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grace abounding to the chief of sinners-第29章

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295。  But I thank the Lord; I have been kept from consenting to  these so horrid suggestions; and have rather; as Sampson; bowed  myself with all my might; to condemn sin and transgression;  wherever I found it; yea; though therein also I did bring guilt  upon my own conscience:  LET ME DIE (thought I); WITH THE  PHILISTINES; Judges xvi。 29; 30; rather than deal corruptly with  the blessed word of God。  THOU THAT TEACHEST ANOTHER; TEACHEST THOU  NOT THYSELF?  It is far better that thou do judge thyself; even by  preaching plainly unto others; than that thou; to save thyself;  imprison the truth in righteousness。  Blessed be God for His help  also in this。

296。  I have also; while found in this blessed work of Christ; been  often tempted to pride and liftings up of heart:  and though I dare  not say; I have not been affected with this; yet truly the Lord of  His precious mercy; hath so carried it towards me; that for the  most part I have had but small joy to give way to such a thing:   for it hath been my every day's portion to be let into the evil of  my own heart; and still made to see such a multitude of corruptions  and infirmities therein; that it hath caused hanging down of the  head under all my gifts and attainments; I have felt this thorn in  the flesh; 2 Cor。 xii。 8; 9; the very mercy of God to me。

297。  I have also had; together with this; some notable place or  other of the word presented before me; which word hath contained in  it some sharp and piercing sentence concerning the perishing of the  soul; notwithstanding gifts and parts:  as; for instance; that hath  been of great use to me:  THOUGH I SPEAK WITH THE TONGUES OF MEN  AND ANGELS; AND HAVE NOT CHARITY; I AM BECOME AS SOUNDING BRASS;  AND A TINKLING CYMBAL。  1 Cor。 xiii。 1; 2。

298。  A tinkling cymbal is an instrument of music; with which a  skilful player can make such melodious and heart…inflaming music;  that all who hear him play; can scarcely hold from dancing; and yet  behold the cymbal hath not life; neither comes the music from it;  but because of the art of him that plays therewith; so then the  instrument at last may come to nought and perish; though in times  past such music hath been made upon it。

299。  Just thus I saw it was; and will be; with them who have  gifts; but want saving grace; they are in the hand of Christ; as  the cymbal in the hand of DAVID:  and as DAVID could with the  cymbal make that mirth in the service of God; as to elevate the  hearts of the worshippers; so Christ can use these gifted men; as  with them to affect the souls of His people in His church; yet when  He hath done all; hang them by; as lifeless; though sounding  cymbals。

300。  This consideration therefore; together with some others; were  for the most part; as a maul on the head of pride; and desire of  vain…glory。  What; thought I; shall I be proud because I am a  sounding brass?  Is it so much to be a fiddle? hath not the least  creature that hath life; more of God in it than these?  Besides; I  knew 'twas love should never die; but these must cease and vanish:   so I concluded; a  little grace; a little love; a little of the  true fear of God; is better than all the gifts:  yea; and I am  fully convinced of it; that it is possible for souls that can  scarce give a man an answer; but with great confusion as to method;  I say; it is possible for them to have a thousand times more grace;  and so to be more in the love and favour of the Lord; than some who  by the virtue of the gift of knowledge; can deliver themselves like  angels。

301。  Thus therefore I came to perceive that; though gifts in  themselves were good; to the thing for which they are designed; to  wit; the edification of others; yet empty; and without power to  save the soul of him that hath them; if they be ALONE:  neither are  they; as so; any sign of a man's state to be happy; being only a  dispensation of God to some; of whose improvement; or non… improvement; they must when a little love more is over; give an  account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead。

302。  This showed me too; that gifts being alone; were dangerous;  not in themselves; but because of those evils that attend them that  have them; to wit; pride; desire of vain glory; self…conceit; etc。;  all which were easily blown up at the applause and commendation of  every unadvised Christian; to the endangering of a poor creature to  fall into the condemnation of the devil。

303。  I saw therefore that he that hath gifts; had need be let into  a sight of the nature of them; to wit; that they come short of  making of him to be in a truly saved condition; lest he rest in  them; and so fall short of the grace of God。

304。  He hath cause also to walk humbly with God and be little in  his own eyes; and to remember withal; that his gifts are not his  own; but the churches; and that by them he is made a servant to the  church; and he must also give at last an account of his stewardship  unto the Lord Jesus; and to give a good account will be a blessed  thing。

305。  Let all men therefore prize a little with the fear of the  Lord (gifts indeed are desirable); but yet great grace and small  gifts are better than great gifts and no grace。  It doth not say;  the Lord gives gifts and glory; but the Lord gives grace and glory;  and blessed is such an one; to whom the Lord gives grace; true  grace; for that is a certain forerunner of glory。

306。  But when Satan perceived that his thus tempting and  assaulting of me; would not answer his design; to wit; to overthrow  the ministry; and make it ineffectual; as to the ends thereof:   then he tried another way; which was; to stir up the minds of the  ignorant and malicious to load me with slanders and reproaches:   now therefore I may say; that what the devil could devise; and his  instruments invent; was whirled up and down the country against me;  thinking; as I said; that by that means they should make my  ministry to be abandoned。

 307。  It began therefore to be rumoured up and down among the  people; that I was a witch; a Jesuit; a highwayman; and the like。

 308。  To all which; I shall only say; God knows that I am  innocent。  But as for mine accusers; let them provide themselves to  meet me before the tribunal of the Son of God; there to answer for  all these things (with all the rest of their iniquities) unless God  shall give them repentance for them; for the which I pray with all  my heart。

309。  But that which was reported with the boldest confidence; was;  that I had my MISSES; my WHORES; my BASTARDS; yea; TWO WIVES at  once; and the like。   Now these slanders (with the others) I glory  in; because but slanders; foolish or knavish lies; and falsehoods  cast upon me by the devil and his seed; and; should I not be dealt  with thus wickedly by the world; I should want one sign of a saint;  and a child of God。  BLESSED ARE YE (said the Lord Jesus) WHEN MEN  SHALL REVILE YOU AND PERSECUTE YOU; AND SHALL SAY ALL MANNER OF  EVIL AGAINST YOU F
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