be likely to excite the envy
or covetousness of the Egyptians; and some injury might be done him; for
which the monarch would be held responsible; and which might again bring
judgments upon the royal house。

The warning that had been given to Pharaoh proved a protection to Abraham in
his after…intercourse with heathen peoples; for the matter could not be kept
secret; and it was seen that the God whom Abraham worshiped would protect
His servant; and that any injury done him would be avenged。 It is a
dangerous thing to wrong one of the children of the King of heaven。 The
psalmist refers to this chapter in Abraham's experience when he says; in
speaking of the chosen people; that God 〃reproved kings for their sakes;
saying; Touch not Mine anointed; and do My prophets no harm。〃 Psalm 105:14;

There is an interesting similarity between Abraham's experience in Egypt and
that of his posterity; centuries later。 Both went down into Egypt on account
of a famine; and both sojourned there。 Through the manifestation of divine
judgments in their behalf; the fear of them fell upon the Egyptians; and;
enriched by the gifts of the heathen; they went out with great substance。


                              Chapter 12

                              Abraham in Canaan

Abraham returned to Canaan 〃very rich in cattle; in silver; and in gold。〃
Lot was still with him; and again they came to Bethel; and pitched their
tents by the altar which they had before erected。 They soon found that
increased possessions brought increased trouble。 In the midst of hardships
and trials they had dwelt together in harmony; but in their prosperity there
was danger of strife between them。 The pasturage was not sufficient for the
flocks and herds of both; and the frequent disputes among the herdsmen were
brought for settlement to their masters。 It was evident that they must
separate。 Abraham was Lot's senior in years; and his superior in relation;
in wealth; and in position; yet he was the first to propose plans for
preserving peace。 Although the whole land had been given him by God Himself;
he courteously waived this right。

〃Let there be no strife;〃 he said; 〃between me and thee; and between my
herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren。 Is not the whole land before
thee? separate thyself; I pray thee; from me: if thou wilt take the left
hand; then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand; then
I will go to the left。〃

Here the noble; unselfish spirit of Abraham was displayed。 How many under
similar circumstances would; at all hazards; cling to their individual
rights and preferences! How many households have thus been rent asunder! How
many churches have been divided; making the cause of truth a byword and a
reproach among the wicked! 〃Let there be no strife between me and thee;〃
said Abraham; 〃for we be brethren;〃 not only by natural relationship; but as
worshipers of the true God。 The children of God the world over are one
family; and the same spirit of love and conciliation should govern them。 〃Be

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