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fire and water come in contact with ledges of rock and ore; there are heavy
explosions underground; which sound like muffled thunder。 The air is hot and
suffocating。 Volcanic eruptions follow; and these often failing to give
sufficient vent to
the heated elements; the earth itself is convulsed; the ground heaves and
swells like the waves of the sea; great fissures appear; and sometimes
cities; villages; and burning mountains are swallowed up。 These wonderful
manifestations will be more and more frequent and terrible just before the
second coming of Christ and the end of the world; as signs of its speedy
The depths of the earth are the Lord's arsenal; whence were drawn weapons to
be employed in the destruction of the old world。 Waters gushing from the
earth united with the waters from heaven to accomplish the work of
desolation。 Since the Flood; fire as well as water has been God's agent to
destroy very wicked cities。 These judgments are sent that those who lightly
regard God's law and trample upon His authority may be led to tremble before
His power and to confess His just sovereignty。 As men have beheld burning
mountains pouring forth fire and flames and torrents of melted ore; drying
up rivers; overwhelming populous cities; and everywhere spreading ruin and
desolation; the stoutest heart has been filled with terror and infidels and
blasphemers have been constrained to acknowledge the infinite power of God。
Said the prophets of old; referring to scenes like these: 〃Oh that Thou
wouldest rend the heavens; that Thou wouldest come down; that the mountains
might flow down at Thy presence; as when the melting fire burneth; the fire
causeth the waters to boil; to make Thy name known to Thine adversaries;
that the nations may tremble at Thy presence! When Thou didst terrible
things which we looked not for; Thou camest down; the mountains flowed down
at Thy presence。〃 Isaiah 64:1…3。 〃The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and
in the storm; and the clouds are the dust of His feet。 He rebuketh the sea;
and maketh it dry; and drieth up all the rivers。〃 Nahum 1:3; 4。
More terrible manifestations than the world has ever yet beheld; will be
witnessed at the second advent of Christ。 〃The mountains quake at Him; and
the hills melt; and the earth is burned at His presence; yea; the world; and
all that dwell therein。 Who can stand before His indignation? and who can
abide in the fierceness of His anger?〃 Nahum 1:5; 6。 〃Bow Thy heavens; O
Lord; and come down: touch the mountains; and they shall smoke。 Cast forth
lightning; and scatter them: shoot out Thine arrows; and destroy them。〃
Psalm 144:5; 6。
〃I will show wonders in heaven above; and signs in the earth beneath; blood;
and fire; and vapor of smoke。〃 Acts 2:19。 〃And there were voices; and
thunders; and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake; such as was not
since men were upon the earth; so might an earthquake; and so great。〃 〃And
every island fled away; and the mountains were not found。 And there fell
upon men a great hail out of heaven; every stone about the weight of a
talent。〃 Revelation 16:18; 20; 21。
As lightnings from heaven unite with the fire in the earth; the mountains
will burn like a furnace; and will pour forth terrific streams of lava;
overwhelming gardens and fields; villages and cities。 Seething molten masses
thrown into the rivers will cause the waters to boil; sending forth massive
rocks with indescribable violence and scattering their broken fragments upon
the land。 Rivers will be dried up。 The earth will be convulsed; everywhere
there will be dreadful earthquakes and eruptions。
Thus God will destroy the wicked from off the earth。 But the righteous will
be preserved in the midst of these commotions; as Noah was preserved in the
ark。 God will be their refuge; and under His wings shall they trust。 Says
the psalmist: 〃Because thou hast made the Lord; which is my refuge; even the
Most High; thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee。〃 Psalm 91:9; 10。
〃In the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of
His tabernacle shall He hide me。〃 Psalm 27:5。 God's promise is; 〃Because he
hath set his love upon Me; therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on
high; because he hath known My name。〃 Psalm 91:14。
Chapter 9
The Literal Week
Like the Sabbath; the week originated at creation; and it has been preserved
and brought down to us through Bible history。 God Himself measured off the
first week as a sample for successive weeks to the close of time。 Like every
other; it consisted of seven literal days。 Six days were employed in the
work of creation; upon the seventh; God rested; and He then blessed this day
and set it apart as a day of rest for man。
In the law given from Sinai; God recognized the week; and the facts upon
which it is based。 After giving the command; 〃Remember the Sabbath day; to
keep it holy;〃 and specifying what shall be done on the six days; and what
shall not be done on the seventh; He states the reason for thus observing
the week; by pointing back to His own example: 〃For in six days the Lord
made heaven and earth; the sea; and all that in them is; and rested the
seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day; and hallowed it。〃
Exodus 20:8…11。 This reason appears beautiful and forcible when we
understand the days of creation to be literal。 The first six days of each
week are given to man for labor; because God employed the same period of the
first week in the work of creation。 On the seventh day man is to refrain
from labor; in commemoration of the Creator's rest。
But the assumption that the events of the first week required thousands upon
thousands of years; strikes directly at the foundation of the fourth
commandment。 It represents the Creator as commanding men to observe the week
of literal days in commemoration of vast; indefinite periods。 This is unlike
His method of dealing with His creatures。 It makes indefinite and obscure
that which He has made very plain。 It is infidelity in its most insidious
and hence most dangerous form; its real character is so disguised that it is
held and taught by many who profess to believe the Bible。
〃By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by
the breath of His mouth。〃 〃For He spake; and it was done; He commanded; and
it stood fast。〃 Psalm 33:6; 9。 The Bible recognizes no long ages in which
the earth was slowly evolved from chaos。 Of each successive day of creation;
the sacred record declares that it consisted of the evening and the morning;
like all other days that have followed。 At the close of each day is given
the result of the Creator's work。 The statement is made at the close of the
first week's record; 〃These are the generations of the heavens and of the
earth when they were created。〃 Genesis 2:4。 But this does not convey the
idea that the days of creation were other than literal da