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the story of a pioneer-第5章

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speak of it again。  After that I never mentioned it;

but I was more deeply interested than ever; for a

ghost that lived in a heart was a new kind of ghost

to me at that time; though I have met many of

them since then。  During all our intercourse my

mother never entered the house next door; nor did

my mysterious lady enter our home; but she con…

stantly sent my mother secret gifts for the poor and

the sick of the neighborhood; and she was always

the first to offer help for those who were in trouble。 

Many years afterward mother told me she was the

most generous woman she had ever known; and

that she had a rarely beautiful nature。  Our depart…

ure for Michigan broke up the friendship; but I have

never forgotten her; and whenever; in my later

work as minister; physician; and suffragist; I have

been able to help women of the class to which she

belonged; I have mentally offered that help for credit

in the tragic ledger of her life; in which the clean and

the blotted pages were so strange a contrast。

One more incident of Lawrence I must describe

before I leave that city behind me; as we left it for

ever in 1859。  While we were still there a number of

Lawrence men decided to go West; and amid great

public excitement they departed in a body for Kansas;

where they founded the town of Lawrence in that

state。  I recall distinctly the public interest which

attended their going; and the feeling every one

seemed to have that they were passing forever out

of the civilized world。  Their farewells to their

friends were eternal; no one expected to see them

again; and my small brain grew dizzy as I tried to

imagine a place so remote as their destination。  It

was; I finally decided; at the uttermost ends of the

earth; and it seemed quite possible that the brave

adventurers who reached it might then drop off into

space。  Fifty years later I was talking to a Cali…

fornia girl who complained lightly of the monotony

of a climate where the sun shone and the flowers

bloomed all the year around。  ‘‘But I had a de…

lightful change last year;'' she added; with anima…

tion。  ‘‘I went East for the winter。''

‘‘To New York?'' I asked。

‘‘No;'' corrected the California girl; easily; ‘‘to

Lawrence; Kansas。''

Nothing; I think; has ever made me feel quite so

old as that remark。  That in my life; not yet; to me

at least; a long one; I should see such an arc de…

scribed seemed actually oppressive until I realized

that; after all; the arc was merely a rainbow of time

showing how gloriously realized were the hopes of

the Lawrence pioneers。

The move to Michigan meant a complete up…

heaval in our lives。  In Lawrence we had around us

the fine flower of New England civilization。  We

children went to school; our parents; though they

were in very humble circumstances; were associated

with the leading spirits and the big movements of

the day。  When we went to Michigan we went to

the wilderness; to the wild pioneer life of those times;

and we were all old enough to keenly feel the change。

My father was one of a number of Englishmen who

took up tracts in the northern forests of Michigan;

with the old dream of establishing a colony there。 

None of these men had the least practical knowledge

of farming。  They were city men or followers of

trades which had no connection with farm life。 

They went straight into the thick timber…land; in…

stead of going to the rich and waiting prairies; and

they crowned this initial mistake by cutting down

the splendid timber instead of letting it stand。 

Thus bird's…eye maple and other beautiful woods

were used as fire…wood and in the construction of

rude cabins; and the greatest asset of the pioneers

was ignored。

Father preceded us to the Michigan woods; and

there; with his oldest son; James; took up a claim。 

They cleared a space in the wilderness just large

enough for a log cabin; and put up the bare walls

of the cabin itself。  Then father returned to Law…

rence and his work; leaving James behind。  A few

months later (this was in 1859); my mother; my two

sisters; Eleanor and Mary; my youngest brother;

Henry; eight years of age; and I; then twelve; went

to Michigan to work on and hold down the claim

while father; for eighteen months longer; stayed on

in Lawrence; sending us such remittances as he could。 

His second and third sons; John and Thomas; re…

mained in the East with him。

Every detail of our journey through the wilder…

ness is clear in my mind。  At that time the railroad

terminated at Grand Rapids; Michigan; and we

covered the remaining distanceabout one hundred

milesby wagon; riding through a dense and often

trackless forest。  My brother James met us at

Grand Rapids with what; in those days; was called

a lumber…wagon; but which had a horrible resem…

blance to a vehicle from the health department。 

My sisters and I gave it one cold look and turned

from it; we were so pained by its appearance that

we refused to ride in it through the town。  Instead;

we started off on foot; trying to look as if we had no

association with it; and we climbed into the un…

wieldy vehicle only when the city streets were far

behind us。  Every available inch of space in the

wagon was filled with bedding and provisions。  As

yet we had no furniture; we were to make that for

ourselves when we reached our cabin; and there

was so little room for us to ride that we children

walked by turns; while James; from the beginning

of the journey to its end; seven days later; led our

weary horses。

To my mother; who was never strong; the whole

experience must have been a nightmare of suffering

and stoical endurance。  For us children there were

compensations。  The expedition took on the char…

acter of a high adventure; in which we sometimes

had shelter and sometimes failed to find it; some…

times were fed; but often went hungry。  We forded

innumerable streams; the wheels of the heavy wagon

sinking so deeply into the stream…beds that we often

had to empty our load before we could get them out

again。  Fallen trees lay across our paths; rivers

caused long detours; while again and again we lost

our way or were turned aside by impenetrable forest


Our first day's journey covered less than eight

miles; and that night we stopped at a farm…house

which was the last bit of civilization we saw。  Early

the next morning we were off again; making the slow

progress due to the rough roads and our heavy load。 

At night we stopped at a place called Thomas's

Inn; only to be told by the woman who kept it that

there was nothing in the house to eat。  Her hus…

band; she said; had gone ‘‘outside'' (to Grand

Rapids) to get some flour; and had not returned

but she added that we could spend the night; if

we chose; and enjoy shelter; if not food。  We had

provisions in our wagon; so we wearily entered; after

my brother had got out some of our pork and

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