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patriarchs and prophets-第165章

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effects upon their children and children's children; long after the actors
themselves have been laid in the grave。 Everyone is exerting an influence
upon others; and will be held accountable for the result of that influence。
Words and actions have a telling power; and the long hereafter will show the
effect of our life here。 The impression made by our words and deeds will
surely react upon ourselves in blessing or in cursing。 This thought gives an
awful solemnity to life; and should draw us to God in humble prayer that He
will guide us by His wisdom。

Those who stand in the highest positions may lead astray。 The wisest err;
the strongest may falter and stumble。 There is need that light from above
should be constantly shed upon our pathway。 Our only safety lies in trusting
our way implicitly to Him who has said; 〃Follow Me。〃

After the death of Gideon 〃the children of Israel remembered not the Lord
their God; who had delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies on
every side: neither showed they kindness to the house of Jerubbaal; namely;
Gideon; according to all the goodness which he had showed unto Israel。〃
Forgetful of all that they owed to Gideon; their judge and deliverer; the
people of Israel accepted his baseborn son Abimelech as their


king; who; to sustain his power; murdered all but one of Gideon's lawful
children。 When men cast off the fear of God they are not long in departing
from honor and integrity。 An appreciation of the Lord's mercy will lead to
an appreciation of those who; like Gideon; have been employed as instruments
to bless His people。 The cruel course of Israel toward the house of Gideon
was what might be expected from a people who manifested so great ingratitude
to God。

After the death of Abimelech the rule of judges who feared the Lord served
for a time to put a check upon idolatry; but erelong the people returned to
the practices of the heathen communities around them。 Among the northern
tribes the gods of Syria and Sidon had many worshipers。 On the southwest the
idols of the Philistines; and on the east those of Moab and Ammon; had
turned the hearts of Israel from the God of their fathers。 But apostasy
speedily brought its punishment。 The Ammonites subdued the eastern tribes
and; crossing the Jordan; invaded the territory of Judah and Ephraim。 On the
west the Philistines came up from their plain beside the sea; burning and
pillaging far and near。 Again Israel seemed to be abandoned to the power of
relentless foes。

Again the people sought help from Him whom they had so forsaken and
insulted。 〃The children of Israel cried unto the Lord; saying; We have
sinned against Thee; both because we have forsaken our God; and also served
Baalim。〃 But sorrow had not worked true repentance。 The people mourned
because their sins had brought suffering upon themselves; but not because
they had dishonored God by transgression of His holy law。 True repentance is
more than sorrow for sin。 It is a resolute turning away from evil。

The Lord answered them through one of His prophets: 〃Did I not deliver you
from the Egyptians; and from the Amorites; from the children of Ammon; and
from the Philistines? The Zidonians also; and the Amalekites; and the
Maonites; did oppress you; and ye cried to Me; and I delivered you out of
their hand。 Yet ye have forsaken Me; and served other gods: wherefore I will
deliver you no more。 Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them
deliver you in the time of your tribulation。〃

These solemn and fearful words carry the mind forward to another scenethe
great day of final judgmentwhen the


rejecters of God's mercy and the despisers of His grace shall be brought
face to face with His justice。 At that tribunal must they render an account
who have devoted their God…given talents of time; of means; or of intellect;
to serving the gods of this world。 They have forsaken their true and loving
Friend; to follow the path of convenience and worldly pleasure。 They
intended at some time to return to God; but the world with its follies and
deceptions absorbed the attention。 Frivolous amusements; pride of dress;
indulgence of appetite; hardened the heart and benumbed the conscience; so
that the voice of truth was not heard。 Duty was despised。 Things of infinite
value were lightly esteemed; until the heart lost all desire to sacrifice
for Him who has given so much for man。 But in the reaping time they will
gather that which they have sown。

Saith the Lord: 〃I have called; and ye refused; I have stretched out My
hand; and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all My counsel; and
would none of My reproof: 。 。 。 when your fear cometh as desolation; and
your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh
upon you。 Then shall they call upon Me; but I will not answer; they shall
seek Me early; but they shall not find Me: for that they hated knowledge;
and did not choose the fear of the Lord: they would none of My counsel: they
despised all My reproof。 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own
way; and be filled with their own devices。〃 〃But whoso hearkeneth unto Me
shall dwell safely; and shall be quiet from fear of evil。〃 Proverbs 1:24…31;

The Israelites now humbled themselves before the Lord。 〃And they put away
the strange gods from among them; and served Jehovah。〃 And the Lord's heart
of love was grieved 〃was grieved for the misery of Israel。〃 Oh; the
long…suffering mercy of our God! When His people put away the sins that had
shut out His presence; He heard their prayers and at once began to work for

A deliverer was raised up in the person of Jephthah; a Gileadite; who made
war upon the Ammonites and effectually destroyed their power。 For eighteen
years at this time Israel had suffered under the oppression of her foes; yet
again the lesson taught by suffering was forgotten。

As His people returned to their evil ways; the Lord permitted them to be
still oppressed by their powerful enemies; the Philistines。


For many years they were constantly harassed; and at times completely
subjugated; by this cruel and warlike nation。 They had mingled with these
idolaters; uniting with them in pleasure and in worship; until they seemed
to be one with them in spirit and interest。 Then these professed friends of
Israel became their bitterest enemies and sought by every means to
accomplish their destruction。

Like Israel; Christians too often yield to the influence of the world and
conform to its principles and customs; in order to secure the friendship of
the ungodly; but in the end it will be found that these professed friends
are the most dangerous of foes。 The Bible plainly teaches that there can be
no harmony between the people of God and the world。 〃Marvel not; my
brethren; if the world hate you。〃 1 John 3:13。 Our Saviour says; 〃Ye know
that it hated Me before it hated you。〃 John 15:18。 Satan works through the
ungodly; under cover of a pretended friendship; to allure God's people into
sin; tha
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