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patriarchs and prophets-第208章

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traitor's throne; God had chosen him to be king of Israel; and there had
been no occasion for distrust or opposition。 Yet hardly had his authority
been acknowledged by the men of Judah; when through the influence of Abner;
Ishbosheth; the son of Saul; was proclaimed king; and set upon a rival
throne in Israel。

Ishbosheth was but a weak and incompetent representative of the house of
Saul; while David was pre…eminently qualified to bear the responsibilities
of the kingdom。 Abner; the chief agent in raising Ishbosheth to kingly
power; had been commander…in…chief of Saul's army; and was the most
distinguished man in Israel。 Abner knew that David had been appointed by the
Lord to the throne of Israel; but having so long hunted and pursued him; he
was not now willing that the son of Jesse should succeed to the kingdom over
which Saul had reigned。

The circumstances under which Abner was placed served to develop his real
character and showed him to be ambitious and unprincipled。 He had been
intimately associated with Saul and had been influenced by the spirit of the
king to despise the man whom God had chosen to reign over Israel。 His hatred
had been increased by the cutting rebuke that David had given him at the
time when the cruse of water and the spear of the king had been taken from
the side of Saul as he slept in the camp。 He remembered how David had cried
in the hearing of the king and the people of Israel; 〃Art not thou a valiant
man? and who is like to thee in Israel? wherefore then hast thou not kept
thy lord the king? 。 。 。 This thing is not good that thou hast done。 As the


Lord liveth; ye are worthy to die; because ye have not kept your master; the
Lord's anointed。〃 This reproof had rankled in his breast; and he determined
to carry out his revengeful purpose and create division in Israel; whereby
he himself might be exalted。 He employed the representative of departed
royalty to advance his own selfish ambitions and purposes。 He knew that the
people loved Jonathan。 His memory was cherished; and Saul's first successful
campaigns had not been forgotten by the army。 With determination worthy a
better cause; this rebellious leader went forward to carry out his plans。

Mahanaim; on the farther side of Jordan; was chosen as the royal residence;
since it offered the greatest security against attack; either from David or
from the Philistines。 Here the coronation of Ishbosheth took place。 His
reign was first accepted by the tribes east of Jordan; and was finally
extended over all Israel except Judah。 For two years the son of Saul enjoyed
his honors in his secluded capital。 But Abner; intent upon extending his
power over all Israel; prepared for aggressive warfare。 And 〃there was long
war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed
stronger and stronger; and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker。〃

At last treachery overthrew the throne that malice and ambition had
established。 Abner; becoming incensed against the weak and incompetent
Ishbosheth; deserted to David; with the offer to bring over to him all the
tribes of Israel。 His proposals were accepted by the king; and he was
dismissed with honor to accomplish his purpose。 But the favorable reception
of so valiant and famed a warrior excited the jealousy of Joab; the
commander…in…chief of David's army。 There was a blood feud between Abner and
Joab; the former having slain Asahel; Joab's brother; during the war between
Israel and Judah。 Now Joab; seeing an opportunity to avenge his brother's
death and rid himself of a prospective rival; basely took occasion to waylay
and murder Abner。

David; upon hearing of this treacherous assault; exclaimed; 〃I and my
kingdom are guiltless before the Lord forever from the blood of Abner the
son of Ner。 Let it rest on the head of Joab; and on all his father's house。〃
In view of the unsettled state of the kingdom; and the power and position of
the murderers for Joab's brother Abishai had been united with himDavid
could not visit the crime with just retribution; yet he publicly


manifested his abhorrence of the bloody deed。 The burial of Abner was
attended with public honors。 The army; with Joab at their head; were
required to take part in the services of mourning; with rent garments and
clothed in sackcloth。 The king manifested his grief by keeping a fast upon
the day of burial; he followed the bier as chief mourner; and at the grave
he pronounced an elegy which was a cutting rebuke of the murderers。 〃The
king lamented over Abner; and said:

          〃Died Abner as a fool dieth?
           Thy hands were not bound;
           Nor thy feet put into fetters:
           As a man falleth before wicked men;
           So fellest thou。〃

David's magnanimous recognition of one who had been his bitter enemy won the
confidence and admiration of all Israel。 〃All the people took notice of it;
and it pleased them: as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people。 For
all the people and all Israel understood that day that it was not of the
king to slay Abner the son of Ner。〃 In the private circle of his trusted
counselors and attendants the king spoke of the crime; and recognizing his
own inability to punish the murderers as he desired; he left them to the
justice of God: 〃Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen
this day in Israel? And I am this day weak; though anointed king; and these
men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the Lord shall reward the doer
of evil according to his wickedness。〃

Abner had been sincere in his offers and representations to David; yet his
motives were base and selfish。 He had persistently opposed the king of God's
appointment; in the expectation of securing honor to himself。 It was
resentment; wounded pride; and passion that led him to forsake the cause he
had so long served; and in deserting to David he hoped to receive the
highest position of honor in his service。 Had he succeeded in his purpose;
his talents and ambition; his great influence and want of godliness; would
have endangered the throne of David and the peace and prosperity of the

〃When Saul's son heard that Abner was dead in Hebron; his hands were feeble;
and all the Israelites were troubled。〃 It was


evident that the kingdom could not long be maintained。 Soon another act of
treachery completed the downfall of the waning power。 Ishbosheth was foully
murdered by two of his captains; who; cutting off his head; hastened with it
to the king of Judah; hoping thus to ingratiate themselves in his favor。

They appeared before David with the gory witness to their crime; saying;
〃Behold the head of Ishbosheth the son of Saul thine enemy; which sought thy
life; and the Lord hath avenged my lord the king this day of Saul; and of
his seed。〃 But David; whose throne God Himself had established; and whom God
had delivered from his adversaries; did not desire the aid of treachery to
establish his power。 He told these murderers of the doom visited upon him
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