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4 breaking dawn破晓-第84章

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Someone cleared his throat。 Emmett。 I recognized the deep sound at once; joking and annoyed at the 
same time。 

I'd forgotten we weren't alone。 And then I realized that the way I was curved around Edward now was 
not exactly polite for company。 

Embarrassed; I half…stepped away in another instantaneous movement。 

Edward chuckled and stepped with me; keeping his arms tight around my waist。 His face was glowing 
—like a white flame burned from behind his diamond skin。 

I took an unnecessary breath to settle myself。 

How different this kissing was! I read his expression as I compared the indistinct human memories to this 
clear; intense feeling。 He looked。。。 a little smug。 

〃You've been holding out on me;〃 I accused in my singing voice; my eyes narrowing a tiny bit。 

He laughed; radiant with relief that it was all over—the fear; the pain; the uncertainties; the waiting; all of 
it behind us now。 〃It was sort of necessary at the time;〃 he reminded me。 〃Now it's your turn to not break 
me。〃 He laughed again。 

I frowned as I considered that; and then Edward was not the only one laughing。 

Carlisle stepped around Emmett and walked toward me swiftly; his eyes were only slightly wary; but 
Jasper shadowed his footsteps。 I'd never seen Carlisle's face before either; not really。 I had an odd urge 
to blink—like I was staring at the sun。 

〃How do you feel; Bella?〃 Carlisle asked。 

I considered that for a sixty…fourth of a second。 

〃Overwhelmed。 There's so much。 。。。〃 I trailed off; listening to the bell…tone of my voice again。 

〃Yes; it can be quite confusing。〃 

I nodded one fast; jerky bob。 〃But I feel like me。 Sort of。 I didn't expect that。〃 

Edward's arms squeezed lightly around my waist。 〃I told you so;〃 he whispered。 

〃You are quite controlled;〃 Carlisle mused。 〃More so than / expected; even with the time you had to 
prepare yourself mentally for this。〃 

I thought about the wild mood swings; the difficulty concentrating; and whispered; 〃I'm not sure about 

He nodded seriously; and then his jeweled eyes glittered with interest。 〃It seems like we did something 
right with the morphine this time。 Tell me; what do you remember of the transformation process?〃 

I hesitated; intensely aware of Edward's breath brushing against my cheek; sending whispers of 
electricity through my skin。 

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〃Everything was。。。 very dim before。 I remember the baby couldn't breathe___〃 

I looked at Edward; momentarily frightened by the memory。 

〃Renesmee is healthy and well;〃 he promised; a gleam I'd never seen before in his eyes。 He said her 
name with an understated fervor。 A reverence。 The way devout people talked about their gods。 〃What 
do you remember after that?〃 

I focused on my poker face。 I'd never been much of a liar。 〃It's hard to remember。 It was so dark 
before。 And then。。。 I opened my eyes and I could see everything〃 

〃Amazing;〃 Carlisle breathed; his eyes alight。 

Chagrin washed through me; and I waited for the heat to burn in my cheeks and give me away。 And then 
I remembered that I would never blush again。 Maybe that would protect Edward from the truth。 

I'd have to find a way to tip off Carlisle; though。 Someday。 If he ever needed to create another vampire。 
That possibility seemed very unlikely; which made me feel better about lying。 

〃I want you to think—to tell me everything you remember;〃 Carlisle pressed excitedly; and I couldn't 
help the grimace that flashed across my face。 I didn't want to have to keep lying; because I might slip up。 
And I didn't want to think about the burning。 Unlike the human memories; that part was perfectly clear 
and I found I could remember it with far too much precision。 

〃Oh; I'm so sorry; Bella;〃 Carlisle apologized immediately。 〃Of course your thirst must be very 
uncomfortable。 This conversation can wait。〃 

Until he'd mentioned it; the thirst actually wasn't unmanageable。 There was so much room in my head。 A 
separate part of my brain was keeping tabs on the burn in my throat; almost like a reflex。 The way my old 
brain had handled breathing and blinking。 

But Carlisle's assumption brought the burn to the forefront of my mind。 Suddenly; the dry ache was all I 
could think about; and the more I thought about it; the more it hurt。 My hand flew up to cup my throat; 
like I could smother the flames from the outside。 The skin of my neck was strange beneath my fingers。 So 
smooth it was somehow soft; though it was hard as stone; too。 

Edward dropped his arms and took my other hand; tugging gently。 〃Let's hunt; Bella。〃 

My eyes opened wider and the pain of the thirst receded; shock taking its place。 

Me? Hunt? With Edward? But。。。 how? I didn't know what to do。 

He read the alarm in my expression and smiled encouragingly。 〃It's quite easy; love。 Instinctual。 Don't 
worry; I'll show you。〃 When I didn't move; he grinned his crooked smile and raised his eyebrows。 〃I was 
under the impression that you'd always wanted to see me hunt。〃 

I laughed in a short burst of humor (part of me listened in wonder to the pealing bell sound) as his words 
reminded me of cloudy human conversations。 And then I took a whole second to run quickly through 
those first days 

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with Edward—the true beginning of my life—in my head so that I would never forget them。 I did not 
expect that it would be so uncomfortable to remember。 Like trying to squint through muddy water。 I 
knew from Rosalie's experience that if I thought of my human memories enough; I would not lose them 
over time。 I did not want to forget one minute I'd spent with Edward; even now; when eternity stretched 
in front of us。 i would have to make sure those human memories were cemented into my infallible vampire 

〃Shall we?〃 Edward asked。 He reached up to take the hand that was still at my neck。 His fingers 
smoothed down the column of my throat。 〃I don't want you to be hurting;〃 he added in a low murmur。 
Something I would not have been able to hear before。 

Tm fine;〃 I said out of lingering human habit。 〃Wait。 First。〃 

There was so much。 I'd never gotten to my questions。 There were more important things than the ache。 

It was Carlisle who spoke now。 〃Yes?〃 

〃I want to see her。 Renesmee。〃 

It was oddly difficult to say her name。 My daughter; these words were even harder to think。 It all 
seemed so distant。 I tried to remember how I had felt three days ago; and automatically; my hands pulled 
free of Edward's and dropped to my stomach。 

Flat。 Empty。 I clutched at the pale silk that covered my skin; panicking again; while an insignificant part 
of my mind noted that Alice must have dressed me。 

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