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patriarchs and prophets-第220章

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tolerate or excuse sin。 And David's history enables us to see also the great
ends which God has in view in His dealings with sin; it enables us to trace;
even through darkest judgments; the working out of His purposes of mercy and
beneficence。 He caused David to pass under the rod; but He did not destroy
him; the furnace is to purify; but not to consume。 The Lord says; 〃If they
break My statutes; and keep not My commandments; then will I visit their
transgression with the rod; and their iniquity with stripes。 Nevertheless My
loving…kindness will I not utterly take from him; nor suffer My faithfulness
to fail。〃 Psalm 89:31…33。

Soon after David left Jerusalem; Absalom and his army entered; and without a
struggle took possession of the stronghold of Israel。 Hushai was among the
first to greet the new…crowned monarch; and the prince was surprised and
gratified at the accession of his father's old friend and counselor。 Absalom
was confident of success。 Thus far his schemes had prospered; and eager to
strengthen his throne and secure the confidence of the nation; he welcomed
Hushai to his court。

Absalom was now surrounded by a large force; but it was mostly composed of
men untrained for war。 As yet they had not


been brought into conflict。 Ahithophel well knew that David's situation was
far from hopeless。 A large part of the nation were still true to him; he was
surrounded by tried warriors; who were faithful to their king; and his army
was commanded by able and experienced generals。 Ahithophel knew that after
the first burst of enthusiasm in favor of the new king; a reaction would
come。 Should the rebellion fail; Absalom might be able to secure a
reconciliation with his father; then Ahithophel; as his chief counselor;
would be held most guilty for the rebellion; upon him the heaviest
punishment would fall。 To prevent Absalom from retracing his steps;
Ahithophel counseled him to an act that in the eyes of the whole nation
would make reconciliation impossible。 With hellish cunning this wily and
unprincipled statesman urged Absalom to add the crime of incest to that of
rebellion。 In the sight of all Israel he was to take to himself his father's
concubines; according to the custom of oriental nations; thus declaring that
he succeeded to his father's throne。 And Absalom carried out the vile
suggestion。 Thus was fulfilled the word of God to David by the prophet;
〃Behold; I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house; and I
will take thy wives before thine eyes; and give them unto thy neighbor。 。 。
。 For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel;
and before the sun。〃 2 Samuel 12:11; 12。 Not that God prompted these acts of
wickedness; but because of David's sin He did not exercise His power to
prevent them。

Ahithophel had been held in high esteem for his wisdom; but he was destitute
of the enlightenment which comes from God。 〃The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom〃 (Proverbs 9:10); and this; Ahithophel did not possess;
or he could hardly have based the success of treason upon the crime of
incest。 Men of corrupt hearts plot wickedness; as if there were no
overruling Providence to cross their designs; but 〃He that sitteth in the
heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision。〃 Psalm 2:4。 The
Lord declares: 〃They would none of My counsel: they despised all My reproof。
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way; and be filled with
their own devices。 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them; and
the prosperity of fools shall destroy them。〃 Proverbs 1:30…32。

Having succeeded in the plot for securing his own safety;


Ahithophel urged upon Absalom the necessity of immediate action against
David。 〃Let me now choose out twelve thousand men;〃 he said; 〃and I will
arise and pursue after David this night: and I will come upon him while he
is weary and weak…handed; and will make him afraid: and all the people that
are with him shall flee; and I will smite the king only: and I will bring
back all the people unto thee。〃 This plan was approved by the king's
counselors。 Had it been followed; David would surely have been slain; unless
the Lord had directly interposed to save him。 But a wisdom higher than that
of the renowned Ahithophel was directing events。 〃The Lord had appointed to
defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel; to the intent that the Lord might
bring evil upon Absalom。〃

Hushai had not been called to the council; and he would not intrude himself
unasked; lest suspicion should be drawn upon him as a spy; but after the
assembly had dispersed; Absalom; who had a high regard for the judgment of
his father's counselor; submitted to him the plan of Ahithophel。 Hushai saw
that if the proposed plan were followed; David would be lost。 And he said;
〃The counsel that Ahithophel hath given is not good at this time。 For; said
Hushai; thou knowest thy father and his men; that they be mighty men; and
they be chafed in their minds; as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field:
and thy father is a man of war; and will not lodge with the people。 Behold;
he is hid now in some pit; or in some other place;〃 he argued that; if
Absalom's forces should pursue David; they would not capture the king; and
should they suffer a reverse; it would tend to dishearten them and work
great harm to Absalom's cause。 〃For;〃 he said; 〃all Israel knoweth that thy
father is a mighty man; and they which be with him are valiant men。〃 And he
suggested a plan attractive to a vain and selfish nature; fond of the show
of power: 〃I counsel that all Israel be generally gathered unto thee; from
Dan even to Beer…sheba; as the sand that is by the sea for multitude; and
that thou go to battle in thine own person。 So shall we come upon him in
some place where he shall be found; and we will light upon him as the dew
falleth on the ground: and of him and of all the men that are with him there
shall not be left so much as one。 Moreover; if he be gotten into a city;
then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city; and we will draw it into the
river; until there be not one small stone found there。


〃And Absalom and all the men of Israel said; The counsel of Hushai the
Archite is better than the counsel of Ahithophel。〃 But there was one who was
not deceivedone who clearly foresaw the result of this fatal mistake of
Absalom's。 Ahithophel knew that the cause of the rebels was lost。 And he
knew that whatever might be the fate of the prince; there was no hope for
the counselor who had instigated his greatest crimes。 Ahithophel had
encouraged。 Absalom in rebellion; he had counseled him to the most
abominable wickedness; to the dishonor of his father; he had advised the
slaying of David and had planned its accomplishment; he had cut off the last
possibility of his own reconciliation with the king; and now another was
preferred before him; even by Absalom。 Jealous; angry; and desperate;
Ahithophel 〃gat him home to his house; to his city; and put his household in
order; and h
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