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4 breaking dawn破晓-第99章

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〃Yesterday she grew two inches。 Today it's less。〃 

〃By a thirty…second of an inch; if my measurements are perfect;〃 Carlisle said quietly。 

〃Be perfect; Doc;〃 Jacob said; making the words almost threatening。 Rosalie stiffened。 

〃You know I'll do my best;〃 Carlisle assured him。 

Jacob sighed。 〃Guess that's all I can ask。〃 

I felt irritated again; like Jacob was stealing my lines—and delivering them all wrong。 

Renesmee seemed irritated; too。 She started to squirm and then reached her hand imperiously toward 
Rosalie。 Rosalie leaned forward so that Renesmee could touch her face。 After a second; Rose sighed。 

〃What does she want?〃 Jacob demanded; taking my line again。 

〃Bella; of course;〃 Rosalie told him; and her words made my insides feel a little warmer。 Then she 
looked at me。 〃How are you?〃 

〃Worried;〃 I admitted; and Edward squeezed me。 

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〃We all are。 But that's not what I meant。〃 

〃I'm in control;〃 I promised。 Thirstiness was way down the list right now。 Besides; Renesmee smelled 
good in a very non…food way。 

Jacob bit his lip but made no move to stop Rosalie as she offered Renesmee to me。 Jasper and Edward 
hovered but allowed it。 I could see how tense Rose was; and I wondered how the room felt to Jasper 
right now。 Or was he focusing so hard on me that he couldn't feel the others? 

Renesmee reached for me as I reached for her; a blinding smile lighting her face。 She fit so easily in my 
arms; like they'd been shaped just for her。 Immediately; she put her hot little hand against my cheek。 

Though I was prepared; it still made me gasp to see the memory like a vision in my head。 So bright and 
colorful but also completely transparent。 

She was remembering me charging Jacob across the front lawn; remembering Seth leaping between us。 
She'd seen and heard it all with perfect clarity。 It didn't look like me; this graceful predator leaping at her 
prey like an arrow arcing from a bow。 It had to be someone else。 That made me feel a very small bit less 
guilty as Jacob stood there defenselessly with his hands raised in front of him。 His hands did not tremble。 

Edward chuckled; watching Renesmee's thoughts with me。 And then we both winced as we heard the 
crack of 

Seth's bones。 

Renesmee smiled her brilliant smile; and her memory eyes did not leave Jacob through all the following 
mess。 I tasted a new flavor to the memory—not exactly protective; more possessive—as she watched 
Jacob。 I got the distinct impression that she was glad Seth had put himself in front of my spring。 She 
didn't want Jacob hurt。 He was hers。 

〃Oh; wonderful;'71 groaned。 〃Perfect。〃 

〃It's just because he tastes better than the rest of us;〃 Edward assured me; voice stiff with his own 

〃I told you she likes me; too;〃 Jacob teased from across the room; his eyes on Renesmee。 His joking 
was halfhearted; the tense angle of his eyebrows had not relaxed。 

Renesmee patted my face impatiently; demanding my attention。 Another memory: Rosalie pulling a brush 
gently through each of her curls。 It felt nice。 

Carlisle and his tape measure; knowing she had to stretch and be still。 It was not interesting to her。 

〃It looks like she's going to give you a rundown of everything you missed;〃 Edward commented in my 

My nose wrinkled as she dumped the next one on me。 The smell coming from a strange metal cup 
—hard enough not to be bitten through easily—sent a flash burn through my throat。 Ouch。 

And then Renesmee was out of my arms; which were pinned behind my back。 I didn't struggle with 

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Jasper; I just looked at Edward's frightened face。 

〃What did I do?〃 

Edward looked at Jasper behind me; and then at me again。 

〃But she was remembering being thirsty;〃 Edward muttered; his forehead pressing into lines。 〃She was 
remembering the taste of human blood。〃 

Jasper's arms pulled mine tighter together。 Part of my head noted that this wasn't particularly 
uncomfortable; let alone painful; as it would have been to a human。 It was just annoying。 I was sure I 
could break his hold; but I didn't fight it。 

〃Yes;〃 I agreed。 〃And?〃 

Edward frowned at me for a second more; and then his expression loosened。 He laughed once。 〃And 
nothing at all; it seems。 The overreaction is mine this time。 Jazz; let her go。〃 

The binding hands disappeared。 I reached out for Renesmee as soon as I was free。 Edward handed her 
to me without hesitation。 

〃I can't understand;〃 Jasper said。 〃I can't bear this。〃 

I watched in surprise as Jasper strode out the back door。 Leah moved to give him a wide margin of 
space as he paced to the river and then launched himself over it in one bound。 

Renesmee touched my neck; repeating the scene of departure right back; like an instant replay。 I could 
feel the question in her thought; an echo of mine。 

I was already over the shock of her odd little gift。 It seemed an entirely natural part of her; almost to be 

expected。 Maybe now that I was part of the supernatural myself; I would never be a skeptic again。 

But what was wrong with Jasper? 

〃He'll be back;〃 Edward said; whether to me or Renesmee; I wasn't sure。 〃He just needs a moment 
alone to readjust his perspective on life。〃 There was a grin threatening at the corners of his mouth。 

Another human memory—Edward telling me that Jasper would feel better about himself if I 〃had a hard 
time adjusting〃 to being a vampire。 This was in the context of a discussion about how many people I 
would kill my first newborn year。 

〃Is he mad at me?〃 I asked quietly。 

Edward's eyes widened。 〃No。 Why would he be?〃 

〃What's the matter with him; then?〃 

〃He's upset with himself; not you; Bella。 He's worrying about。。。 self…fulfilling prophecy; I suppose you 
could say。〃 

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〃How so?〃 Carlisle asked before I could。 

〃He's wondering if the newborn madness is really as difficult as we've always thought; or if; with the right 
focus and attitude; anyone could do as well as Bella。 Even now—perhaps he only has such difficulty 
because he believes it's natural and unavoidable。 Maybe if he expected more of himself; he would rise to 
those expectations。 You're making him question a lot of deep…rooted assumptions; Bella。〃 

〃But that's unfair;〃 Carlisle said。 〃Everyone is different; everyone has their own challenges。 Perhaps what 
Bella is doing goes beyond the natural。 Maybe this is her gift; so to speak。〃 

I froze with surprise。 Renesmee felt the change; and touched me。 She remembered the last second of 
time and wondered why。
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