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patriarchs and prophets-第223章

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Though the people of Israel were proud of their national greatness; they did
not look with favor upon David's plan for so greatly extending the military
service。 The proposed enrollment caused much dissatisfaction; consequently
it was thought necessary to employ the military officers in place of the
priests and magistrates; who had formerly taken the census。 The object of
the undertaking was directly contrary to the principles of a theocracy。 Even
Joab remonstrated; unscrupulous as he had heretofore shown himself。 He said;
〃The Lord make His people a hundred times so many more as they be: but; my
lord the king; are they not all my lord's servants? why then doth my lord
require this thing? why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel?
Nevertheless the king's word prevailed against Joab。 Wherefore Joab
departed; and went throughout all Israel; and came to Jerusalem。〃 The
numbering was not finished when David was convicted of his sin。
Self…condemned; he 〃said unto God; I have sinned greatly; because I have
done this thing: but now; I beseech Thee; do away the iniquity of Thy
servant; for I have done very foolishly。〃 The next morning a message was
brought to David by the prophet Gad: 〃Thus saith the Lord; Choose thee
either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before


thy foes; while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else
three days the sword of the Lord; even the pestilence; in the land; and the
angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel。 Now
therefore;〃 said the prophet; 〃advise thyself what word I shall bring again
to Him that sent me。〃

The king's answer was; 〃I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the
hand of the Lord; for His mercies are great: and let me not fall into the
hand of man。〃

The land was smitten with pestilence; which destroyed seventy thousand in
Israel。 The scourge had not yet entered the capital; when 〃David lifted up
his eyes; and saw the angel of the Lord stand between the earth and the
heaven; having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem。 Then
David and the elders of Israel; who were clothed in sackcloth; fell upon
their faces。〃 The king pleaded with God in behalf of Israel: 〃Is it not I
that commanded the people to be numbered? even I it is that have sinned and
done evil indeed; but as for these sheep; what have they done? let Thine
hand; I pray Thee; O Lord my God; be on me; and on my father's house; but
not on Thy people; that they should be plagued。〃

The taking of the census had caused disaffection among the people; yet they
had themselves cherished the same sins that prompted David's action。 As the
Lord through Absalom's sin visited judgment upon David; so through David's
error He punished the sins of Israel。

The destroying angel had stayed his course outside Jerusalem。 He stood upon
Mount Moriah; 〃in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite。〃 Directed by
the prophet; David went to the mountain; and there built an altar to the
Lord; 〃and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings; and called upon the
Lord; and He answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt
offering。〃 〃So the Lord was entreated for the land; and the plague was
stayed from Israel。〃

The spot upon which the altar was erected; henceforth ever to be regarded as
holy ground; was tendered to the king by Ornan as a gift。 But the king
declined thus to receive it。 〃I will verily buy it for the full price;〃 he
said; 〃for I will not take that which is thine for the Lord; not offer burnt
offerings without cost。 So David gave to Ornan for the place six hundred
shekels of


gold by weight。〃 This spot; memorable as the place where Abraham had built
the altar to offer up his son; and now hallowed by this great deliverance;
was afterward chosen as the site of the temple erected by Solomon。

Still another shadow was to gather over the last years of David。 He had
reached the age of threescore and ten。 The hardships and exposures of his
early wanderings; his many wars; the cares and afflictions of his later
years; had sapped the fountain of life。 Though his mind retained its
clearness and strength; feebleness and age; with their desire for seclusion;
prevented a quick apprehension of what was passing in the kingdom; and again
rebellion sprang up in the very shadow of the throne。 Again the fruit of
David's parental indulgence was manifest。 The one who now aspired to the
throne was Adonijah; 〃a very goodly man〃 in person and bearing; but
unprincipled and reckless。 In his youth he had been subjected to but little
restraint; for 〃his father had not displeased him at any time in saying; Why
hast thou done so?〃 He now rebelled against the authority of God; who had
appointed Solomon to the throne。 Both by natural endowments and religious
character Solomon was better qualified than his elder brother to become
ruler of Israel; yet although the choice of God had been clearly indicated;
Adonijah did not fail to find sympathizers。 Joab; though guilty of many
crimes; had heretofore been loyal to the throne; but he now joined the
conspiracy against Solomon; as did also Abiathar the priest。

The rebellion was ripe; the conspirators had assembled at a great feast just
without the city to proclaim Adonijah king; when their plans were thwarted
by the prompt action of a few faithful persons; chief among whom were Zadok
the priest; Nathan the prophet; and Bathsheba the mother of Solomon。 They
represented the state of affairs to the king; reminding him of the divine
direction that Solomon should succeed to the throne。 David at once abdicated
in favor of Solomon; who was immediately anointed and proclaimed king。 The
conspiracy was crushed。 Its chief actors had incurred the penalty of death。
Abiathar's life was spared; out of respect to his office and his former
fidelity to David; but he was degraded from the office of high priest; which
passed to the line of Zadok。 Joab and Adonijah were spared for the time; but
after the death of David they suffered the penalty of


their crime。 The execution of the sentence upon the son of David completed
the fourfold judgment that testified to God's abhorrence of the father's

From the very opening of David's reign one of his most cherished plans had
been that of erecting a temple to the Lord。 Though he had not been permitted
to execute this design; he had manifested no less zeal and earnestness in
its behalf。 He had provided an abundance of the most costly materialgold;
silver; onyx stones; and stones of divers colors; marble; and the most
precious woods。 And now these valuable treasures that he had collected must
be committed to others; for other hands must build the house for the ark;
the symbol of God's presence。

Seeing that his end was near; the king summoned the princes of Israel; with
representative men from all parts of the kingdom; to receive this legacy in
trust。 He desired to commit to them his dying charge and secure their
concurrence and support in the great work to be accomplished。 Because of his
physical weakness; it ha
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