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patriarchs and prophets-第33章

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For the divine statutes; which are 〃holy and just and good〃 (Romans 7:12);
men were endeavoring to substitute laws to suit the purpose of their own
selfish and cruel hearts。

Those that feared the Lord cried unto Him to interpose。 〃And the Lord came
down to see the city and the tower; which the children of men builded。〃 In
mercy to the world He defeated the purpose of the tower builders and
overthrew the memorial of their daring。 In mercy He confounded their speech;
thus putting a check on their purposes of rebellion。 God bears long with the
perversity of men; giving them ample opportunity for repentance; but He
marks all their devices to resist the authority of His just and holy law。
From time to time the unseen hand that holds the scepter of government is
stretched out to restrain iniquity。 Unmistakable evidence is given that the
Creator of the universe; the One infinite in wisdom and love and truth; is
the Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth; and that none can with impunity defy
His power。

The schemes of the Babel builders ended in shame and defeat。 The monument to
their pride became the memorial of their folly。 Yet men are continually
pursuing the same coursedepending upon self; and rejecting God's law。 It
is the principle that Satan tried to carry out in heaven; the same that
governed Cain in presenting his offering。

There are tower builders in our time。 Infidels construct their


theories from the supposed deductions of sciences; and reject the revealed
word of God。 They presume to pass sentence upon God's moral government; they
despise His law and boast of the sufficiency of human reason。 They; 〃because
sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily; therefore the heart
of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil。〃 Ecclesiastes 8:11。

In the professedly Christian world many turn away from the plain teachings
of the Bible and build up a creed from human speculations and pleasing
fables; and they point to their tower as a way to climb up to heaven。 Men
hang with admiration upon the lips of eloquence while it teaches that the
transgressor shall not die; that salvation may be secured without obedience
to the law of God。 If the professed followers of Christ would accept God's
standard; it would bring them into unity; but so long as human wisdom is
exalted above His Holy Word; there will be divisions and dissension。 The
existing confusion of conflicting creeds and sects is fitly represented by
the term 〃Babylon;〃 which prophecy (Revelation 14:8; 18:2) applies to the
world…loving churches of the last days。

Many seek to make a heaven for themselves by obtaining riches and power。
They 〃speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily〃 (Psalm
73:8); trampling upon human rights and disregarding divine authority。 The
proud may be for a time in great power; and may see success in all that they
undertake; but in the end they will find only disappointment and

The time of God's investigation is at hand。 The Most High will come down to
see that which the children of men have builded。 His sovereign power will be
revealed; the works of human pride will be laid low。 〃The Lord looketh from
heaven; He beholdeth all the sons of men。 From the place of His habitation
He looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth。〃 〃The Lord bringeth the
counsel of the heathen to nought: He maketh the devices of the people of
none effect。 The counsel of the Lord standeth forever; the thoughts of His
heart to all generations。〃 Psalm 33:13; 14; 10; 11。


                              Chapter 11

                              The Call of Abraham

After the dispersion from Babel idolatry again became well…nigh universal;
and the Lord finally left the hardened transgressors to follow their evil
ways; while He chose Abraham; of the line of Shem; and made him the keeper
of His law for future generations。 Abraham had grown up in the midst of
superstition and heathenism。 Even his father's household; by whom the
knowledge of God had been preserved; were yielding to the seductive
influences surrounding them; and they 〃served other gods〃 than Jehovah。 But
the true faith was not to become extinct。 God has ever preserved a remnant
to serve Him。 Adam; Seth; Enoch; Methuselah; Noah; Shem; in unbroken line;
had preserved from age to age the precious revealings of His will。 The son
of Terah became the inheritor of this holy trust。 Idolatry invited him on
every side; but in vain。 Faithful among the faithless; uncorrupted by the
prevailing apostasy; he steadfastly adhered to the worship of the one true
God。 〃The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him; to all that call
upon Him in truth。〃 Psalm 145:18。 He communicated His will to Abraham; and
gave him a distinct knowledge of the requirements of His law and of the
salvation that would be accomplished through Christ。

There was given to Abraham the promise; especially dear to the people of
that age; of a numerous posterity and of national greatness: 〃I will make of
thee a great nation; and I will bless thee; and make thy name great; and
thou shalt be a blessing。〃 And to this was added the assurance; precious
above every other to the inheritor of faith; that of his line the Redeemer
of the world should come: 〃In thee shall all families of the earth be
blessed。〃 Yet; as the first condition of fulfillment; there was to be a test
of faith; a sacrifice was demanded。


The message of God came to Abraham; 〃Get thee out of thy country; and from
thy kindred; and from thy father's house; unto a land that I will show
thee。〃 In order that God might qualify him for his great work as the keeper
of the sacred oracles; Abraham must be separated from the associations of
his early life。 The influence of kindred and friends would interfere with
the training which the Lord purposed to give His servant。 Now that Abraham
was; in a special sense; connected with heaven; he must dwell among
strangers。 His character must be peculiar; differing from all the world。 He
could not even explain his course of action so as to be understood by his
friends。 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned; and his motives and
actions were not comprehended by his idolatrous kindred。

〃By faith Abraham; when he was called to go out into a place which he should
after receive for an inheritance; obeyed; and he went out; not knowing
whither he went。〃 Hebrews 11:8。 Abraham's unquestioning obedience is one of
the most striking evidences of faith to be found in all the Bible。 To him;
faith was 〃the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not
seen。〃 Verse 1。 Relying upon the divine promise; without the least outward
assurance of its fulfillment; he abandoned home and kindred and native land;
and went forth; he knew not whither; to follow where God should lead。 〃By
faith he became a sojourner in the land of promise; as in a land not his
own; dwelling in tents; with Isaac and Jacob; the heirs with him of the same
promise。〃 Hebrews 11:9; R。V。

It was no light test that was thus brought upon Abraham; no small sacrifice
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