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4 breaking dawn破晓-第38章

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didn't want to kill girls。。。 even vampire girls。 

Though I might make an exception for that blonde。 

〃No;〃 Bella gasped; and she stumbled forward; out of balance; to clutch at Edward's arm。 Rosalie 
moved with her; like there was a chain locking them to each other。 

〃I just need to talk to him; Bella;〃 Edward said in a low voice; talking only to her。 He reached up to 
touch her face; to stroke it。 This made the room turn red; made me see fire—that; after all he'd done to 
her; he was still allowed to touch her that way。 〃Don't strain yourself;〃 he went on; pleading。 〃Please rest。 
We'll both be back in just a few minutes。〃 

She stared at his face; reading it carefully。 Then she nodded and drooped toward the couch。 Rosalie 
helped lower her back onto the cushions。 Bella stared at me; trying to hold my eyes。 

〃Behave;〃 she insisted。 〃And then come back。〃 

I didn't answer。 I wasn't making any promises today。 I looked away and then followed Edward out the 
front door。 

A random; disjointed voice in my head noted that separating him from the coven hadn't been so difficult; 
had it? 

He kept walking; never checking to see if I was about to spring at his unprotected back。 I supposed he 
didn't need to check。 He would know when I decided to attack。 Which meant I'd have to make that 
decision very quickly。 

Tm not ready for you to kill me yet; Jacob Black;〃 he whispered as he paced quickly away from the 
house。 〃You'll have to have a little patience。〃 

Like I cared about his schedule。 I growled under my breath。 〃Patience isn't my specialty。〃 

He kept walking; maybe a couple hundred yards down the drive away from the house; with me right on 
his heels。 I was all hot; my fingers trembling。 On the edge; ready and waiting。 

He stopped without warning and pivoted to face me。 His expression froze me again。 

For a second I was just a kid—a kid who had lived all of his life in the same tiny town。 Just a child。 
Because I knew I would have to live a lot more; suffer a lot more; to ever understand the searing agony 
in Edward's eyes。 

He raised a hand as if to wipe sweat from his forehead; but his fingers scraped against his face like they 

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were going to rip his granite skin right off。 His black eyes burned in their sockets; out of focus; or seeing 
things that weren't there。 His mouth opened like he was going to scream; but nothing came out。 

This was the face a man would have if he were burning at the stake。 

For a moment I couldn't speak。 It was too real; this face—I'd seen a shadow of it in the house; seen it in 
her eyes and his; but this made it final。 The last nail in her coffin。 

〃It's killing her; right? She's dying。〃 And I knew when I said it that my face was a watered…down echo of 
his。 Weaker; different; because I was still in shock。 I hadn't wrapped my head around it yet—it was 
happening too fast。 He'd had time to get to this point。 And it was different because I'd already lost her so 
many times; so many ways; in my head。 And different because she was never really mine to lose。 

And different because this wasn't my fault。 

〃My fault;〃 Edward whispered; and his knees gave out。 He crumpled in front of me; vulnerable; the 
easiest target you could imagine。 

But I felt cold as snow—there was no fire in me。 

〃Yes;〃 he groaned into the dirt; like he was confessing to the ground。 〃Yes; it's killing her。〃 

His broken helplessness irritated me。 I wanted a fight; not an execution。 Where was his smug superiority 

〃So why hasn't Carlisle done anything?〃 I growled。 〃He's a doctor; right? Get it out of her。〃 

He looked up then and answered me in a tired voice。 Like he was explaining this to a kindergartener for 
the tenth time。 〃She won't let us。〃 

It took a minute for the words to sink in。 Jeez; she was running true to form。 Of course; die for the 
monster spawn。 It was so Bella。 

〃You know her well;〃 he whispered。 〃How quickly you see。。。。 I didn't see。 Not in time。 She wouldn't talk 
to me on the way home; not really。 I thought she was frightened—that would be natural。 I thought she 
was angry with me for putting her through this; for endangering her life。 Again。 I never imagined what she 
was really thinking; what she was resolving。 Not until my family met us at the airport and she ran right 
into Rosalie's arms。 Rosalie's! And then I heard what Rosalie was thinking。 I didn't understand until I 
heard that。 Yet you understand after one second。 。 。 。〃 He half…sighed; half…groaned。 

〃Just back up a second。 She won't let you。〃 The sarcasm was acid on my tongue。 〃Did you ever notice 
that she's exactly as strong as a normal hundred…and…ten…pound human girl? How stupid are you vamps? 
Hold her down and knock her out with drugs。〃 

〃I wanted to;〃 he whispered。 〃Carlisle would have___〃 

What; too noble were they? 

〃No。 Not noble。 Her bodyguard complicated things。〃 

Oh。 His story hadn't made much sense before; but it fit together now。 So that's what Blondie was up to。 

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What was in it for her; though? Did the beauty queen want Bella to die so bad? 

〃Maybe;〃 he said。 〃Rosalie doesn't look at it quite that way。〃 

〃So take the blonde out first。 Your kind can be put back together; right? Turn her into a jigsaw and take 
care of Bella。〃 

〃Emmett and Esme are backing her up。 Emmett would never let us。。。 and Carlisle won't help me with 

against it___〃 He trailed off; his voice disappearing。 

〃You should have left Bella with me。〃 


It was a bit late for that; though。 Maybe he should have thought about all this before he knocked her up 
with the life…sucking monster。 

He stared up at me from inside his own personal hell; and I could see that he agreed with me。 

〃We didn't know;〃 he said; the words as quiet as a breath。 〃I never dreamed。 There's never been 
anything like Bella and I before。 How could we know that a human was able conceive a child with one of 

〃When the human should get ripped to shreds in the process?〃 

〃Yes;〃 he agreed in a tense whisper。 〃They're out there; the sadistic ones; the incubus; the succubus。 
They exist。 But the seduction is merely a prelude to the feast。 No one survives〃 He shook his head like 
the idea revolted him。 Like he was any different。 

〃I didn't realize they had a special name for what you are;〃 I spit。 

He stared up at me with a face that looked a thousand years old。 

〃Even you; Jacob Black; cannot hate me as much as I hate myself。'7 

Wrong;I thought; too enraged to speak。 

〃Killing me now doesn't save her;〃 he said quietly。 

〃So what does?〃 

〃Jacob; you have to do something for me。〃 

〃The hell I do; parasite!〃 

He kept staring at me with those half…tired; half…crazy eyes。 〃For her?〃 

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