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grace abounding to the chief of sinners-第23章

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227。  For many there are; who; in the day of grace and mercy;  despise those things which are indeed the birthright to heaven; who  yet when the deciding day appears; will cry as lord as ESAU; LORD;  LORD; OPEN TO US; but then; as ISAAC would not repent; no more will  God the Father; but will say; I HAVE BLESSED THESE; YEA; and THEY  SHALL BE BLESSED; but as for you; DEPART; YOU ARE THE WORKERS OF  INIQUITY。  Gen。 xxvii。 32; Luke xiii。 25…27。

228。  When I had thus considered these scriptures; and found that  thus to understand them; was not against; but according to other  scriptures; this still added further to my encouragement and  comfort; and also gave a great blow to that objection; to wit; THAT  THE SCRIPTURES COULD NOT AGREE IN THE SALVATION OF MY SOUL。  And  now remained only the hinder part of the tempest; for the thunder  was gone beyond me; only some drops did still remain; that now and  then would fall upon me; but because my former frights and anguish  were very sore and deep; therefore it oft befall me still; as it  befalleth those that have been scared with fire。  I thought every  voice was; FIRE! FIRE!  Every little touch would hurt my tender  conscience。

229。  But one day; as I was passing in the field; and that too with  some dashes on my conscience; fearing lest yet all was not right;  suddenly this sentence fell upon my soul; THY RIGHTEOUSNESS IS IN  HEAVEN; and methought withal; I saw with the eyes of my soul; Jesus  Christ at God's right hand:  there; I say; was my righteousness; so  that wherever I was; or whatever I was doing; God could not say of  me; HE WANTS MY RIGHTEOUSNESS; for that was just before Him。  I  also saw moreover; that it was not my good frame of heart that made  my righteousness better; nor yet my bad frame that made my  righteousness worse; for my righteousness was Jesus Christ Himself;  THE SAME YESTERDAY; TO…DAY; AND FOR EVER。  Heb。 xiii。 8。

230。  Now did my chains fall off my legs indeed; I was loosed from  my afflictions and irons; my temptations also fled away; so that  from that time those dreadful scriptures of God left off to trouble  me:  now went I also home rejoicing; for the grace and love of God;  so when I came home; I looked to see if I could find that sentence;  THY RIGHTEOUSNESS IS IN HEAVEN; but could not find such a saying;  wherefore my heart began to sink again; only that was brought to my  remembrance; 1 Cor。 i。 30; CHRIST JESUS; WHO OF GOD IS MADE UNTO US  WISDOM; AND RIGHTEOUSNESS; AND SANCTIFICATION; AND REDEMPTION; by  this word I saw the other sentence true。

231。  For by this scripture I saw that the Man Christ Jesus; as He  is distinct from us; as touching His bodily presence; so He is our  righteousness and sanctification before God。  Here therefore I  lived; for some time; very sweetly at peace with God through  Christ; Oh! methought; Christ! Christ! there was nothing but Christ  that was before my eyes:  I was not now (only) for looking upon  this and the other benefits of Christ apart; as of His blood;  burial; or resurrection; but considering Him as a whole Christ! as  He in whom all these; and all His other virtues; relations; offices  and operations met together; and that He sat on the right hand of  God in heaven。

232。  'Twas glorious to me to see His exaltation; and the worth and  prevalency of all His benefits; and that because now I could look  from myself to Him and should reckon; that all those graces of God  that now were green on me; were yet but like those cracked groats  and fourpence…halfpennies that rich men carry in their purses; when  their gold is in their trunks at home:  Oh! I saw my gold was in my  trunk at home!  In Christ my Lord and Saviour。  Now Christ was all;  all my wisdom; all my righteousness; all my sanctification; and all  my redemption。

233。  Further; the Lord did also lead me into the mystery of union  with the Son of God; that I was joined to Him; that I was flesh of  His flesh; and bone of His bone; and now was that word sweet to me  in Eph。 v。 30。  By this also was my faith in Him; as my  righteousness; the more confirmed in me; for if He and I were one;  then His righteousness was mine; His merits mine; His victory also  mine。  Now could I see myself in heaven and earth at once:  in  heaven by my Christ; by my head; by my righteousness and life;  though on earth by my body or person。

234。  Now I saw Christ Jesus was looked upon of God; and should  also be looked upon by us; as that common or public person; in whom  all the whole body of His elect are always to be considered and  reckoned; that we fulfilled the law by Him; died by Him; rose from  the dead by Him; got the victory over sin; death; the devil; and  hell; by Him; when He died; we died; and so of His resurrection。   THY DEAD MEN SHALL LIVE; TOGETHER WITH MY DEAD BODY SHALL THEY  ARISE; saith He。  Isa。 xxvi。 19。  And again; AFTER TWO DAYS HE WILL  REVIVE US; AND THE THIRD DAY HE WILL RAISE US UP; AND WE SHALL LIVE  IN HIS SIGHT。  Hosea vi。 2。  Which is now fulfilled by the sitting  down of the Son of Man on the right hand of the Majesty in the  heavens; according to that to the EPHESIANS; AND HATH RAISED US UP  TOGETHER; AND MADE US SIT TOGETHER IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST  JESUS。  Eph。 ii。 6。

235。  Ah! these blessed considerations and scriptures; with many  others of like nature; were in those days made to spangle in mine  eyes; so that I have cause to say; PRAISE YE THE LORD。  PRAISE GOD  IN HIS SANCTUARY; PRAISE HIM IN THE FIRMAMENT OF HIS POWER; PRAISE  HIM FOR HIS MIGHTY ACTS:  PRAISE HIM ACCORDING TO HIS EXCELLENT  GREATNESS。  Psalm cl。 1; 2。

236。  Having thus in a few words given you a taste of the sorrow  and affliction that my soul went under; by the guilt and terror  that this my wicked thought did lay me under; and having given you  also a touch of my deliverance therefrom; and of the sweet and  blessed comfort that I met with afterwards; which comfort dwelt  about a twelvemonth with my heart; to my unspeakable admiration:  I  will now (God willing); before I proceed any farther; give you in a  word or two; what; as I conceive; was the cause of this temptation;  and also after that; what advantage; at the last; it became unto my  soul。

237。  For the causes; I conceived they were principally two:  of  which two also I was deeply convinced all the time this trouble lay  upon me。  The first was; for that I did not; when I was delivered  from the temptation that went before; still pray to God to to keep  me from the temptations that were to come; for though; as I can say  in truth; my soul was much in prayer before this trial seized me;  yet then I prayed only; or at the most principally; for the removal  of present troubles; and for fresh discoveries of His love in  Christ; which I saw afterwards was not enough to do; I also should  have prayed that the great God would keep me from the evil that was  to come。

238。  Of this I was made deeply sensible by the prayer of holy  DAVID; who when he was under present mercy; yet prayed that God  would hold him back from sin and temptation to come; THEN; saith  he; SHALL I BE UPRIGHT; AND I SHALL BE INNOCENT FROM THE GREAT  TRANSGRESSION。  Psalm xix。 13。  By this very word was I
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